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Cart normalizer

Cart normalizer

The normalizeCart function is used to map a BigCommerce Cart into the unified SfCart data model.


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
contextNormalizerContextContext which contains e.g. currency
cartCartBigCommerce Cart


The SfCart structure is returned from all Unified Cart Methods such as GetCart, AddCartLineItem, and UpdateCartLineItem. If the SfCart structure doesn't contain the information you need for your Storefront, you can extend its logic using the addCustomFields API. The following example demonstrates how to extend SfCart with a parentId field.

export const unifiedApiExtension = createUnifiedExtension({
  normalizers: {
    addCustomFields: [
        normalizeCart: (context, cart) => ({
          parentId: cart.parent_id,
  config: {

You can override the normalizeCart, but it's also available to override the smaller normalizers such as normalizeCartCoupon, normalizeShippingMethod, normalizeCartLineItem.


The normalizeCart function consists of several smaller normalizers such as normalizeCartCoupon, normalizeShippingMethod, and more.

import type { NormalizerContext } from "@/normalizers/types";
import { maybe } from "@shared/utils";
import type { Cart, LineItems } from "@vsf-enterprise/bigcommerce-api";
import type { SfCart, SfCartLineItem } from "@vue-storefront/unified-data-model";
import { defineNormalizer } from "../defineNormalizer";

type CartTotals = Pick<
  | "subtotalDiscountedPrice"
  | "subtotalRegularPrice"
  | "totalCouponDiscounts"
  | "totalPrice"
  | "totalShippingPrice"
  | "totalTax"

export const normalizeCart = defineNormalizer.normalizeCart((context, cart) => {
  const ctx = { ...context, currency: cart.currency?.code as string };

  const lineItems = normalizeCartLineItems(cart.line_items, ctx);

  return {
    appliedCoupons: => ctx.normalizers.normalizeCartCoupon(coupon)) ?? [],
    billingAddress: null,
    customerEmail: maybe( || null),
    id: as string,
    shippingAddress: null,
    shippingMethod: null,
    totalItems: lineItems.length,
    ...normalizeCartTotals(cart, lineItems, ctx),

function normalizeCartTotals(
  cart: Cart,
  lineItems: SfCartLineItem[],
  ctx: NormalizerContext,
): CartTotals {
  const lineItemsAmount = lineItems.reduce(
    (acc, item) => acc + (item.unitPrice?.regularPrice.amount || 0) * item.quantity,
  const subtotalRegularPrice = ctx.normalizers.normalizeMoney(+lineItemsAmount.toFixed(2));

  return {
    subtotalDiscountedPrice: getSubtotalDiscountedPrice(cart, ctx),
    subtotalRegularPrice: subtotalRegularPrice,
    totalCouponDiscounts: ctx.normalizers.normalizeMoney(, curr) => acc + (curr.discounted_amount ?? 0), 0) ?? 0,
    totalPrice: ctx.normalizers.normalizeMoney(cart.cart_amount ?? 0),
    totalShippingPrice: null, // @TODO shipping price is not available
    totalTax: ctx.normalizers.normalizeMoney(0), // @TODO tax is not available

function getSubtotalDiscountedPrice(cart: Cart, ctx: NormalizerContext) {
  const { base_amount = 0, line_items } = cart;
  const lineItems = [...(line_items?.physical_items ?? []), ...(line_items?.digital_items ?? [])];
  const discounts = lineItems.reduce(
    (acc, curr) => acc + (curr.extended_list_price ?? 0) - (curr.extended_sale_price ?? 0),
  return ctx.normalizers.normalizeMoney(base_amount - discounts);

function normalizeCartLineItems(
  lineItems: LineItems | null | undefined,
  ctx: NormalizerContext,
): SfCartLineItem[] {
  if (!lineItems) {
    return [];

  return [ => ctx.normalizers.normalizeCartLineItem(item)), => ctx.normalizers.normalizeCartLineItem(item)),