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Major Changes

Update the middleware to 5.1.0


Patch Changes

  • FIXED: Added the missing utils: slugify, maybe, graphqlTypeGuardFactory


Patch Changes

  • FIXED Re-export unified-data-model methods after accidental removal.


Minor Changes

  • ADDED: Refactored NormalizerContext to be an interface. Now you can use declaration merging to extend the NormalizerContext typings when you're using assignToNormalizerContext function.
import {
} from "@vue-storefront/unified-api-<integration>";

declare module "@vue-storefront/unified-api-<integration>" {
  interface NormalizerContext {
    sku?: string;

async function getProduct(context, args) {
  const product = await context.api.getProduct({ id: });
  const { normalizeProduct } = getNormalizers(context);

  assignToNormalizerContext(context, {
    sku: product.sku,
  return normalizeProduct(product);
  • ADDED Exported helpers used in SearchProducts, LogoutCustomer, GetCategories and GetCategory API Endpoints.

Patch Changes

  • ADDED re-export SfContract from unified-data-model


Patch Changes

FIXED: Searching by brands. Added extra configuration value in Unified Extension that allow you to customize the brand filter facet name.

const extension = createUnifiedExtension({
  normalizers: {
    addCustomFields: [{}],
  config: {
    // ...
    facetNamesMap: {
      brand: "Brand",


Patch Changes

  • FIXED order normalizer will no longer throw error if there are no products in the order


Major Changes

  • BREAKING Updated peerDependencies:
  • @vue-storefront/middleware version to ^4.0.0.
  • @vsf-enterprise/bigcommerce-api version to ^6.0.0.

Make sure this versions are used in your project.

  "dependencies": {
-   "@vsf-enterprise/bigcommerce-api": "5.x.x",
+   "@vsf-enterprise/bigcommerce-api": "6.0.0"
-   "@vue-storefront/middleware": "3.x.x",
+   "@vue-storefront/middleware": "4.2.0"


Minor Changes

  • ADDED findCartItemById method which allows to find for given Cart and itemId the corresponding cart item.

Patch Changes

  • FIXED updateCartLineItem and removeCartLineItem for digital products


Patch Changes

  • CHANGED Updated peerDependencies: @vsf-enterprise/bigcommerce-api to ^5.0.0.


Major Changes

The version v1.0.0 of @vsf-enterprise/unified-api-[commerce] packages brings the following changes:

  • ✨ Simplified the extension initialization
  • 🛠️ A new addCustomFields API which simplifies adding custom fields to the normalizers
  • ⚠️ Deprecation of the unifiedSdk
  • 🔄 Redefined a way to add custom methods
  • 🔍 New utilities such as defineNormalizer which allow you to override the normalizer with the inferred typed of the raw data


If you are interested in migrating to the new version, check the Migration guide page.

Simplified the extension initialization

There is no need to pass the generics to the createUnifiedExtension, nor to pass the default normalizers and methods. Now all of them are built into the extension.

In examples, we are using sapcc package. Remember to replace it with the name of the commerce you are using.

- import {
-   Config,
-   Context,
-   createUnifiedExtension,
-   methods,
-   normalizers,
- } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc";
+ import { createUnifiedExtension } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc";

- export const unifiedApiExtension = createUnifiedExtension<Context, Config>()({
-   normalizers,
-   apiMethods: {
-    ...apiMethods,
-   },
+ export const unifiedApiExtension = createUnifiedExtension({
+ normalizers: {
+   addCustomFields: [{}],
+ },
  config: {

addCustomFields API

The addCustomFields API allows you to add custom fields to the normalizers. The defineNormalizers utility have been removed and replaced with this API.


import { normalizers as normalizersSAP, defineNormalizers } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc";

const normalizersSAP = defineNormalizers<typeof normalizersSAP>()({
  normalizeProductCatalogItem: (rawProduct) => ({
    ...normalizersSAP.normalizeProductCatalogItem(product, context),
    description: rawProduct.description,

export const unifiedApiExtension = createUnifiedExtension<Context, Config>()({
  apiMethods: {
  config: {


export const unifiedApiExtension = createUnifiedExtension({
  normalizers: {
    addCustomFields: [
        normalizeProductCatalogItem: (context, rawProduct) => ({
          description: rawProduct.description,
  config: {

addCustomFields is an array, so you can easily split the custom fields into separate files or import the custom fields from other packages.

import { customFields } from "@example/module";
import { productCustomFields, cartCustomFields } from "./customFields";

export const unifiedApiExtension = createUnifiedExtension({
  normalizers: {
    addCustomFields: [
  config: {

If you want to override the default normalizers, you can use the override key:

import { normalizers } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc";

export const unifiedApiExtension = createUnifiedExtension({
  normalizers: {
    override: {
      normalizeProductCatalogItem: (context, rawProduct) => ({
        // to call the default normalizer
        ...normalizers.normalizeProductCatalogItem(context, rawProduct),
        name: `${} - ${rawProduct.sku}`,
  config: {

Deprecation of the unifiedSdk

The @vsf-enterprise/unified-sdk package has been deprecated. Now the same functionality can be achieved by using the @vue-storefront/sdk.

- import { unifiedModule } from '@vsf-enterprise/unified-sdk';
import { CreateSdkOptions, createSdk } from '@vue-storefront/next';
- import { UnifiedApiExtension } from 'storefront-middleware/middleware.config';
+ import { UnifiedEndpoints } from 'storefront-middleware/middleware.config';

-export const { getSdk } = createSdk(options, ({ buildModule, middlewareUrl, getRequestHeaders }) => ({
+export const { getSdk } = createSdk(options, ({ buildModule, middlewareUrl, getRequestHeaders, middlewareModule }) => ({
- unified: buildModule(unifiedModule<UnifiedApiExtension>, {
+ unified: buildModule(middlewareModule<UnifiedEndpoints>, {
    apiUrl: `${middlewareUrl}/commerce`,
-   requestOptions: {
-     headers: () => getRequestHeaders() as Record<string, string>,
+   defaultRequestConfig: {
+     headers: getRequestHeaders(),

The middlewareModule can be used with any other extension, not only the Unified. It requires an endpoints type to be passed as a generic. An endpoint is just a record containing names of the methods and its contract:

export type MyEndpoints = {
  getProduct: (params: { id: string }) => Promise<Product>;

Redefined a way to add custom methods

Thanks to the middlewareModule you can now add custom methods to the SDK, by just implementing a new extension to the middleware.

import type { ContextualizedEndpoints, SAPIntegrationContext } from "@vsf-enterprise/sapcc-api"

export const customMethodsExtension = {
  name: "customMethods",
  extendApiMethods: {
    getProduct: async (context, params: { id: string }) => {
      // your implementation
} satisfies ApiClientExtension<ContextualizedEndpoints, SAPIntegrationContext>;

// the Endpoints type can be written manually, or inferred from the extension
export type CustomMethodsEndpoints = WithoutContext<CustomMethodsExtension["extendApiMethods"]>;

export const config = {
  location: "@vsf-enterprise/sapcc-api/server",
  configuration: {
  extensions: (extensions: ApiClientExtension[]) => [
    // register your extension in extensions array
} satisfies Integration<MiddlewareConfig>;

Then you can use it on the Storefront side, in the sdk.config.ts file add the new module:

  unified: buildModule(middlewareModule<UnifiedEndpoints>, {
    apiUrl: `${middlewareUrl}/commerce`,
    defaultRequestConfig: {
      headers: getRequestHeaders(),
+ customExtension: buildModule(middlewareModule<CustomMethodsEndpoints>, {
+   apiUrl: `${middlewareUrl}/commerce`,
+   defaultRequestConfig: {
+     headers: getRequestHeaders(),
+   },
+ }),
  cms: buildModule(contentfulModule, {
    apiUrl: `${middlewareUrl}/cntf`,

You can now call the new method in the application:

sdk.customMethods.getProduct({ id: "123" });

This change is important in terms of the createUnifiedExtension API. Our goal is to make a clear separation between the Unified Methods, which are shared across all supported eCommerce backends, and your custom methods. This approach should help you in the future if you will decide to migrate to another eCommerce.

Now you you should implement every non-Unified Method in a separate extension.

export const unifiedApiExtension = createUnifiedExtension<Context, Config>()({
  apiMethods: {
-   customMethod: async (context, params) => {...}
export const customMethodsExtension = {
  name: "customMethods",
  extendApiMethods: {
    getProduct: async (context, params: { id: string }) => {
      // your implementation
+   customMethod: async (context, params) => {...}
} satisfies ApiClientExtension<ContextualizedEndpoints, SAPIntegrationContext>;

If you want to override the Unified Method, you can use the override key:

export const unifiedApiExtension = createUnifiedExtension({
  apiMethods: {
    override: {
      getProduct: async (context, params) => {
        // your implementation

Please remember that in this case, the parameters and return type of the method should be the same as in the Unified Method.

New utilities


You can split the override normalizer entries into separate variables. To get proper typings, you can use the defineNormalizer utility.

import { normalizers, defineNormalizer } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc";

const normalizeProductCatalogItem = defineNormalizer.normalizeProductCatalogItem((context, rawProduct) => ({
  // to call the default normalizer
  ...normalizers.normalizeProductCatalogItem(context, rawProduct),
  name: `${} - ${rawProduct.sku}`,

export const unifiedApiExtension = createUnifiedExtension({
  normalizers: {
    override: {
  config: {


Similarly, you can use the defineAddCustomFields utility to split the custom fields into separate variables.

import { defineAddCustomFields } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc";

const productCustomFields = defineAddCustomFields({
  normalizeProductCatalogItem: (context, rawProduct) => ({
    description: rawProduct.description,

export const unifiedApiExtension = createUnifiedExtension({
  normalizers: {
   addCustomFields: [productCustomFields],
  config: {

Patch Changes

  • ADDED beforeCall hook to Unified Extension, which set the defaultCurrency for vsf-locale, when vsf-locale is empty.
  • ADDED export getNormalizers from package


Patch Changes

  • ADDED export getNormalizers from package


Major Changes

First draft of v1.0.0

Patch Changes

  • ADDED beforeCall hook to Unified Extension, which set the defaultCurrency for vsf-locale, when vsf-locale is empty.


Patch Changes

  • CHANGED Updated @vsf-enterprise/bigcommerce-api peerDependency to ^3.0.0


Patch Changes

  • CHANGED loginCustomer returns 403, when customer is already logged in.


Patch Changes

  • FIXED Getting a variantId in addCartLineItem


Patch Changes

  • FIXED titleCode is not required anymore to createCustomerAddress.


Patch Changes

  • ADDED beforeCall hook to Unified Extension, which set the defaultCurrency for vsf-locale, when vsf-locale is empty.


Minor Changes

  • ADDED defineNormalizer utility which helps in overriding the normalizers. It should be used only when you want to override the default normalizers. If you want to add custom fields, you should still declare the normalizer within the defineNormalizers.
import {
  normalizers as normalizersBC,
} from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-bigcommerce";

const customNormalizeProduct = defineNormalizer.normalizeProduct((rawProduct, ctx) => {
  // your implementation goes here, no custom fields

const normalizers = defineNormalizers<typeof normalizersBC>()({
  normalizeProduct: customNormalizeProduct,
  normalizeCart: (cart, context) => ({
    ...normalizersBC.normalizeCart(cart, context),
    // still use inline normalizer to add custom fields
    parentId: cart.parent_id,
  • FIXED Normalizers such as normalizeMoney can be now overridden globally. This is useful when you want to change the way the money is represented accross the whole Unified extension.
  • ADDED normalizers to NormalizerContext. You can now access the other normalizers from the context. This is useful when you want to reuse the existing normalizers in your custom normalizer.
const customNormalizeProduct = defineNormalizer.normalizeProduct((rawProduct, ctx) => {
  // ctx.normalizers.normalizeMoney is now available


Minor Changes

  • ADDED accept passing categories' slug as id in getCategory method and searchProducts. If passed field will be an uuid, it will be considered as id, otherwise as slug.


Patch Changes

  • 2af9fd4: FIXED Issue when image of selected product variant was not displayed.


Patch Changes

  • 4c21ada: FIXED Fix an issue where the Bigcommerce cart normalizer returned only physical items. Now physical and digital items are returned.


Minor Changes

  • 724a3a2: Exported NormalizerContext type


Minor Changes

  • 64b7b17: Added error handling on registerCustomer endpoint. Now if e-commerce response will be negative, unified endpoint return HTTP 400 with message Could not register customer


Minor Changes

  • 82a761c: - Unified Data Model model and methods integration.
    • UDM extension import:
      • import { createUnifiedExtension } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-bigcommerce"
    • UDM model types import:
      • import { SfCategory, GetCategory } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-bigcommerce"


Minor Changes

  • 98c8e77: Add new field categoryParentId to the SfCategory model.


Patch Changes

  • a856688: Updated unnormalizeAddres function to match new type reqiurements


Patch Changes

  • 459d20a: Update dependencies


Minor Changes

  • 8401301: Integrated normalization methods from the @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-bigcommerce library. Update imports for normalizer methods as follows:
    • import { normalizers } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-bigcommerce"


Minor Changes

  • a912cf6: - Update searchProducts() API method:
    • remove categoryHierarchy, currentCategory & subCategories fields
    • Remove productCount field from SfCategory

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies a912cf6
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-bigcommerce@0.7.0


Minor Changes

  • d514fe7: Implement a new GetCategory method which allows to get the category and its ancestors by category id.


Minor Changes

  • d3b0594: Update the sorting options in SearchProducts according to the changes in the unified data model. The latest option is no longer supported directly. Still, you can use it by passing the value from GraphQL.SearchProductsSortInput enum. The "relevant" is the new default option.


Patch Changes

  • 1f52ffa: Update dependencies
  • 9431521: Fixed price currency in getProducts() method


Patch Changes

  • d7363a9: Add getNormalizedCart function for fetching product with quantityLimit.


Minor Changes

  • 6a3e0e8: Customize SfFacet type with getFacetType config method. Filter out facets data from searchProducts API method with filterFacets config method.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies 6a3e0e8
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-bigcommerce@0.6.0


Patch Changes

  • 41445ff1: Removed MESSAGE_LOGIN_NOT_FOUND and used MESSAGE_LOGIN_ERROR in the loginCustomer method.


Minor Changes

  • bfa5d496: Multi currency support


Patch Changes

  • f5d72f14: Update unified-data-model version


Minor Changes

  • 1df82d2c: Enhanced getCurrencies method to return current currency value
  • f5a32640: Unified error response for changeCustomerPassword. Now when currentPassword is invalid, a 403 error response will be returned.

Patch Changes

  • 1eaf5372: Fixed attribute id normalization in normalizeAttributes. Previously it took attribute id (option_id in BigCommerce), not the id of the value.
    Fixed fetching variants in getProductDetails. Previously an empty array was returned.
    Fixed SfCart normalization - empty email now will be set to null, and line items will include a discounted price.
  • Updated dependencies 1df82d2c
    • @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.10.0


Patch Changes

  • Fix problem with logout action


Minor Changes

  • Implement ApplyCouponToCart and RemoveCouponFromCart methods

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-bigcommerce@0.5.0


Minor Changes

  • Export all commons functions, utilities and types


Minor Changes

  • Added endpoints: GetOrders & GetOrderDetails. Added normalizers for Order, OrderLineItem & OrderListItem

Patch Changes

  • Publish src directory
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-bigcommerce@0.3.0
    • @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.6.0


Minor Changes

  • Introduce the possibility of overwrite the normalizers in unified extension. Also provide functions for creating unified extension & define normalizers in Middleware configuration.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.5.0


Minor Changes

  • Added implementation for customer address methods of @vue-storefront/unified-data-model:
    • CreateCustomerAddress
    • UpdateCustomerAddress
    • GetCustomerAddresses
    • DeleteCustomerAddress

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.4.0


Minor Changes

  • Created 4 API methods for getting currently logged in customer profile, login, logout & register on the store. Also, created normalizer for SfCustomer for BigCommerce.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-bigcommerce@0.2.0
    • @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.2.0


Patch Changes

  • Fixed getCategories method and added temporary implementation for getProducts method which allows to fetch the products on Category Page
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-bigcommerce@0.1.2


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.1.0
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-bigcommerce@0.1.1


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vsf-enterprise/unified-data-model@0.5.0
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-bigcommerce@0.1.0


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vsf-enterprise/unified-actions@0.5.0
    • @vsf-enterprise/unified-data-model@0.4.0
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-bigcommerce@0.0.4


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vsf-enterprise/unified-actions@0.4.0
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-bigcommerce@0.0.3


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vsf-enterprise/unified-actions@0.3.0
    • @vsf-enterprise/unified-data-model@0.3.0
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-bigcommerce@0.0.2
    • @shared/utils@0.0.2