# List of composables
# Products
# useProduct
Allows searching for products.
See the UseProductInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable. for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
# useReview
Allows searching for reviews and adding them to a product.
See the UseReviewInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
# Filters
# useFilters
Allows loading filters available for products.
See te UseFilterInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable
# Categories
# useCategory
Allows loading category tree list for current storefront and categories information. It can be also used to build breadcrumbs and search categories.
See the UseCategoryInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
# useSortOptions
Allows retreiving sort options and selected sort option based on the route.
See the UseSortOptionsInterface for a list of values available in this composable.
# Channels
# useChannel
Allows loading current channel information.
See the UseChannelInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
# Wishlist
# useWishlist
Allows loading and manipulating wishlist.
Composable would use guest wishlist for not-logged in users and BigCommerce wishlist for authenticated customers.
See the UseWishlistInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
# useGuestWishlist
Allows loading and manipulating wishlist of the guest user.
See the UseGuestWishlistInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
# Cart
# useCart
Allows loading and manipulating cart of the current user.
See the UseCartInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
# Orders
# useOrder
Allows searching for oders.
See the UseOrderInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
# useOrderProducts
Allows searching for order products.
See the UseOrderProductsInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
# useSearchOrderByCart
Allows searching for order data by cart id.
See the UseSearchOrderByCartInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
# User
# useUser
Allows loading and manipulating current user information.
See the UseUserInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
# useUserShipping
Allows loading and manipulating shipping addresses of the current user.
See the UseUserShippingInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
# Others
# usePagination
Computes a pagination by api collection object.
See the UsePaginationInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
# useUiHelpers
Allows handling the parameters for filtering, searching, sorting and pagination in the URL search/query params.
See the UseUiHelpersInterface for more information.
# useUiNotification
Allows managing and showing notifications to the user.
See the UseUiNotificationInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
# useUiState
Global store for managing UI state.
See the UseUiStateInterface for more information.
# useLogger
Allows using VSF logger.
See the UseLoggerInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.