Apple Pay configuration

To use Apple Pay, add a new payment method in Adyen's dashboard and add applepay to the availablePaymentMethods array in nuxt.config.js:

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  modules: [
    ['@vsf-enterprise/adyen-magento2/nuxt', {
      availablePaymentMethods: [
      // ...

For Apple Pay via Adyen, there are two approaches:

  1. "Adyen's Apple Pay certificate" approach (supported) where developers can reuse certificates obtained by Adyen for Apple Pay.
  2. "Own Apple Pay certificate" approach (not supported yet) where developers have to gain a dedicated certificate from Apple to use it for Apple Pay.

Read Adyen's document about Apple Pay (opens new window) to check available configuration options, learn how to test this payment method and how to use Adyen's certificate in a live environment.

To pass additional configuration options for Apple Pay, use the methods.applepay property. E.g.:

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  modules: [
    ['@vsf-enterprise/adyen-magento2/nuxt', {
      availablePaymentMethods: [
      methods: {
        applepay: {
          buttonColor: 'white-with-line'
      // ...