# useStore

# Features

useStore composable can be used for:

  • Loading available stores with related channels.
  • Change and save selected store.


  • load - function for fetching stores data. When invoked, it requests data from the API and populates response property. This method accepts a single optional params object. The params has the following option:

    • customQuery?: CustomQuery

      type CustomQuery = {
        [key: string]: string
      interface AgnosticStore {
        name: string;
        id: string;
        description?: string;
        locales?: AgnosticLocale[];
        currencies?: AgnosticCurrency[]
        address?: AgnosticAddress;
        geoLocation?: AgnosticGeoLocation;
        [x: string]: unknown;
  • change - function for changing and saving selected store / channel. This method accepts a single params object. The params has the following options:

    • currentStore: AgnosticStore

    • store: AgnosticStore

    • customQuery?: CustomQuery

  • response - a main data object that contains loaded stores data.

    type StoreQueryResult = {
      offset: Scalars["Int"];
      count: Scalars["Int"];
      total: Scalars["Long"];
      results: Array<Store>;
    export type Store = {
      id: Scalars["String"];
      version: Scalars["Long"];
      key: Scalars["String"];
      name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
      nameAllLocales?: Maybe<Array<LocalizedString>>;
      languages?: Maybe<Array<Scalars["Locale"]>>;
      createdAt: Scalars["DateTime"];
      lastModifiedAt: Scalars["DateTime"];
      createdBy?: Maybe<Initiator>;
      lastModifiedBy?: Maybe<Initiator>;
      distributionChannels: Array<Channel>;
      supplyChannels: Array<Channel>;
  • store: string - a string containing information about current store key.

  • loading: boolean - a reactive object containing information about loading state of your load method.

  • error: UseStoreErrors - a reactive object containing the error message, if load or change failed for any reason.

    export interface UseStoreErrors {
      load: Error | null;
      change: Error | null;

# Getters

storeGetter object contains following methods:

  • getItems - returns list of stores as AgnosticStore array.

  • getSelected - returns selected store as AgnosticStore.

Related references:

export interface useStoreGetters {
  getItems(stores: StoresData, criteria?: CRITERIA): AgnosticStore[];
  getSelected(stores: StoresData): AgnosticStore | undefined

export interface StoresData extends StoreQueryResult {
  _selectedStore: string;

export type StoreQueryResult = {
  __typename?: "StoreQueryResult";
  offset: Scalars["Int"];
  count: Scalars["Int"];
  total: Scalars["Long"];
  results: Array<Store>;

export interface AgnosticStore {
  name: string;
  id: string;
  description?: string;
  locales?: AgnosticLocale[];
  currencies?: AgnosticCurrency[]
  address?: AgnosticAddress;
  geoLocation?: AgnosticGeoLocation;
  [x: string]: unknown;

export interface AgnosticLocale {
  code: string;
  label: string;
  [x: string]: unknown;

export interface AgnosticCurrency {
  code: string;
  label: string;
  prefixSign: boolean;
  sign: string;
  [x: string]: unknown;

export interface AgnosticAddress {
  addressLine1: string;
  addressLine2: string;
  [x: string]: unknown;

export interface AgnosticGeoLocation {
  type: string;
  coordinates?: unknown;
  [x: string]: unknown;

# Example

import { useStore, storeGetters } from '@vsf-enterprise/commercetools';
import { onSSR } from '@vue-storefront/core';

export default {
  setup () {
    const { load, response } = useStore();

    onSSR(async () => {
      await load();

    return {
      stores: storesGetters.getItems(response.value),
      selectedStore: storesGetters.getSelected(response.value)