Adyen commercetools SDK v1 -> v2
In update, we decided to:
- switch Adyen API from Node JS SDK to TypeScript SDK,
- switch from Session flow to Advanced flow,
- remove Session API flow,
- introduce support for Partial Payments including handling of ORDER_CANCEL event.
If you want to migrate, firstly make sure version of packages, extension, and notification module matches specified on the Compatibility page.
Then let's adjust codebase.
Middleware config
We removed adyenCheckoutApiBaseUrl
, adyenCheckoutApiVersion
, returnUrl
fields as they were redundant.
New required fields are adyenEnvironment
, integrationName
, origin
, and optionals are buildCustomAdyenClientParameters
, partialPaymentTTL
, customOrderType
adyen: {
location: '@vsf-enterprise/adyen-commercetools-api/server',
configuration: {
ctApi: {
apiHost: '<CT_HOST_URL>',
authHost: '<CT_AUTH_URL>',
projectKey: '<CT_PROJECT_KEY>',
clientId: '<CT_CLIENT_ID>',
clientSecret: '<CT_CLIENT_SECRET>',
- scopes: ['manage_payments:<ADYEN_PROJECT_IDENTIFIER>', 'manage_orders:<ADYEN_PROJECT_IDENTIFIER>']
+ scopes: ['manage_payments:<ADYEN_PROJECT_IDENTIFIER>', 'manage_orders:<ADYEN_PROJECT_IDENTIFIER>', 'view_types:<ADYEN_PROJECT_IDENTIFIER>']
adyenApiKey: '<ADYEN_API_KEY>',
adyenMerchantAccount: '<ADYEN_MERCHANT_ACCOUNT>',
- returnUrl: 'http://localhost/adyen-redirect-back',
- adyenCheckoutApiBaseUrl: '<ADYEN_CHECKOUT_API_BASE_URL>',
- adyenCheckoutApiVersion: 71,
+ adyenEnvironment: 'TEST',
+ integrationName: 'adyen', // Keyname containing this integration object
+ origin: 'https://my-alokai-frontend.local', // URL of frontend
If your Adyen instance is running in production and taking payments, then you also need to pass buildCustomAdyenClientParameters
. It's a function for overwriting object used to instantiate Client from @adyen/api-library. Mostly all you need to is pass what you get and append liveEndpointUrlPrefix
as such:
adyen: {
location: '@vsf-enterprise/adyen-commercetools-api/server',
configuration: {
// ...
buildCustomAdyenClientParameters(params) {
return {
liveEndpointUrlPrefix: "YOUR_LIVE_URL_PREFIX"
Coming back from redirect based payment method
When user comes back from redirect based payment method they land on our /redirectBack
endpoint. There we submits additional information related to performed payment and redirects where onRedirectBack
function told us to.
This is the body of default onRedirectBack
// storefront-middleware/integrations/adyen/config.ts
import type { TOnRedirectBack } from "@vsf-enterprise/adyen-commercetools-api";
const onRedirectBack: TOnRedirectBack = async ({ config }, { ct }, cart) => {
const order = await ct.orders.create(cart);
const url = new URL(
return url.toString();
export const config = {
location: "@vsf-enterprise/adyen-commercetools-api/server",
configuration: {
// ...
Feel free to adjust it and register own implementation using onRedirectBack
property in storefront-middleware/integrations/adyen/config.ts
Adyen Drop-in
We've changed a mountPaymentElement
SDK method to suit Advanced flow. The following code should be used to mount Adyen Drop-in (call createAdyenDropin
to mount):
function mapPaymentMethodsResponse(getPaymentMethodsResponse: GetPaymentMethodsResponse) {
return {
paymentMethods: getPaymentMethodsResponse.paymentMethods,
? {
storedPaymentMethods: getPaymentMethodsResponse.storedPaymentMethods,
: {}),
async function createAdyenDropin({ shopperLocale }) {
let getPaymentMethodsResponse = await sdk.adyen.getPaymentMethods({ shopperLocale });
let balanceCheckResponse: BalanceCheckResponse | null;
async function handleResult(
checkout: { update: Function },
result: MakePaymentResponse | SubmitDetailsResponse,
dropin: { unmount: Function; handleAction: Function },
) {
if (['Refused', 'Cancelled', 'Error'].includes(result.resultCode!)) {
// Handling negative result codes and unmounting the Adyen Drop-in
// To allow the user to try again by recreating session and component
// Show some meaningful error message
return await createAdyenDropin();
} else if ('action' in result && result.action) {
// @ts-ignore: next-line
return dropin.handleAction(result.action);
} else if (result.order && result.order?.remainingAmount?.value && result.order?.remainingAmount?.value > 0) {
getPaymentMethodsResponse = await sdk.adyen.getPaymentMethods({ shopperLocale });
paymentMethodsResponse: mapPaymentMethodsResponse(getPaymentMethodsResponse),
order: getPaymentMethodsResponse.order,
amount: result.order.remainingAmount,
return result;
} else {
// Here put a code to place an order and redirect to success page.
return result;
function createOnOrderCancel(checkout: { update: Function }) {
return async function onOrderCancel(order: CancelOrderParams) {
await sdk.adyen.cancelOrder(order);
getPaymentMethodsResponse = await sdk.adyen.getPaymentMethods({ shopperLocale });
paymentMethodsResponse: mapPaymentMethodsResponse(getPaymentMethodsResponse),
amount: {
value: getPaymentMethodsResponse.payment.amountPlanned.centAmount,
currency: getPaymentMethodsResponse.payment.amountPlanned.currencyCode,
order: undefined,
const { checkout } = await sdk.adyen.mountPaymentElement({
locale: 'en-US',
order: getPaymentMethodsResponse.order,
paymentDOMElement: '#adyen-payment-element',
adyenConfiguration: {
paymentMethodsConfiguration: {
card: {
enableStoreDetails: true
giftcard: {
async onBalanceCheck(resolve, reject, data) {
balanceCheckResponse = await sdk.adyen.balanceCheck({,
async onOrderRequest(resolve, reject, data) {
async onOrderCancel(order) {
const onOrderCancel = createOnOrderCancel(checkout);
await onOrderCancel(order);
async onSubmit(state, dropin) {
const result = await sdk.adyen.makePayment({
...(balanceCheckResponse?.resultCode === 'NotEnoughBalance'
? {
balance: balanceCheckResponse.balance,
: {}),
balanceCheckResponse = null;
await handleResult(checkout, result, dropin);
async onAdditionalDetails(state, dropin) {
const result = await sdk.adyen.submitDetails({
await handleResult(checkout, result, dropin);
dropinConfiguration: {
showRemovePaymentMethodButton: true,
async onOrderCancel(order) {
const onOrderCancel = createOnOrderCancel(checkout);
await onOrderCancel(order);
async onDisableStoredPaymentMethod(recurringDetailReference, resolve, reject) {
sdk.adyen.removeCard({ recurringDetailReference }).then(resolve).catch(reject);
// Call it client-side, e.g. in Nuxt it would be inside onMounted
const shopperLocale = 'en-US'; //
await createAdyenDropin({ shopperLocale });
Changes in the aforementioned boilerplate are mostly related to switch to advanced flow and support for Partial Payments.
AdyenRedirectBack page and route
The AdyenRedirectBack
page is no longer needed, so it can be removed.
BuildCustomPaymentAttributesParams type changed
export type BuildCustomPaymentAttributesParams = {
payload: CreateSessionRequestPayload;
payment: PaymentWithFields;
cart: Cart;
+ origin: string;
- shopperLocale?: string;
customerId?: string;
+ balance?: Balance;
interface Balance {
value: number;
currency: string;
If you are using the buildCustomPaymentAttributes
middleware config property, you will have to adjust it to match the new type.
The signature of the buildCustomPaymentAttributes
function changed and it's not used to extend creating session payload but one sent to the POST /payments
. It's similiar but might require some additional adjustments.
Extend commercetools cart/order type
In commercetools, a cart and an order share a single type because at some point cart is transformed to the order. The name of the shared type is order
. We are going to extend this shared type because...
Adyen creates a wrapper for payment partials. To make it accessible after refresh of website or outside of user's session, we had to store it somewhere. Our pick is an extended commercetools' order type.
Fortunately, you do not need to create every cart using this type, we will convert type of the cart when it's necessary (making partial payment).
In order to register extended order type:
- Open API Playground,
- Make sure you've selected your desired project in the select input placed inside the page's header,
- Set:
- Endpoint as
, - Command as
, - Payload as:
"key": "ctcart-adyen-integration",
"name": {
"en": "commercetools Adyen integration cart custom type to support partial payments"
"resourceTypeIds": ["order"],
"fieldDefinitions": [
"name": "adyenOrderData",
"label": {
"en": "adyenOrderData"
"type": {
"name": "String"
"inputHint": "SingleLine",
"required": false
"name": "adyenOrderPspReference",
"label": {
"en": "adyenOrderPspReference"
"type": {
"name": "String"
"inputHint": "SingleLine",
"required": false
"name": "adyenOrderRemainingAmountValue",
"label": {
"en": "adyenOrderRemainingAmountValue"
"type": {
"name": "Number"
"inputHint": "SingleLine",
"required": false
"name": "adyenOrderRemainingAmountCurrency",
"label": {
"en": "adyenOrderRemainingAmountCurrency"
"type": {
"name": "String"
"inputHint": "SingleLine",
"required": false
"name": "adyenOrderTotalAmountValue",
"label": {
"en": "adyenOrderTotalAmountValue"
"type": {
"name": "Number"
"inputHint": "SingleLine",
"required": false
"name": "adyenOrderTotalAmountCurrency",
"label": {
"en": "adyenOrderTotalAmountCurrency"
"type": {
"name": "String"
"inputHint": "SingleLine",
"required": false
- Click
Did you already extended commercetools' order type?
It is possible that your application is already extending order type and you cannot stop using it. In that case, we recommend adding fields from our type and add them to your custom type. Then in middleware config
add type's key
as a value of customOrderType
optional property.
adyen: {
location: '@vsf-enterprise/adyen-commercetools-api/server',
configuration: {
// ...
customOrderType: 'keyOfMyCustomType'
Setup webhook
Unfinished partial payments expire after some time. To elegantly handle it, we need to setup webhook to shoot in adyen integration's endpoint prepared for it.
Start from registering new webhook in Adyen's dashboard. URL should be equal:
Where adyen
is equal a value of integrationName
property from middleware config.
Method - JSON.
Encryption protocol - TLSv1.3.
Events - select only ORDER_CANCEL
Additional settings - select only Include a success boolean for the payments listed in an ORDER_CLOSED event
Save configuration.
Verifying HMAC signature
In order to prevent fraud requests to the endpoint, it is recommended to enable verifying HMAC signature. To do that, edit created webhook in Adyen's dashboard, Generate a new HMAC key, save configuration and copy generated key, as we will need it soon.
Then adjust a middleware config:
// ...
adyen: {
location: '@vsf-enterprise/adyen-commercetools-api/server',
configuration: {
// ...
enableHmacSignature: true,
// ...