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Facet normalizer

Facet normalizer

Concept of facets exists in both Unified Data Layer world and Commercetools. The normalizeFacet function maps Commercetools FacetResultValue into Unified SfFacet.


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
contextNormalizeFacetContextContext which contains getFacetType
facetResultValueFacetResultValueCommercetools Facet


The SfFacet is returned from SearchProducts Method. If the SfFacet structure doesn't contain the information you need for your Storefront, you can extend its logic using the addCustomFields API.


import type { FacetResultValue } from "@vsf-enterprise/commercetools-types";
import type { GetFacetTypeFn } from "@vue-storefront/unified-data-model";
import { SfFacetTypes } from "@vue-storefront/unified-data-model";
import { defineNormalizer } from "../defineNormalizer";

const defaultGetFacetType: GetFacetTypeFn<FacetResultValue> = () => SfFacetTypes.MULTI_SELECT;

export const normalizeFacet = defineNormalizer.normalizeFacet((context, facetResultValue) => {
  const { facet, value } = facetResultValue;
  const { getFacetType = defaultGetFacetType } = context;

  const sfFacetItems =
    value.terms?.map((term) => ({
      label: term.term,
      value: term.term,
      productCount: term.productCount,
    })) || [];

  if (sfFacetItems.length === 0) {
    return null;

  return {
    label: facet,
    name: facet,
    values: sfFacetItems,
    type: getFacetType(facetResultValue),