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Customer normalizer

Customer normalizer

The normalizeCustomer function is used to map a SFCC Customer into the unified SfCustomer data model.


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
contextNormalizerContextContext needed for the normalizer.
userCustomerSFCC Customer


The SfCustomer model is returned from Unified Methods such as RegisterCustomer, LoginCustomer and GetCustomer. If the SfCustomer structure doesn't contain the information you need for your Storefront, you can extend its logic using the addCustomFields API. The following example demonstrates how to extend SfCustomer with a job_title field.

export const unifiedApiExtension = createUnifiedExtension({
  normalizers: {
    addCustomFields: [
        normalizeCustomer: (context, user) => ({
          job_title: user.jobTitle,
  config: {


SFCC Customer have some fields optional on the interface, but in the reality a valid Customer should contain a customerId, email, firstName, and lastName, so if any of these information is missing, normalizer returns an error.

import { defineNormalizer } from "../defineNormalizer";

export const normalizeCustomer = defineNormalizer.normalizeCustomer((_context, customer) => {
  if (!customer.customerId || !customer.firstName || !customer.lastName || ! {
    throw new Error("Customer must have an id, firstName, lastName and email");

  return {
    id: customer.customerId,
    firstName: customer.firstName,
    lastName: customer.lastName,