Vue Storefront is now Alokai! Learn More
Supported Features

Supported Features

This page lists the Commercetools features supported by this integration.

Category & Product

FeatureIs supported
Fetching filtered and paginated products
Fetching single product by sku
Fetching categories
Filtering products & categories using facets
Getting product reviews
Creating product review
Deleting product review
Searching for a product (using facets)


FeatureIs supported
Creating cart
Fetching cart
Adding products to cart
Removing products from cart
Updating cart
Deleting a cart
Applying cart coupons
Removing cart coupons


FeatureIs supported
Creating wishlist
Fetching wishlist
Adding products
Removing products


FeatureIs supported
Registering user account
Logging in
Logging out
Check login status

User profile

FeatureIs supported
Fetch user data
Update user profile
Change password
Reset password


FeatureIs supported
Creating order from cart
Setting shipping address
Setting billing address
Setting shipping method


FeatureIs supported
Fetching list of stores