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Attributes normalizer

Attributes normalizer

Attributes are Unified Data Layer representation of BigCommerce options. The normalizeAttribute function maps the variant's or cart item option into an SfAttribute.


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
optionProductVariantOptionValue or CartItemBase["options"][0]BigCommerce ProductVariant.


The SfAttribute is returned as a part of SfProduct, SfOrder and SfCart. If you want to extend the SfAttribute with custom fields, you should use the defineNormalizers utility.

import { normalizers as normalizersBC, defineNormalizers } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-bigcommerce";

const normalizers = defineNormalizers<typeof normalizersBC>()({
  normalizeAttribute: (option, ctx) => {
    const normalizedAttribute = normalizersBC.normalizeAttribute(option, ctx);
    if (normalizedAttribute) {
      return {
        someNewField: "someValue",

    return null;


Please note that the normalizeAttribute has a different type - ProductVariantOptionValue or CartItemBase["options"][0] depending on the context in which it is used. We use a type guard to determine the type of the option.

import { ProductVariantOptionValue } from "@vsf-enterprise/bigcommerce-api";
import { defineNormalizer } from "../defineNormalizer";
import { NormalizeAttributeInput } from "../types";

const isProductVariantOptionValue = (
  option: NormalizeAttributeInput,
): option is ProductVariantOptionValue => {
  return (option as ProductVariantOptionValue).option_display_name !== undefined;

export const normalizeAttribute = defineNormalizer.normalizeAttribute((option) => {
  if (isProductVariantOptionValue(option)) {
    return {
      name: option.option_display_name,
      valueLabel: option.label,
      label: option.option_display_name,

  if (!option.nameId || !option.valueId) {
    return null;

  return {
    name: option.nameId.toString(),
    value: option.valueId.toString(),
    valueLabel: option.value || option.valueId.toString(),
    label: || option.nameId.toString(),