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Cart normalizer

Cart normalizer

The normalizeCart function is used to map a SAP Cart into the unified SfCart data model.


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
cartCartSAP Cart
ctxNormalizerContextcontext needed for the normalizer. transformImageUrl is added to transform line items image urls


The SfCart structure is returned from all Unified Cart Methods such as GetCart, AddCartLineItem, and UpdateCartLineItem. If the SfCart structure doesn't contain the information you need for your Storefront, you can extend its logic using the defineNormalizers function. The following example demonstrates how to extend SfCart with an expirationTime field.

import { normalizers as normalizersSAP, defineNormalizers } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc";

const normalizers = defineNormalizers<typeof normalizersSAP>()({
  normalizeCart: (cart, context) => ({
    ...normalizersSAP.normalizeCart(cart, context),
    expirationTime: cart.expirationTime,

You can override the normalizeCart, but it's also available to override the smaller normalizers such as normalizeCartCoupon, normalizeShippingMethod, normalizeCartLineItem.


The normalizeCart function consists of several smaller normalizers such as normalizeCartCoupon, normalizeShippingMethod, and more.

import type { Address, Cart, Price } from "@vsf-enterprise/sapcc-types";
import { Maybe, SfAddress, SfCart, SfMoney } from "@vue-storefront/unified-data-model";
import { defineNormalizer } from "../defineNormalizer";
import { NormalizerContext } from "../types";

export const normalizeCart = defineNormalizer.normalizeCart((cart, ctx) => {
  const { normalizeCartCoupon, normalizeCartLineItem, normalizeShippingMethod, normalizeMoney } =
  const appliedCoupons = cart.appliedVouchers?.map((voucher) => normalizeCartCoupon(voucher)) ?? [];
  const billingAddress = getAddress(cart.paymentInfo?.billingAddress, ctx);
  const customerEmail = getCustomerEmail(cart);
  const lineItems = cart.entries?.map((entry) => normalizeCartLineItem(entry)) ?? [];
  const shippingAddress = getAddress(cart.deliveryAddress, ctx);
  const shippingMethod = cart.deliveryMode ? normalizeShippingMethod(cart.deliveryMode) : null;
  const subtotalDiscountedPrice = getSubtotalDiscountedPrice(cart, ctx);
  const totalShippingPrice = cart.deliveryCost ? normalizeMoney(cart.deliveryCost) : null;
  const id = (ctx.isAuthenthicated ? cart.code : cart.guid) as string;

  return {
    subtotalRegularPrice: getSubtotalRegularPrice(cart, ctx),
    totalCouponDiscounts: normalizeMoney(cart.orderDiscounts as Price),
    totalItems: cart.totalUnitCount as number,
    totalPrice: normalizeMoney(cart.totalPriceWithTax as Price),
    totalTax: normalizeMoney(cart.totalTax as Price),

function getAddress(address: Address | undefined, ctx: NormalizerContext): Maybe<SfAddress> {
  return address ? ctx.normalizers.normalizeAddress(address) : null;

function getCustomerEmail(cart: Cart): SfCart["customerEmail"] {
  // example uid: 42bc98b7-63ab-407b-9864-007acfa50888| or just email
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
  const uidParts = cart.user?.uid?.split("|") ?? [];
  return uidParts.find((element) => /^\S+@\S+\.\S+?$/.test(element)) ?? null;

 * Calculates cart subtotal price after item discounts are applied, before order discounts, shipping and tax.
function getSubtotalDiscountedPrice(cart: Cart, ctx: NormalizerContext): SfMoney {
  const productsPriceAfterDiscounts =
    cart.entries?.reduce((acc, entry) => {
      return acc + (entry.totalPrice?.value ?? 0);
    }, 0) ?? 0;
  return ctx.normalizers.normalizeMoney({
    currencyIso: cart.totalPrice?.currencyIso,
    value: productsPriceAfterDiscounts,

 * Calculates cart regular subtotal price before item discounts, order discounts, shipping and tax.
 * Note: `subTotal` field in SAPCC represents the price **AFTER** item and order discounts are applied.
function getSubtotalRegularPrice(cart: Cart, ctx: NormalizerContext): SfMoney {
  const productsPriceBeforeDiscounts =
    cart.entries?.reduce((acc, { quantity = 1, basePrice }) => {
      return acc + (basePrice?.value ?? 0) * quantity;
    }, 0) ?? 0;

  return ctx.normalizers.normalizeMoney({
    currencyIso: cart.totalPrice?.currencyIso,
    value: productsPriceBeforeDiscounts,