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Creating a Custom Integration

Creating a Custom Integration

If you're looking to create a custom integration for Alokai, you're in the right place. This guide will walk you through the process of creating a custom integration from scratch.

This section covers how to create an integration SDK module. If you're looking for a ready-to-use integration, please check out the Modules section.

To help you scaffold a project, you can use our CLI to generate the boilerplate for your integration SDK module. To do that, run the following command:

npx @vue-storefront/cli create integration

The CLI will ask you a few questions about your integration and generate the boilerplate for you.

Running the application

Let's run the application and see what we've got:

yarn dev

If you have any issues specific to this Boilerplate, please report them on the vuestorefront/integration-boilerplate

But first, let's take a look at the boilerplate structure.

Boilerplate structure

To make things easier, we use a Turborepo to manage the boilerplate. It allows us to manage dependencies and publish packages more efficiently. If you're unfamiliar with Turborepo, please check out the documentation.

  • packages/api-client - contains the API client for your integration. It's a set of functions that will be used to communicate with the backend API.
  • playground/app - contains an application with the SDK module and API client already integrated. It's a great place to see your integration in action. You choose the type of application you want to use as a playground during the boilerplate generation process.
  • playground/middleware - contains a middleware that will communicate with the api-client.

Creating a new Endpoint

Let's create a new endpoint in the API client.

yarn vsf add endpoint getProduct

Let's check out what's been generated for us:

API Client:

  • packages/api-client/src/api/getProduct/index.ts - contains the getProduct endpoint.
  • packages/api-client/src/api/index.ts - contains the getProduct endpoint export.
  • packages/api-client/src/types/api/endpoints.ts - contains the getProduct endpoint exported interface method.


  • playground/app/pages/index.vue - contains the getProduct endpoint usage example.

The app should rebuild after adding a new endpoint. If it doesn't, please rebuild the project and run the app again.

yarn build && yarn dev

Now you can check out http://localhost:3000/getProduct in the browser to see the getProduct endpoint in action.

In the following sections you will learn more about the API client and SDK module.