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Implements GetCategories Unified Method.


import { defineApi } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc";
import { getCategorySlug } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc";
import type { CategoryHierarchy } from "@vsf-enterprise/sapcc-types";
import { type GetCategoriesArgs, getNormalizers } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc/udl";

declare module "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc" {
  interface GetCategoriesExtendedArgs {
     * Response configuration. List of fields returned in the response body.
    fields?: "BASIC" | "DEFAULT" | "FULL" | string | string[];

import type { CategoryHierarchyWithParentId } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc";

export const getCategories = defineApi.getCategories(async (context, args) => {
  const { data: allCategories } = await context.api.getCatalogVersion({
    catalogId: context.config.api.catalogId,
    catalogVersionId: context.config.api.catalogVersion,

  const { normalizeCategory } = getNormalizers(context);

  const filteredData = filterCategories(allCategories.categories || [], {
    ids: args?.ids ?? [],
    slugs: args?.slugs ?? [],

  return => normalizeCategory(category));

function filterCategories(
  categories: CategoryHierarchy[],
  args: Required<Pick<GetCategoriesArgs, "ids" | "slugs">>,
): CategoryHierarchyWithParentId[] {
  const { ids = [], slugs = [] } = args;

  let filteredData = flatCategoryHierarchy(categories);

  if (ids.length > 0 || slugs.length > 0) {
    const idsSet = ids ? new Set(ids) : null;
    const slugsSet = slugs ? new Set(slugs) : null;

    filteredData = filteredData.filter((category) => {
      const idMatches = !idsSet || idsSet.has( as string);
      const slugMatches = !slugsSet || slugsSet.has(getCategorySlug(category));

      return idMatches || slugMatches;

  return filteredData;

function flatCategoryHierarchy(
  categories: CategoryHierarchy[],
  parentCategoryId?: string | undefined,
): CategoryHierarchyWithParentId[] {
  return categories.flatMap((category) => [
    { ...category, parentCategoryId },
    ...(category.subcategories ? flatCategoryHierarchy(category.subcategories, : []),