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Patch Changes

  • FIXED Product Gallery returns large images.


Minor Changes

  • ADDED defineNormalizer utility which helps in overriding the normalizers. It should be used only when you want to override the default normalizers. If you want to add custom fields, you should still declare the normalizer within the defineNormalizers.
import {
  normalizers as normalizersSAP,
} from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc";

const customNormalizeProduct = defineNormalizer.normalizeProduct(
  (rawProduct, ctx) => {
    // your implementation goes here, no custom fields

const normalizers = defineNormalizers<typeof normalizersSAP>()({
  normalizeProduct: customNormalizeProduct,
  normalizeCart: (cart, context) => ({
    ...normalizersSAP.normalizeCart(cart, context),
    // still use inline normalizer to add custom fields
    version: cart.version,
  • ADDED normalizers to NormalizerContext. You can now access the other normalizers from the context. This is useful when you want to reuse the existing normalizers in your custom normalizer.
const customNormalizeProduct = defineNormalizer.normalizeProduct(
  (rawProduct, ctx) => {
    // ctx.normalizers.normalizeMoney is now available
  • REMOVED normalizeAttributes from normalizersSAP. Now a normalizeAttribute should be used instead. The normalizeAttribute accepts as an input VariantOptionQualifier.

Patch Changes

  • FIXED Normalizers such as normalizeMoney can be now overridden globally. This is useful when you want to change the way the money is represented accross the whole Unified extension.


Patch Changes

  • FIXED clear customer token on login error


Patch Changes

  • FIXED Allow empty string as a valid last name in normalizeCustomer
  • CHANGED B2B method getCustomer is checking if user is authenticated before sending request to api and B2B loginCustomer is returning 403 if user is already logged in


Patch Changes

  • CHANGED isAuthenticated and assertAuthorized, added check of the AUTH_USER_ID_COOKIE_NAME cookie value


Minor Changes

  • ADDED @vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc/b2b subpath export with Unified Methods implementation for SAP Commerce Cloud B2B
import { apiMethods as b2bApiMethods } from '@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc/b2b';

export const unifiedApiExtension = createUnifiedExtension<Context>()({
  apiMethods: {
    ...methods<typeof normalizers>(),
    ...b2bApiMethods<typeof normalizers>();

As some of the SAP Commerce Cloud API endpoints are the same for B2C and B2B, the b2bApiMethods will override only the implementation for:

  • getCustomer
  • loginCustomer
  • updateCustomer
  • addCartLineItem
  • updateCartLineItem

As the B2B methods implement the same contract of the Unified Methods as B2C methods, there is no need to change the Storefront code.


Minor Changes

  • 724a3a2: Exported NormalizerContext type

Patch Changes

  • ce51cd4: Fixed issue with infinite loop of getting new cart. Now active cart is found by lack of saveTime and savedBy attribute.


Patch Changes

  • adc5bf9: Updated @vsf-enterprise/sapcc-api peerDependency to 4.2.1 as minimal version


Minor Changes

  • 2ac49bc: For @vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc/algolia:
    • Fixed the Algolia record schema, by making images and prices optional
    • Added a request context as a second argument of getFacetLabel and indexName


Minor Changes

  • 82a761c: - Unified Data Model model and methods integration.
    • UDM extension import:
      • import { createUnifiedExtension } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc"
    • UDM model types import:
      • import { SfCategory, GetCategory } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc"


Patch Changes

  • 645259e: Changed the return value from paymentMethod in the order normalizer. Return "ACCOUNT" if costCenter is true, otherwise returns "CARD".
  • Updated dependencies 645259e
    • @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.17.0


Minor Changes

  • 713734b: Added support for Algolia. A separate sub-package available as @vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc/algolia. Using this API methods you can easily replace the searchProduct endpoint to the one based on the Algolia API. For further information check the Algolia Integration chapter in the docs.


Minor Changes

  • 98c8e77: Add new field categoryParentId to the SfCategory model.


Patch Changes

  • a856688: Updated unnormalizeAddres function to match new type reqiurements


Patch Changes

  • 459d20a: Update dependencies


Minor Changes

  • 8401301: Integrated normalization methods from the @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-sapcc library. Update imports for normalizer methods as follows:
    • import { normalizers } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-sapcc"


Minor Changes

  • a912cf6: - Update searchProducts() API method:
    • remove categoryHierarchy, currentCategory & subCategories fields
    • Remove productCount field from SfCategory

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies a912cf6
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-sapcc@0.9.0


Minor Changes

  • d514fe7: Implement a new GetCategory method which allows to get the category and its ancestors by category id.


Minor Changes

  • d3b0594: The searchProducts endpoint is updated to match the updated behavior of the unified-data-model. Removed the "latest" from the translated sort options, but it's still available using the value required by SAPCC API (topRated). All non-standard sorting options are passing by directly to the API request now.


Patch Changes

  • 1f52ffa: Update dependencies


Patch Changes

  • 0e4f4cc: - Fixed arguments encoding in getProductDetails.


Minor Changes

  • bc2cdc7: Support cartId argument in cart methods.


Patch Changes

  • 81dd649: Fixes:
    • SfCart#id normalization for authenthicated user. Previously a correct value was stored in the cookie, but the normalized object used incorrectly guid as a cart id. Now it uses code for authenthicated user and guid for guest user.
    • Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'flatMap') error thrown from getProductDetails method, when the product has undefined baseOptions.

    Added a new isAuthenticated boolean flag to the normalizerContext.


Patch Changes

  • a2c442b: Fixed calculation of cartId in addCartLineItem, and updateCartLineItem methods for logged in customer


Minor Changes

  • 6a3e0e8: Customize SfFacet type with getFacetType config method. Filter out facets data from searchProducts API method with filterFacets config method.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies 6a3e0e8
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-sapcc@0.8.0


Patch Changes

  • f5d72f14: Update unified-data-model version


Minor Changes

  • 1df82d2c: Enhanced getCurrencies method to return current currency value
  • f5a32640: Unified error response for changeCustomerPassword. Now when currentPassword is invalid, a 403 error response will be returned.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies 1df82d2c
    • @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.10.0


Minor Changes

  • Add more flexibility to customizing the image urls. Previous mediaHost config option has been replaced with a transformImageUrl option.


Patch Changes

  • Fix for handling lowercase coupon codes


Patch Changes

  • Fixed searchproduct method in unified-api-sapcc
  • Fix the issue with being not authenticated after account registration


Patch Changes

  • Update setCartAddress in unified-api-sapcc & unified-api-commercetools


Minor Changes

  • Export all commons functions, utilities and types
  • PlaceOrder implementation in unified-api-commercetools & unified-api-sapcc


Minor Changes

  • Added GetOrders & GetOrderDetails endpoints and normalizers for Order, OrderLineItem & OrderListItem

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.7.0
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-sapcc@0.4.0


Patch Changes

  • Publish src directory
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.6.0


Minor Changes

  • Introduce the possibility of overwrite the normalizers in unified extension. Also provide functions for creating unified extension & define normalizers in Middleware configuration.

Patch Changes

  • Fix unified-api-sap user session cart cookie
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.5.0


Minor Changes

  • Added implementation for customer address methods of @vue-storefront/unified-data-model:
    • CreateCustomerAddress
    • UpdateCustomerAddress
    • GetCustomerAddresses
    • DeleteCustomerAddress

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-sapcc@0.3.0
    • @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.4.0


Minor Changes

  • Implemented updateCustomer method for unified-api-sapcc

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.3.0


Minor Changes

  • Created normalizer for SfCustomer & 4 API methods for handling customer related actions
  • Split GetProducts method into two methods:
    • GetProducts which allows to get specific products by ids or skus
    • and SearchProducts which allows to search for products by facets, category, and search phrase with an option to paginate and sort results

Patch Changes

  • Fixed sortBy filter & pagination index
  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-sapcc@0.2.0
    • @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.2.0


Minor Changes

  • Stable version implementing @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.1.0


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vue-storefront/unified-data-model@0.1.0
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-sapcc@0.1.1


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vsf-enterprise/unified-data-model@0.5.0
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-sapcc@0.1.0


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vsf-enterprise/unified-actions@0.5.0
    • @vsf-enterprise/unified-data-model@0.4.0
    • @vsf-enterprise/normalizer-sapcc@0.0.2