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You can configure the Sanity integration by adding the following properties to the sanity object in the middleware.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  integrations: {
    sanity: {
      location: '@vsf-enterprise/sanity-api/server',
      configuration: {
        projectId: 'SANITY_PROJECT_ID',
        dataset: 'SANITY_DATASET',
        apiVersion: 'SANITY_API_VERSION',
        token: 'SANITY_STUDIO_TOKEN',
        useCdn: true | false,

Configuration Options

You can configure the Contentful integration by adding the following properties to the sanity object in the middleware.config.js file:

  • projectId - Sanity project ID,
  • dataset - Sanity dataset,
  • apiVersion - (Optional) use current date (YYYY-MM-DD) to target the latest API version,
  • token - (Optional) Only if you want to update content with the Sanity Studio client,
  • useCdn - (Optional) set to true to fetch from edge cache.