AbsoluteDiscountValue | |
AbsoluteDiscountValueInput | |
ActiveCartInterface | A field to access the active cart. |
AddAttributeDefinition | |
AddCartCustomLineItem | |
AddCartDiscountCode | |
AddCartItemShippingAddress | |
AddCartLineItem | |
AddCartPayment | |
AddCartShoppingList | |
AddCategoryAsset | |
AddChannelRoles | |
AddCustomerAddress | |
AddCustomerBillingAddressId | |
AddCustomerShippingAddressId | |
AddCustomerStore | |
AddInventoryEntryQuantity | |
AddLocalizedEnumValue | |
AddMyCartLineItem | |
AddMyPaymentTransaction | |
AddOrderDelivery | |
AddOrderEditStagedAction | |
AddOrderItemShippingAddress | |
AddOrderParcelToDelivery | |
AddOrderPayment | |
AddOrderReturnInfo | |
AddPaymentInterfaceInteraction | |
AddPaymentTransaction | |
AddPlainEnumValue | |
AddProductAsset | |
AddProductExternalImage | |
AddProductPrice | |
AddProductSelectionProduct | |
AddProductToCategory | |
AddProductVariant | |
Address | An address represents a postal address. |
AddressDraft | |
AddressInput | |
AddShippingMethodShippingRate | |
AddShippingMethodZone | |
AddShoppingListLineItem | |
AddShoppingListTextLineItem | |
AddStagedOrderCustomLineItem | |
AddStagedOrderCustomLineItemOutput | |
AddStagedOrderDelivery | |
AddStagedOrderDeliveryOutput | |
AddStagedOrderDiscountCode | |
AddStagedOrderDiscountCodeOutput | |
AddStagedOrderItemShippingAddress | |
AddStagedOrderItemShippingAddressOutput | |
AddStagedOrderLineItem | |
AddStagedOrderLineItemOutput | |
AddStagedOrderParcelToDelivery | |
AddStagedOrderParcelToDeliveryOutput | |
AddStagedOrderPayment | |
AddStagedOrderPaymentOutput | |
AddStagedOrderReturnInfo | |
AddStagedOrderReturnInfoOutput | |
AddStagedOrderShoppingList | |
AddStagedOrderShoppingListOutput | |
AddStateRoles | |
AddStoreDistributionChannel | |
AddStoreProductSelection | |
AddStoreSupplyChannel | |
AddTypeEnumValue | |
AddTypeFieldDefinition | |
AddTypeLocalizedEnumValue | |
AddZoneLocation | |
ApiClientWithoutSecret | API Clients can be used to obtain OAuth 2 access tokens |
ApiClientWithoutSecretQueryResult | |
ApiClientWithSecret | API Clients can be used to obtain OAuth 2 access tokens. The secret is only shown once in the response of creating the API Client. |
Applied | |
ApplyCartDeltaToCustomLineItemShippingDetailsTargets | |
ApplyCartDeltaToLineItemShippingDetailsTargets | |
Asset | |
AssetDescriptionArgs | |
AssetDimensions | |
AssetDimensionsInput | |
AssetDraftInput | |
AssetNameArgs | |
AssetSource | |
AssetSourceInput | |
Attribute | |
AttributeDefinition | |
AttributeDefinitionDraft | |
AttributeDefinitionInputTipArgs | |
AttributeDefinitionLabelArgs | |
AttributeDefinitionResult | |
AttributeDefinitionType | (https://docs.commercetools.com/api/projects/productTypes#attributetype)[https://docs.commercetools.com/api/projects/productTypes#attributetype] |
AttributeGroup | Attribute group |
AttributeGroupDescriptionArgs | Attribute group |
AttributeGroupDraft | |
AttributeGroupNameArgs | Attribute group |
AttributeGroupQueryResult | |
AttributeSetElementTypeDraft | |
AttributeSetTypeDraft | |
AttributeTypeDraft | |
AuthorizationHeader | |
AuthorizationHeaderInput | |
AwsLambdaDestination | |
AwsLambdaDestinationInput | |
AzureFunctionsAuthentication | |
AzureFunctionsAuthenticationInput | |
AzureServiceBusDestination | |
AzureServiceBusDestinationInput | |
BaseMoney | |
BaseMoneyInput | |
BaseSearchKeywordInput | |
BooleanAttribute | |
BooleanAttributeDefinitionType | |
BooleanField | |
BooleanType | |
Cart | A shopping cart holds product variants and can be ordered. Each cart either belongs to a registered customer or is an anonymous cart. |
CartClassificationInput | |
CartClassificationType | |
CartCreated | |
CartDiscount | Cart discounts are recalculated every time LineItems or CustomLineItems are added or removed from the Cart or an order is created from the cart.The number of active cart discounts that do not require a discount code (isActive=true and requiresDiscountCode=false) is limited to 100. |
CartDiscountDescriptionArgs | Cart discounts are recalculated every time LineItems or CustomLineItems are added or removed from the Cart or an order is created from the cart.The number of active cart discounts that do not require a discount code (isActive=true and requiresDiscountCode=false) is limited to 100. |
CartDiscountDraft | |
CartDiscountLimitsProjection | |
CartDiscountLimitWithCurrent | |
CartDiscountNameArgs | Cart discounts are recalculated every time LineItems or CustomLineItems are added or removed from the Cart or an order is created from the cart.The number of active cart discounts that do not require a discount code (isActive=true and requiresDiscountCode=false) is limited to 100. |
CartDiscountQueryResult | |
CartDiscountTarget | |
CartDiscountTargetInput | |
CartDiscountUpdateAction | |
CartDiscountValue | |
CartDiscountValueInput | |
CartDraft | |
CartLimitsProjection | |
CartLimitWithCurrent | |
CartQueryInterface | Fields to access carts. Includes direct access to a single cart and searching for carts. |
CartQueryInterfaceCartArgs | Fields to access carts. Includes direct access to a single cart and searching for carts. |
CartQueryInterfaceCartsArgs | Fields to access carts. Includes direct access to a single cart and searching for carts. |
CartQueryResult | |
CartsConfiguration | |
CartsConfigurationInput | |
CartScoreInput | |
CartScoreType | |
CartUpdateAction | |
CartValueInput | |
CartValueType | |
Category | |
CategoryCreated | |
CategoryDescriptionArgs | |
CategoryDraft | |
CategoryLimitsProjection | |
CategoryMetaDescriptionArgs | |
CategoryMetaKeywordsArgs | |
CategoryMetaTitleArgs | |
CategoryNameArgs | |
CategoryOrderHint | |
CategoryOrderHintInput | |
CategoryOrderHintProductSearch | |
CategoryQueryResult | |
CategorySearch | |
CategorySearchDescriptionArgs | |
CategorySearchNameArgs | |
CategorySearchResult | |
CategorySearchSlugArgs | |
CategorySlugArgs | |
CategorySlugChanged | |
CategorySlugChangedOldSlugArgs | |
CategorySlugChangedSlugArgs | |
CategoryUpdateAction | |
ChangeAttributeName | |
ChangeAttributeOrder | |
ChangeAttributeOrderByName | |
ChangeCartCustomLineItemMoney | |
ChangeCartCustomLineItemQuantity | |
ChangeCartDiscountCartPredicate | |
ChangeCartDiscountIsActive | |
ChangeCartDiscountName | |
ChangeCartDiscountRequiresDiscountCode | |
ChangeCartDiscountSortOrder | |
ChangeCartDiscountStackingMode | |
ChangeCartDiscountTarget | |
ChangeCartDiscountValue | |
ChangeCartLineItemQuantity | |
ChangeCartTaxCalculationMode | |
ChangeCartTaxMode | |
ChangeCartTaxRoundingMode | |
ChangeCategoryAssetName | |
ChangeCategoryAssetOrder | |
ChangeCategoryName | |
ChangeCategoryOrderHint | |
ChangeCategoryParent | |
ChangeCategorySlug | |
ChangeChannelDescription | |
ChangeChannelKey | |
ChangeChannelName | |
ChangeCustomerAddress | |
ChangeCustomerEmail | |
ChangeCustomerGroupName | |
ChangeDescription | |
ChangeDiscountCodeCartDiscounts | |
ChangeDiscountCodeGroups | |
ChangeDiscountCodeIsActive | |
ChangeEnumKey | |
ChangeExtensionDestination | |
ChangeExtensionTriggers | |
ChangeInputHint | |
ChangeInventoryEntryQuantity | |
ChangeIsSearchable | |
ChangeLabel | |
ChangeLocalizedEnumValueLabel | |
ChangeLocalizedEnumValueOrder | |
ChangeMyCartTaxMode | |
ChangeName | |
ChangeOrderPaymentState | |
ChangeOrderShipmentState | |
ChangeOrderState | |
ChangePaymentAmountPlanned | |
ChangePaymentTransactionInteractionId | |
ChangePaymentTransactionState | |
ChangePaymentTransactionTimestamp | |
ChangePlainEnumValueLabel | |
ChangePlainEnumValueOrder | |
ChangeProductAssetName | |
ChangeProductAssetOrder | |
ChangeProductDiscountIsActive | |
ChangeProductDiscountName | |
ChangeProductDiscountPredicate | |
ChangeProductDiscountSortOrder | |
ChangeProductDiscountValue | |
ChangeProductImageLabel | |
ChangeProductMasterVariant | |
ChangeProductName | |
ChangeProductPrice | |
ChangeProductSelectionName | |
ChangeProductSlug | |
ChangeProjectSettingsCartsConfiguration | |
ChangeProjectSettingsCountries | |
ChangeProjectSettingsCountryTaxRateFallbackEnabled | |
ChangeProjectSettingsCurrencies | |
ChangeProjectSettingsLanguages | |
ChangeProjectSettingsMessagesConfiguration | |
ChangeProjectSettingsMessagesEnabled | |
ChangeProjectSettingsName | |
ChangeProjectSettingsOrderSearchStatus | |
ChangeProjectSettingsProductSearchIndexingEnabled | |
ChangeProjectSettingsShoppingListsConfiguration | |
ChangeShippingMethodIsDefault | |
ChangeShippingMethodName | |
ChangeShippingMethodTaxCategory | |
ChangeShoppingListLineItemQuantity | |
ChangeShoppingListLineItemsOrder | |
ChangeShoppingListName | |
ChangeShoppingListTextLineItemName | |
ChangeShoppingListTextLineItemQuantity | |
ChangeShoppingListTextLineItemsOrder | |
ChangeStagedOrderCustomLineItemMoney | |
ChangeStagedOrderCustomLineItemMoneyOutput | |
ChangeStagedOrderCustomLineItemQuantity | |
ChangeStagedOrderCustomLineItemQuantityOutput | |
ChangeStagedOrderLineItemQuantity | |
ChangeStagedOrderLineItemQuantityOutput | |
ChangeStagedOrderOrderState | |
ChangeStagedOrderOrderStateOutput | |
ChangeStagedOrderPaymentState | |
ChangeStagedOrderPaymentStateOutput | |
ChangeStagedOrderShipmentState | |
ChangeStagedOrderShipmentStateOutput | |
ChangeStagedOrderTaxCalculationMode | |
ChangeStagedOrderTaxCalculationModeOutput | |
ChangeStagedOrderTaxMode | |
ChangeStagedOrderTaxModeOutput | |
ChangeStagedOrderTaxRoundingMode | |
ChangeStagedOrderTaxRoundingModeOutput | |
ChangeStateInitial | |
ChangeStateKey | |
ChangeStateType | |
ChangeStoreProductSelectionActive | |
ChangeSubscription | |
ChangeSubscriptionDestination | |
ChangeSubscriptionInput | |
ChangeTypeEnumValueLabel | |
ChangeTypeEnumValueOrder | |
ChangeTypeFieldDefinitionOrder | |
ChangeTypeInputHint | |
ChangeTypeKey | |
ChangeTypeLabel | |
ChangeTypeLocalizedEnumValueLabel | |
ChangeTypeLocalizedEnumValueOrder | |
ChangeTypeName | |
ChangeZoneName | |
Channel | |
ChannelDescriptionArgs | |
ChannelDraft | |
ChannelNameArgs | |
ChannelQueryResult | |
ChannelReferenceIdentifier | |
ChannelUpdateAction | |
ClassificationShippingRateInput | |
ClassificationShippingRateInputDraft | |
ClassificationShippingRateInputDraftOutput | |
ClassificationShippingRateInputLabelArgs | |
CloudEventsSubscriptionsFormat | |
CloudEventsSubscriptionsFormatInput | |
CommercetoolsSubscription | |
CommercetoolsSubscriptionQueryResult | |
CreateApiClient | |
CreateProductSelectionDraft | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
CreateStore | |
CreateZone | |
Customer | A customer is a person purchasing products. Carts, Orders and Reviews can be associated to a customer. |
CustomerActiveCartInterface | A field to access a customer's active cart. |
CustomerActiveCartInterfaceCustomerActiveCartArgs | A field to access a customer's active cart. |
CustomerAddressAdded | |
CustomerAddressChanged | |
CustomerAddressRemoved | |
CustomerCompanyNameSet | |
CustomerCreated | |
CustomerDateOfBirthSet | |
CustomerDeleted | |
CustomerEmailChanged | |
CustomerEmailToken | |
CustomerEmailVerified | |
CustomerFirstNameSet | |
CustomerGroup | A customer can be a member in a customer group (e.g. reseller, gold member). A customer group can be used in price calculations with special prices being assigned to certain customer groups. |
CustomerGroupDraft | |
CustomerGroupLimitsProjection | |
CustomerGroupLimitWithCurrent | |
CustomerGroupQueryResult | |
CustomerGroupReferenceIdentifier | |
CustomerGroupSet | |
CustomerGroupUpdateAction | |
CustomerLastNameSet | |
CustomerLimitsProjection | |
CustomerLimitWithCurrent | |
CustomerPasswordToken | |
CustomerPasswordUpdated | |
CustomerQueryInterface | Fields to access customer accounts. Includes direct access to a single customer and searching for customers. |
CustomerQueryInterfaceCustomerArgs | Fields to access customer accounts. Includes direct access to a single customer and searching for customers. |
CustomerQueryInterfaceCustomersArgs | Fields to access customer accounts. Includes direct access to a single customer and searching for customers. |
CustomerQueryResult | |
CustomerSignInDraft | |
CustomerSignInResult | |
CustomerSignMeInDraft | |
CustomerSignMeUpDraft | |
CustomerSignUpDraft | |
CustomerTitleSet | |
CustomerUpdateAction | |
CustomField | |
CustomFieldInput | A key-value pair representing the field name and value of one single custom field.The value of this custom field consists of escaped JSON based on the FieldDefinition of the Type.Examples for value :* FieldType String : ""This is a string"" * FieldType DateTimeType : ""2018-10-12T14:00:00.000Z"" * FieldType Number : "4" * FieldType Set with an elementType of String : "["This is a string", "This is another string"]" * FieldType Reference : "{"id", "b911b62d-353a-4388-93ee-8d488d9af962", "typeId", "product"}" |
CustomFieldsCommand | |
CustomFieldsDraft | |
CustomFieldsType | |
CustomFieldsTypeCustomFieldsRawArgs | |
CustomLineItem | A custom line item is a generic item that can be added to the cart but is not bound to a product. You can use it for discounts (negative money), vouchers, complex cart rules, additional services or fees. You control the lifecycle of this item. |
CustomLineItemDraft | |
CustomLineItemDraftOutput | |
CustomLineItemDraftOutputNameArgs | |
CustomLineItemNameArgs | A custom line item is a generic item that can be added to the cart but is not bound to a product. You can use it for discounts (negative money), vouchers, complex cart rules, additional services or fees. You control the lifecycle of this item. |
CustomLineItemReturnItem | |
CustomLineItemsTarget | |
CustomLineItemsTargetInput | |
CustomLineItemStateTransition | |
CustomObject | |
CustomObjectDraft | |
CustomObjectLimitsProjection | |
CustomObjectLimitWithCurrent | |
CustomObjectQueryResult | |
CustomSuggestTokenizer | |
CustomSuggestTokenizerInput | |
CustomSuggestTokenizerProductSearch | |
DateAttribute | |
DateAttributeDefinitionType | |
DateField | |
DateTimeAttribute | |
DateTimeAttributeDefinitionType | |
DateTimeField | |
DateTimeType | |
DateType | |
Delivery | |
DeliveryAdded | |
DeliveryAddressSet | |
DeliveryItem | |
DeliveryItemDraftType | |
DeliveryItemsUpdated | |
DeliveryRemoved | |
Destination | |
DestinationInput | |
Dimensions | |
DimensionsInput | |
DimensionsProductSearch | |
DiscountCode | With discount codes it is possible to give specific cart discounts to an eligible amount of users. They are defined by a string value which can be added to a cart so that specific cart discounts can be applied to the cart. |
DiscountCodeDescriptionArgs | With discount codes it is possible to give specific cart discounts to an eligible amount of users. They are defined by a string value which can be added to a cart so that specific cart discounts can be applied to the cart. |
DiscountCodeDraft | |
DiscountCodeInfo | |
DiscountCodeNameArgs | With discount codes it is possible to give specific cart discounts to an eligible amount of users. They are defined by a string value which can be added to a cart so that specific cart discounts can be applied to the cart. |
DiscountCodeQueryResult | |
DiscountCodeUpdateAction | |
DiscountedLineItemPortion | |
DiscountedLineItemPrice | |
DiscountedLineItemPriceForQuantity | |
DiscountedProductPriceValue | |
DiscountedProductPriceValueInput | |
DiscountedProductSearchPriceValue | |
EnumAttribute | |
EnumAttributeDefinitionType | |
EnumAttributeDefinitionTypeValuesArgs | |
EnumField | |
EnumType | |
EnumTypeDraft | |
EnumValue | |
EnumValueInput | |
EventBridgeDestination | |
EventBridgeDestinationInput | |
EventGridDestination | |
EventGridDestinationInput | |
Exact | |
ExistsFilterInput | |
Extension | |
ExtensionDestination | |
ExtensionDestinationInput | |
ExtensionDraft | |
ExtensionLimitsProjection | |
ExtensionQueryResult | |
ExtensionUpdateAction | |
ExternalDiscountValue | |
ExternalDiscountValueInput | |
ExternalLineItemTotalPrice | |
ExternalLineItemTotalPriceDraft | |
ExternalOAuth | |
ExternalOAuthDraft | |
ExternalTaxAmountDraft | |
ExternalTaxAmountDraftOutput | |
ExternalTaxRateDraft | |
ExternalTaxRateDraftOutput | |
FacetResult | |
FacetResultValue | |
FieldDefinition | Field definitions describe custom fields and allow you to define some meta-information associated with the field. |
FieldDefinitionInput | |
FieldDefinitionLabelArgs | Field definitions describe custom fields and allow you to define some meta-information associated with the field. |
FieldType | |
FieldTypeEnumTypeDraft | |
FieldTypeInput | |
FieldTypeLocalizedEnumTypeDraft | |
FieldTypeReferenceTypeDraft | |
FieldTypeSetElementTypeDraft | |
FieldTypeSetTypeDraft | |
FixedPriceDiscountValue | |
FixedPriceDiscountValueInput | |
Geometry | |
GeometryInput | |
GiftLineItemValue | |
GiftLineItemValueInput | |
GoogleCloudPubSubDestination | |
GoogleCloudPubSubDestinationInput | |
HighPrecisionMoney | |
HighPrecisionMoneyInput | |
HttpDestination | |
HttpDestinationAuthentication | |
HttpDestinationAuthenticationInput | |
HttpDestinationInput | |
Image_2 | |
ImageInput | |
ImageProductSearch | |
ImportOrderCustomLineItemState | |
ImportOrderLineItemState | |
ImportStagedOrderCustomLineItemState | |
ImportStagedOrderCustomLineItemStateOutput | |
ImportStagedOrderLineItemState | |
ImportStagedOrderLineItemStateOutput | |
IndividualProductSelectionCreatedPayload | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
IndividualProductSelectionCreatedPayloadNameArgs | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
Initiator | |
InputMaybe | |
InStore | |
InStoreCartArgs | |
InStoreCartsArgs | |
InStoreCustomerActiveCartArgs | |
InStoreCustomerArgs | |
InStoreCustomersArgs | |
InStoreMe | |
InStoreMeCartArgs | |
InStoreMeCartsArgs | |
InStoreMeOrderArgs | |
InStoreMeOrdersArgs | |
InStoreMeShoppingListArgs | |
InStoreMeShoppingListsArgs | |
InStoreOrderArgs | |
InStoreOrdersArgs | |
InStoreProductArgs | |
InStoreProductSelectionAssignmentsArgs | |
InStoreShippingMethodsByCartArgs | |
InStoreShoppingListArgs | |
InStoreShoppingListsArgs | |
InterfaceInteractionsRaw | |
InterfaceInteractionsRawFieldsArgs | |
InterfaceInteractionsRawResult | |
InventoryEntry | Inventory allows you to track stock quantity per SKU and optionally per supply channel |
InventoryEntryCreated | |
InventoryEntryCreatedContent | |
InventoryEntryDeleted | |
InventoryEntryDraft | |
InventoryEntryQuantitySet | |
InventoryEntryQueryResult | |
InventoryEntryUpdateAction | |
ItemShippingDetails | |
ItemShippingDetailsDraft | |
ItemShippingDetailsDraftOutput | |
ItemShippingDetailsDraftType | |
ItemShippingTarget | |
ItemState | |
ItemStateDraftType | |
KeyReference | |
Limit | |
LimitWithCurrent | |
LineItem | A line item is a snapshot of a product variant at the time it was added to the cart.Since a product variant may change at any time, the ProductVariant data is copied into the field variant. The relation to the Product is kept but the line item will not automatically update if the product variant changes. On the cart, the line item can be updated manually. The productSlug refers to the current version of the product. It can be used to link to the product. If the product has been deleted, the line item remains but refers to a non-existent product and the productSlug is left empty.Please also note that creating an order is impossible if the product or product variant a line item relates to has been deleted. |
LineItemDraft | |
LineItemDraftOutput | |
LineItemNameArgs | A line item is a snapshot of a product variant at the time it was added to the cart.Since a product variant may change at any time, the ProductVariant data is copied into the field variant. The relation to the Product is kept but the line item will not automatically update if the product variant changes. On the cart, the line item can be updated manually. The productSlug refers to the current version of the product. It can be used to link to the product. If the product has been deleted, the line item remains but refers to a non-existent product and the productSlug is left empty.Please also note that creating an order is impossible if the product or product variant a line item relates to has been deleted. |
LineItemProductSlugArgs | A line item is a snapshot of a product variant at the time it was added to the cart.Since a product variant may change at any time, the ProductVariant data is copied into the field variant. The relation to the Product is kept but the line item will not automatically update if the product variant changes. On the cart, the line item can be updated manually. The productSlug refers to the current version of the product. It can be used to link to the product. If the product has been deleted, the line item remains but refers to a non-existent product and the productSlug is left empty.Please also note that creating an order is impossible if the product or product variant a line item relates to has been deleted. |
LineItemReturnItem | |
LineItemsTarget | |
LineItemsTargetInput | |
LineItemStateTransition | |
LocalizableEnumAttributeDefinitionType | |
LocalizableEnumAttributeDefinitionTypeValuesArgs | |
LocalizableEnumTypeDraft | |
LocalizableEnumValueType | |
LocalizableEnumValueTypeLabelArgs | |
LocalizableEnumValueTypeResult | |
LocalizableTextAttributeDefinitionType | |
LocalizedEnumAttribute | |
LocalizedEnumAttributeLabelArgs | |
LocalizedEnumField | |
LocalizedEnumFieldLabelArgs | |
LocalizedEnumType | |
LocalizedEnumValue | |
LocalizedEnumValueDraft | |
LocalizedEnumValueInput | |
LocalizedEnumValueLabelArgs | |
LocalizedString | |
LocalizedStringAttribute | |
LocalizedStringAttributeValueArgs | |
LocalizedStringField | |
LocalizedStringFieldValueArgs | |
LocalizedStringItemInputType | |
LocalizedStringType | |
LocalizedText | |
Location_2 | |
MakeMaybe | |
MakeOptional | |
Maybe | |
Me | |
MeCartArgs | |
MeCartsArgs | |
MeFieldInterface | The me field gives access to the data that is specific to the customer or anonymous session linked to the access token. |
MeOrderArgs | |
MeOrdersArgs | |
MePaymentArgs | |
MePaymentsArgs | |
MeQueryInterface | |
MeQueryInterfaceCartArgs | |
MeQueryInterfaceCartsArgs | |
MeQueryInterfaceOrderArgs | |
MeQueryInterfaceOrdersArgs | |
MeQueryInterfaceShoppingListArgs | |
MeQueryInterfaceShoppingListsArgs | |
MeShoppingListArgs | |
MeShoppingListsArgs | |
Message | |
MessageId | |
MessagePayload | |
MessageQueryResult | |
MessagesConfiguration | |
MessagesConfigurationDraft | |
MessageSubscription | |
MessageSubscriptionInput | |
MissingFacetInput | |
MissingFilterInput | |
Money | |
MoneyAttribute | |
MoneyAttributeDefinitionType | |
MoneyDraft | |
MoneyField | |
MoneyInput | |
MoneyType | |
MoveProductImageToPosition | |
MultiBuyCustomLineItemsTarget | |
MultiBuyCustomLineItemsTargetInput | |
MultiBuyLineItemsTarget | |
MultiBuyLineItemsTargetInput | |
Mutation | |
MutationCreateApiClientArgs | |
MutationCreateAttributeGroupArgs | |
MutationCreateCartArgs | |
MutationCreateCartDiscountArgs | |
MutationCreateCategoryArgs | |
MutationCreateChannelArgs | |
MutationCreateCustomerGroupArgs | |
MutationCreateDiscountCodeArgs | |
MutationCreateExtensionArgs | |
MutationCreateInventoryEntryArgs | |
MutationCreateMyCartArgs | |
MutationCreateMyOrderFromCartArgs | |
MutationCreateMyPaymentArgs | |
MutationCreateMyShoppingListArgs | |
MutationCreateOrderEditArgs | |
MutationCreateOrderFromCartArgs | |
MutationCreateOrUpdateCustomObjectArgs | |
MutationCreatePaymentArgs | |
MutationCreateProductArgs | |
MutationCreateProductDiscountArgs | |
MutationCreateProductSelectionArgs | |
MutationCreateProductTypeArgs | |
MutationCreateReviewArgs | |
MutationCreateShippingMethodArgs | |
MutationCreateShoppingListArgs | |
MutationCreateStateArgs | |
MutationCreateStoreArgs | |
MutationCreateSubscriptionArgs | |
MutationCreateTaxCategoryArgs | |
MutationCreateTypeDefinitionArgs | |
MutationCreateZoneArgs | |
MutationCustomerChangeMyPasswordArgs | |
MutationCustomerChangePasswordArgs | |
MutationCustomerConfirmEmailArgs | |
MutationCustomerConfirmMyEmailArgs | |
MutationCustomerCreateEmailVerificationTokenArgs | |
MutationCustomerCreatePasswordResetTokenArgs | |
MutationCustomerResetMyPasswordArgs | |
MutationCustomerResetPasswordArgs | |
MutationCustomerSignInArgs | |
MutationCustomerSignMeInArgs | |
MutationCustomerSignMeUpArgs | |
MutationCustomerSignUpArgs | |
MutationDeleteApiClientArgs | |
MutationDeleteAttributeGroupArgs | |
MutationDeleteCartArgs | |
MutationDeleteCartDiscountArgs | |
MutationDeleteCategoryArgs | |
MutationDeleteChannelArgs | |
MutationDeleteCustomerArgs | |
MutationDeleteCustomerGroupArgs | |
MutationDeleteCustomObjectArgs | |
MutationDeleteDiscountCodeArgs | |
MutationDeleteExtensionArgs | |
MutationDeleteInventoryEntryArgs | |
MutationDeleteMyCartArgs | |
MutationDeleteMyCustomerArgs | |
MutationDeleteMyPaymentArgs | |
MutationDeleteMyShoppingListArgs | |
MutationDeleteOrderArgs | |
MutationDeleteOrderEditArgs | |
MutationDeletePaymentArgs | |
MutationDeleteProductArgs | |
MutationDeleteProductDiscountArgs | |
MutationDeleteProductSelectionArgs | |
MutationDeleteProductTypeArgs | |
MutationDeleteReviewArgs | |
MutationDeleteShippingMethodArgs | |
MutationDeleteShoppingListArgs | |
MutationDeleteStateArgs | |
MutationDeleteStoreArgs | |
MutationDeleteSubscriptionArgs | |
MutationDeleteTaxCategoryArgs | |
MutationDeleteTypeDefinitionArgs | |
MutationDeleteZoneArgs | |
MutationReplicateCartArgs | |
MutationUpdateCartArgs | |
MutationUpdateCartDiscountArgs | |
MutationUpdateCategoryArgs | |
MutationUpdateChannelArgs | |
MutationUpdateCustomerArgs | |
MutationUpdateCustomerGroupArgs | |
MutationUpdateDiscountCodeArgs | |
MutationUpdateExtensionArgs | |
MutationUpdateInventoryEntryArgs | |
MutationUpdateMyCartArgs | |
MutationUpdateMyCustomerArgs | |
MutationUpdateMyPaymentArgs | |
MutationUpdateMyShoppingListArgs | |
MutationUpdateOrderArgs | |
MutationUpdateOrderEditArgs | |
MutationUpdatePaymentArgs | |
MutationUpdateProductArgs | |
MutationUpdateProductDiscountArgs | |
MutationUpdateProductSelectionArgs | |
MutationUpdateProductTypeArgs | |
MutationUpdateProjectArgs | |
MutationUpdateReviewArgs | |
MutationUpdateShippingMethodArgs | |
MutationUpdateShoppingListArgs | |
MutationUpdateStateArgs | |
MutationUpdateStoreArgs | |
MutationUpdateSubscriptionArgs | |
MutationUpdateTaxCategoryArgs | |
MutationUpdateTypeDefinitionArgs | |
MutationUpdateZoneArgs | |
MyCartDraft | |
MyCartUpdateAction | |
MyCustomerUpdateAction | |
MyLineItemDraft | |
MyPayment | My Payments endpoint provides access to payments scoped to a specific user. [documentation](https://docs.commercetools.com/http-api-projects-me-payments#mypayment) |
MyPaymentDraft | |
MyPaymentQueryResult | |
MyPaymentUpdateAction | |
MyShoppingListDraft | |
MyShoppingListUpdateAction | |
MyTransactionDraft | |
NestedAttributeDefinitionType | |
NotificationFormat | |
NotProcessed | |
NumberAttribute | |
NumberAttributeDefinitionType | |
NumberField | |
NumberType | |
Order | An order can be created from a cart, usually after a checkout process has been completed. [documentation](https://docs.commercetools.com/http-api-projects-orders.html) |
OrderBillingAddressSet | |
OrderCartCommand | |
OrderCreated | |
OrderCustomerEmailSet | |
OrderCustomerGroupSet | |
OrderCustomerSet | |
OrderCustomLineItemAdded | |
OrderCustomLineItemDiscountSet | |
OrderCustomLineItemQuantityChanged | |
OrderCustomLineItemRemoved | |
OrderDeleted | |
OrderDiscountCodeAdded | |
OrderDiscountCodeRemoved | |
OrderDiscountCodeStateSet | |
OrderEdit | |
OrderEditApplied | |
OrderEditDraft | |
OrderEditLimitsProjection | |
OrderEditLimitWithCurrent | |
OrderEditQueryResult | |
OrderEditResult | |
OrderEditUpdateAction | |
OrderExcerpt | |
OrderImported | |
OrderLineItemAdded | |
OrderLineItemDiscountSet | |
OrderLineItemDistributionChannelSet | |
OrderLineItemRemoved | |
OrderMyCartCommand | |
OrderPaymentAdded | |
OrderPaymentRemoved | |
OrderPaymentStateChanged | |
OrderQueryInterface | Fields to access orders. Includes direct access to a single order and searching for orders. |
OrderQueryInterfaceOrderArgs | Fields to access orders. Includes direct access to a single order and searching for orders. |
OrderQueryInterfaceOrdersArgs | Fields to access orders. Includes direct access to a single order and searching for orders. |
OrderQueryResult | |
OrderReturnShipmentStateChanged | |
OrderSearchConfiguration | |
OrderShipmentStateChanged | |
OrderShippingAddressSet | |
OrderShippingInfoSet | |
OrderShippingRateInputSet | |
OrderStateChanged | |
OrderStateTransition | |
OrderStoreSet | |
OrderUpdateAction | |
Parcel | |
ParcelAddedToDelivery | |
ParcelData | |
ParcelDataDraftType | |
ParcelItemsUpdated | |
ParcelMeasurements | |
ParcelMeasurementsDraftType | |
ParcelMeasurementsUpdated | |
ParcelRemovedFromDelivery | |
ParcelTrackingDataUpdated | |
Payment | Payments hold information about the current state of receiving and/or refunding money. [documentation](https://docs.commercetools.com/http-api-projects-payments) |
PaymentCreated | |
PaymentDraft | |
PaymentInfo | |
PaymentInteractionAdded | |
PaymentInterfaceInteractionsRawArgs | Payments hold information about the current state of receiving and/or refunding money. [documentation](https://docs.commercetools.com/http-api-projects-payments) |
PaymentMethodInfo | |
PaymentMethodInfoInput | |
PaymentMethodInfoNameArgs | |
PaymentQueryResult | |
PaymentStatus | |
PaymentStatusInput | |
PaymentStatusInterfaceCodeSet | |
PaymentStatusStateTransition | |
PaymentTransactionAdded | |
PaymentTransactionStateChanged | |
PaymentUpdateAction | |
PlainEnumValue | |
PlainEnumValueDraft | |
PlainEnumValueResult | |
PlatformFormat | |
PlatformFormatInput | |
Point | |
PreviewFailure | |
PreviewSuccess | |
PriceFunction | |
PriceFunctionDraft | |
PriceSelectorInput | |
Product | |
ProductAddedToCategory | |
ProductAssignment | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
ProductAssignmentQueryResult | |
ProductAttributeInput | |
ProductCatalogData | |
ProductCreated | |
ProductData | |
ProductDataAllVariantsArgs | |
ProductDataCategoryOrderHintArgs | |
ProductDataDescriptionArgs | |
ProductDataMetaDescriptionArgs | |
ProductDataMetaKeywordsArgs | |
ProductDataMetaTitleArgs | |
ProductDataNameArgs | |
ProductDataSearchKeywordArgs | |
ProductDataSlugArgs | |
ProductDataVariantArgs | |
ProductDataVariantsArgs | |
ProductDeleted | |
ProductDiscount | A product price can be discounted in two ways:* with a relative or an absolute product discount, which will be automatically applied to all prices in a product that match a discount predicate. A relative discount reduces the matching price by a fraction (for example 10 % off). An absolute discount reduces the matching price by a fixed amount (for example 10€ off). If more than one product discount matches a price, the discount sort order determines which one will be applied. * with an external product discount, which can then be used to explicitly set a discounted value on a particular product price.The discounted price is stored in the discounted field of the Product Price.Note that when a discount is created, updated or removed it can take up to 15 minutes to update all the prices with the discounts.The maximum number of ProductDiscounts that can be active at the same time is **200**. |
ProductDiscountDescriptionArgs | A product price can be discounted in two ways:* with a relative or an absolute product discount, which will be automatically applied to all prices in a product that match a discount predicate. A relative discount reduces the matching price by a fraction (for example 10 % off). An absolute discount reduces the matching price by a fixed amount (for example 10€ off). If more than one product discount matches a price, the discount sort order determines which one will be applied. * with an external product discount, which can then be used to explicitly set a discounted value on a particular product price.The discounted price is stored in the discounted field of the Product Price.Note that when a discount is created, updated or removed it can take up to 15 minutes to update all the prices with the discounts.The maximum number of ProductDiscounts that can be active at the same time is **200**. |
ProductDiscountDraft | |
ProductDiscountLimitsProjection | |
ProductDiscountLimitWithCurrent | |
ProductDiscountNameArgs | A product price can be discounted in two ways:* with a relative or an absolute product discount, which will be automatically applied to all prices in a product that match a discount predicate. A relative discount reduces the matching price by a fraction (for example 10 % off). An absolute discount reduces the matching price by a fixed amount (for example 10€ off). If more than one product discount matches a price, the discount sort order determines which one will be applied. * with an external product discount, which can then be used to explicitly set a discounted value on a particular product price.The discounted price is stored in the discounted field of the Product Price.Note that when a discount is created, updated or removed it can take up to 15 minutes to update all the prices with the discounts.The maximum number of ProductDiscounts that can be active at the same time is **200**. |
ProductDiscountQueryResult | |
ProductDiscountUpdateAction | |
ProductDiscountValue | |
ProductDiscountValueInput | |
ProductDraft | |
ProductImageAdded | |
ProductLimitsProjection | |
ProductOfSelection | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
ProductOfSelectionQueryResult | |
ProductPrice | |
ProductPriceDataInput | |
ProductPriceDiscountsSet | |
ProductPriceDiscountUpdateMessagePayload | |
ProductPriceExternalDiscountSet | |
ProductPriceSearch | |
ProductPriceTier | |
ProductPriceTierInput | |
ProductProductSelectionRefsArgs | |
ProductProjection | |
ProductProjectionDescriptionArgs | |
ProductProjectionMessagePayload | |
ProductProjectionMessagePayloadDescriptionArgs | |
ProductProjectionMessagePayloadMetaDescriptionArgs | |
ProductProjectionMessagePayloadMetaKeywordsArgs | |
ProductProjectionMessagePayloadMetaTitleArgs | |
ProductProjectionMessagePayloadNameArgs | |
ProductProjectionMessagePayloadSlugArgs | |
ProductProjectionMetaDescriptionArgs | |
ProductProjectionMetaKeywordsArgs | |
ProductProjectionMetaTitleArgs | |
ProductProjectionNameArgs | |
ProductProjectionSearchResult | |
ProductProjectionSlugArgs | |
ProductPublished | |
ProductQueryResult | |
ProductReferenceIdentifier | |
ProductRemovedFromCategory | |
ProductRevertedStagedChanges | |
ProductSearchPriceTier | |
ProductSearchVariant | |
ProductSearchVariantAttributesRawArgs | |
ProductSearchVariantAvailabilitiesResult | Product variant availabilities |
ProductSearchVariantAvailability | Product variant availability |
ProductSearchVariantAvailabilityWithChannel | |
ProductSearchVariantAvailabilityWithChannels | |
ProductSearchVariantAvailabilityWithChannelsChannelsArgs | |
ProductSearchVariantPriceArgs | |
ProductSelection | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
ProductSelectionCreated | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
ProductSelectionCreatedPayload | |
ProductSelectionCreatedPayloadNameArgs | |
ProductSelectionDeleted | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
ProductSelectionNameArgs | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
ProductSelectionProductAdded | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
ProductSelectionProductRefsArgs | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
ProductSelectionProductRemoved | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
ProductSelectionQueryInterface | Fields to access product selection assignments. BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
ProductSelectionQueryInterfaceProductSelectionAssignmentsArgs | Fields to access product selection assignments. BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
ProductSelectionQueryResult | |
ProductSelectionSetting | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
ProductSelectionSettingDraft | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
ProductSelectionSettingInActionInput | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
ProductSelectionUpdateAction | |
ProductSlugChanged | |
ProductSlugChangedOldSlugArgs | |
ProductSlugChangedSlugArgs | |
ProductStateTransition | |
ProductTypeDefinition | |
ProductTypeDefinitionAttributeDefinitionsArgs | |
ProductTypeDefinitionQueryResult | |
ProductTypeDraft | |
ProductTypeLimitsProjection | |
ProductTypeLimitWithCurrent | |
ProductTypeUpdateAction | |
ProductUnpublished | |
ProductUpdateAction | |
ProductVariant | |
ProductVariantAdded | |
ProductVariantAttributesRawArgs | |
ProductVariantAvailabilitiesResult | Product variant availabilities |
ProductVariantAvailability | Product variant availability |
ProductVariantAvailabilityWithChannel | |
ProductVariantAvailabilityWithChannels | |
ProductVariantAvailabilityWithChannelsChannelsArgs | |
ProductVariantDeleted | |
ProductVariantInput | |
ProductVariantPriceArgs | |
ProjectCustomLimitsProjection | Contains information about the limits of your project. |
ProjectProjection | Project contains information about project. |
ProjectSettingsUpdateAction | |
PublishProduct | |
Query | |
QueryApiClientArgs | |
QueryApiClientsArgs | |
QueryAttributeGroupArgs | |
QueryAttributeGroupsArgs | |
QueryCartArgs | |
QueryCartDiscountArgs | |
QueryCartDiscountsArgs | |
QueryCartsArgs | |
QueryCategoriesArgs | |
QueryCategoryArgs | |
QueryCategoryAutocompleteArgs | |
QueryCategorySearchArgs | |
QueryChannelArgs | |
QueryChannelsArgs | |
QueryCustomerActiveCartArgs | |
QueryCustomerArgs | |
QueryCustomerGroupArgs | |
QueryCustomerGroupsArgs | |
QueryCustomersArgs | |
QueryCustomObjectArgs | |
QueryCustomObjectsArgs | |
QueryDiscountCodeArgs | |
QueryDiscountCodesArgs | |
QueryExtensionArgs | |
QueryExtensionsArgs | |
QueryInStoreArgs | |
QueryInStoresArgs | |
QueryInventoryEntriesArgs | |
QueryInventoryEntryArgs | |
QueryLimitsProjection | |
QueryMessageArgs | |
QueryMessagesArgs | |
QueryOrderArgs | |
QueryOrderEditArgs | |
QueryOrderEditsArgs | |
QueryOrdersArgs | |
QueryPaymentArgs | |
QueryPaymentsArgs | |
QueryProductArgs | |
QueryProductDiscountArgs | |
QueryProductDiscountsArgs | |
QueryProductProjectionSearchArgs | |
QueryProductProjectionsSuggestArgs | |
QueryProductsArgs | |
QueryProductSelectionArgs | |
QueryProductSelectionAssignmentsArgs | |
QueryProductSelectionsArgs | |
QueryProductTypeArgs | |
QueryProductTypesArgs | |
QueryReviewArgs | |
QueryReviewsArgs | |
QueryShippingMethodArgs | |
QueryShippingMethodsArgs | |
QueryShippingMethodsByCartArgs | |
QueryShippingMethodsByLocationArgs | |
QueryShoppingListArgs | |
QueryShoppingListsArgs | |
QueryStateArgs | |
QueryStatesArgs | |
QueryStoreArgs | |
QueryStoresArgs | |
QuerySubscriptionArgs | |
QuerySubscriptionsArgs | |
QueryTaxCategoriesArgs | |
QueryTaxCategoryArgs | |
QueryTypeDefinitionArgs | |
QueryTypeDefinitionsArgs | |
QueryZoneArgs | |
QueryZonesArgs | |
RangeCount | |
RangeCountDouble | |
RangeCountLong | |
RangeElementInput | |
RangeFacetInput | |
RangeFacetResult | |
RangeFilterInput | |
RawCustomField | |
RawProductAttribute | |
RawProductSearchAttribute | |
RecalculateCart | |
RecalculateStagedOrder | |
RecalculateStagedOrderOutput | |
Reference | |
ReferenceAttribute | |
ReferenceAttributeDefinitionType | |
ReferenceField | |
ReferenceId | |
ReferenceInput | |
ReferenceType | |
ReferenceTypeDefinitionDraft | |
RefreshTokenLimitsProjection | |
RefreshTokenLimitWithCurrent | |
RelativeDiscountValue | |
RelativeDiscountValueInput | |
RemoveAttributeDefinition | |
RemoveCartCustomLineItem | |
RemoveCartDiscountCode | |
RemoveCartItemShippingAddress | |
RemoveCartLineItem | |
RemoveCartPayment | |
RemoveCategoryAsset | |
RemoveChannelRoles | |
RemoveCustomerAddress | |
RemoveCustomerBillingAddressId | |
RemoveCustomerShippingAddressId | |
RemoveCustomerStore | |
RemoveEnumValues | |
RemoveInventoryEntryQuantity | |
RemoveOrderDelivery | |
RemoveOrderItemShippingAddress | |
RemoveOrderParcelFromDelivery | |
RemoveOrderPayment | |
RemoveProductAsset | |
RemoveProductFromCategory | |
RemoveProductImage | |
RemoveProductPrice | |
RemoveProductSelectionProduct | |
RemoveProductVariant | |
RemoveShippingMethodShippingRate | |
RemoveShippingMethodZone | |
RemoveShoppingListLineItem | |
RemoveShoppingListTextLineItem | |
RemoveStagedOrderCustomLineItem | |
RemoveStagedOrderCustomLineItemOutput | |
RemoveStagedOrderDelivery | |
RemoveStagedOrderDeliveryOutput | |
RemoveStagedOrderDiscountCode | |
RemoveStagedOrderDiscountCodeOutput | |
RemoveStagedOrderItemShippingAddress | |
RemoveStagedOrderItemShippingAddressOutput | |
RemoveStagedOrderLineItem | |
RemoveStagedOrderLineItemOutput | |
RemoveStagedOrderParcelFromDelivery | |
RemoveStagedOrderParcelFromDeliveryOutput | |
RemoveStagedOrderPayment | |
RemoveStagedOrderPaymentOutput | |
RemoveStateRoles | |
RemoveStoreDistributionChannel | |
RemoveStoreProductSelection | |
RemoveStoreSupplyChannel | |
RemoveTypeFieldDefinition | |
RemoveZoneLocation | |
ResourceIdentifier | |
ResourceIdentifierInput | |
ReturnInfo | Stores information about returns connected to this order. |
ReturnInfoAdded | |
ReturnInfoDraftType | |
ReturnInfoDraftTypeOutput | |
ReturnInfoSet | |
ReturnItem | |
ReturnItemDraftType | |
ReturnItemDraftTypeOutput | |
RevertStagedChanges | |
RevertStagedVariantChanges | |
Review | |
ReviewCreated | |
ReviewDraft | |
ReviewQueryResult | |
ReviewRatingSet | |
ReviewRatingStatistics | |
ReviewStateTransition | |
ReviewTarget | |
ReviewUpdateAction | |
Scalars | All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values |
ScopedPrice | |
ScoreShippingRateInput | |
ScoreShippingRateInputDraft | |
ScoreShippingRateInputDraftOutput | |
SearchFacetInput | |
SearchFacetModelInput | |
SearchFilterInput | |
SearchFilterModelInput | |
SearchIndexingConfiguration | |
SearchIndexingConfigurationValues | |
SearchKeyword | |
SearchKeywordArgument | |
SearchKeywordInput | |
SearchKeywordItemInput | |
SearchKeywordProductSearch | |
SearchKeywords | |
SearchKeywordsProductSearch | |
SearchLimitsProjection | |
SelectionOfProduct | |
SelectionOfProductQueryResult | |
SetAttributeDefinitionType | |
SetCartAnonymousId | |
SetCartBillingAddress | |
SetCartBillingAddressCustomField | |
SetCartBillingAddressCustomType | |
SetCartCountry | |
SetCartCustomerEmail | |
SetCartCustomerGroup | |
SetCartCustomerId | |
SetCartCustomField | |
SetCartCustomLineItemCustomField | |
SetCartCustomLineItemCustomType | |
SetCartCustomLineItemShippingDetails | |
SetCartCustomLineItemTaxAmount | |
SetCartCustomLineItemTaxRate | |
SetCartCustomShippingMethod | |
SetCartCustomType | |
SetCartDeleteDaysAfterLastModification | |
SetCartDiscountCustomField | |
SetCartDiscountCustomType | |
SetCartDiscountDescription | |
SetCartDiscountKey | |
SetCartDiscountValidFrom | |
SetCartDiscountValidFromAndUntil | |
SetCartDiscountValidUntil | |
SetCartItemShippingAddressCustomField | |
SetCartItemShippingAddressCustomType | |
SetCartKey | |
SetCartLineItemCustomField | |
SetCartLineItemCustomType | |
SetCartLineItemDistributionChannel | |
SetCartLineItemPrice | |
SetCartLineItemShippingDetails | |
SetCartLineItemSupplyChannel | |
SetCartLineItemTaxAmount | |
SetCartLineItemTaxRate | |
SetCartLineItemTotalPrice | |
SetCartLocale | |
SetCartShippingAddress | |
SetCartShippingAddressCustomField | |
SetCartShippingAddressCustomType | |
SetCartShippingMethod | |
SetCartShippingMethodTaxAmount | |
SetCartShippingMethodTaxRate | |
SetCartShippingRateInput | |
SetCartTotalTax | |
SetCategoryAssetCustomField | |
SetCategoryAssetCustomType | |
SetCategoryAssetDescription | |
SetCategoryAssetKey | |
SetCategoryAssetSources | |
SetCategoryAssetTags | |
SetCategoryCustomField | |
SetCategoryCustomType | |
SetCategoryDescription | |
SetCategoryExternalId | |
SetCategoryKey | |
SetCategoryMetaDescription | |
SetCategoryMetaKeywords | |
SetCategoryMetaTitle | |
SetChannelAddress | |
SetChannelAddressCustomField | |
SetChannelAddressCustomType | |
SetChannelCustomField | |
SetChannelCustomType | |
SetChannelGeoLocation | |
SetChannelRoles | |
SetCustomerAddressCustomField | |
SetCustomerAddressCustomType | |
SetCustomerAuthenticationMode | |
SetCustomerCompanyName | |
SetCustomerCustomField | |
SetCustomerCustomType | |
SetCustomerDateOfBirth | |
SetCustomerDefaultBillingAddress | |
SetCustomerDefaultShippingAddress | |
SetCustomerExternalId | |
SetCustomerFirstName | |
SetCustomerGroup | |
SetCustomerGroupCustomField | |
SetCustomerGroupCustomType | |
SetCustomerGroupKey | |
SetCustomerKey | |
SetCustomerLastName | |
SetCustomerLocale | |
SetCustomerMiddleName | |
SetCustomerNumber | |
SetCustomerSalutation | |
SetCustomerStores | |
SetCustomerTitle | |
SetCustomerVatId | |
SetDiscountCodeCartPredicate | |
SetDiscountCodeCustomField | |
SetDiscountCodeCustomType | |
SetDiscountCodeDescription | |
SetDiscountCodeMaxApplications | |
SetDiscountCodeMaxApplicationsPerCustomer | |
SetDiscountCodeName | |
SetDiscountCodeValidFrom | |
SetDiscountCodeValidFromAndUntil | |
SetDiscountCodeValidUntil | |
SetExtensionKey | |
SetExtensionTimeoutInMs | |
SetInputTip | |
SetInventoryEntryCustomField | |
SetInventoryEntryCustomType | |
SetInventoryEntryExpectedDelivery | |
SetInventoryEntryRestockableInDays | |
SetInventoryEntrySupplyChannel | |
SetKey | |
SetMyCartShippingMethod | |
SetOrderBillingAddress | |
SetOrderBillingAddressCustomField | |
SetOrderBillingAddressCustomType | |
SetOrderCustomerEmail | |
SetOrderCustomerId | |
SetOrderCustomField | |
SetOrderCustomLineItemCustomField | |
SetOrderCustomLineItemCustomType | |
SetOrderCustomLineItemShippingDetails | |
SetOrderCustomType | |
SetOrderDeliveryAddress | |
SetOrderDeliveryAddressCustomField | |
SetOrderDeliveryAddressCustomType | |
SetOrderDeliveryCustomField | |
SetOrderDeliveryCustomType | |
SetOrderDeliveryItems | |
SetOrderEditComment | |
SetOrderEditCustomField | |
SetOrderEditCustomType | |
SetOrderEditKey | |
SetOrderEditStagedActions | |
SetOrderItemShippingAddressCustomField | |
SetOrderItemShippingAddressCustomType | |
SetOrderLineItemCustomField | |
SetOrderLineItemCustomType | |
SetOrderLineItemShippingDetails | |
SetOrderLocale | |
SetOrderNumber | |
SetOrderParcelCustomField | |
SetOrderParcelCustomType | |
SetOrderParcelItems | |
SetOrderParcelMeasurements | |
SetOrderParcelTrackingData | |
SetOrderReturnInfo | |
SetOrderReturnItemCustomField | |
SetOrderReturnItemCustomType | |
SetOrderReturnPaymentState | |
SetOrderReturnShipmentState | |
SetOrderShippingAddress | |
SetOrderShippingAddressCustomField | |
SetOrderShippingAddressCustomType | |
SetOrderStore | |
SetPaymentAmountPaid | |
SetPaymentAmountRefunded | |
SetPaymentAnonymousId | |
SetPaymentAuthorization | |
SetPaymentCustomer | |
SetPaymentCustomField | |
SetPaymentCustomType | |
SetPaymentExternalId | |
SetPaymentInterfaceId | |
SetPaymentKey | |
SetPaymentMethodInfoInterface | |
SetPaymentMethodInfoMethod | |
SetPaymentMethodInfoName | |
SetPaymentStatusInterfaceCode | |
SetPaymentStatusInterfaceText | |
SetPaymentTransactionCustomField | |
SetPaymentTransactionCustomType | |
SetProductAssetCustomField | |
SetProductAssetCustomType | |
SetProductAssetDescription | |
SetProductAssetKey | |
SetProductAssetSources | |
SetProductAssetTags | |
SetProductAttribute | |
SetProductAttributeInAllVariants | |
SetProductCategoryOrderHint | |
SetProductDescription | |
SetProductDiscountDescription | |
SetProductDiscountedPrice | |
SetProductDiscountKey | |
SetProductDiscountValidFrom | |
SetProductDiscountValidFromAndUntil | |
SetProductDiscountValidUntil | |
SetProductImageLabel | |
SetProductKey | |
SetProductMetaAttributes | |
SetProductMetaDescription | |
SetProductMetaKeywords | |
SetProductMetaTitle | |
SetProductPriceCustomField | |
SetProductPriceCustomType | |
SetProductPrices | |
SetProductSelectionKey | |
SetProductSku | |
SetProductTaxCategory | |
SetProductVariantKey | |
SetProjectSettingsExternalOAuth | |
SetProjectSettingsShippingRateInputType | |
SetReviewAuthorName | |
SetReviewCustomer | |
SetReviewCustomField | |
SetReviewCustomType | |
SetReviewKey | |
SetReviewLocale | |
SetReviewRating | |
SetReviewTarget | |
SetReviewText | |
SetReviewTitle | |
SetSearchKeywords | |
SetShippingMethodCustomField | |
SetShippingMethodCustomType | |
SetShippingMethodDescription | |
SetShippingMethodKey | |
SetShippingMethodLocalizedDescription | |
SetShippingMethodLocalizedName | |
SetShippingMethodPredicate | |
SetShoppingListAnonymousId | |
SetShoppingListCustomer | |
SetShoppingListCustomField | |
SetShoppingListCustomType | |
SetShoppingListDeleteDaysAfterLastModification | |
SetShoppingListDescription | |
SetShoppingListKey | |
SetShoppingListLineItemCustomField | |
SetShoppingListLineItemCustomType | |
SetShoppingListSlug | |
SetShoppingListStore | |
SetShoppingListTextLineItemCustomField | |
SetShoppingListTextLineItemCustomType | |
SetShoppingListTextLineItemDescription | |
SetStagedOrderBillingAddress | |
SetStagedOrderBillingAddressCustomField | |
SetStagedOrderBillingAddressCustomFieldOutput | |
SetStagedOrderBillingAddressCustomType | |
SetStagedOrderBillingAddressCustomTypeOutput | |
SetStagedOrderBillingAddressOutput | |
SetStagedOrderCountry | |
SetStagedOrderCountryOutput | |
SetStagedOrderCustomerEmail | |
SetStagedOrderCustomerEmailOutput | |
SetStagedOrderCustomerGroup | |
SetStagedOrderCustomerGroupOutput | |
SetStagedOrderCustomerId | |
SetStagedOrderCustomerIdOutput | |
SetStagedOrderCustomField | |
SetStagedOrderCustomFieldOutput | |
SetStagedOrderCustomLineItemCustomField | |
SetStagedOrderCustomLineItemCustomFieldOutput | |
SetStagedOrderCustomLineItemCustomType | |
SetStagedOrderCustomLineItemCustomTypeOutput | |
SetStagedOrderCustomLineItemShippingDetails | |
SetStagedOrderCustomLineItemShippingDetailsOutput | |
SetStagedOrderCustomLineItemTaxAmount | |
SetStagedOrderCustomLineItemTaxAmountOutput | |
SetStagedOrderCustomLineItemTaxRate | |
SetStagedOrderCustomLineItemTaxRateOutput | |
SetStagedOrderCustomShippingMethod | |
SetStagedOrderCustomShippingMethodOutput | |
SetStagedOrderCustomType | |
SetStagedOrderCustomTypeOutput | |
SetStagedOrderDeliveryAddress | |
SetStagedOrderDeliveryAddressCustomField | |
SetStagedOrderDeliveryAddressCustomFieldOutput | |
SetStagedOrderDeliveryAddressCustomType | |
SetStagedOrderDeliveryAddressCustomTypeOutput | |
SetStagedOrderDeliveryAddressOutput | |
SetStagedOrderDeliveryCustomField | |
SetStagedOrderDeliveryCustomFieldOutput | |
SetStagedOrderDeliveryCustomType | |
SetStagedOrderDeliveryCustomTypeOutput | |
SetStagedOrderDeliveryItems | |
SetStagedOrderDeliveryItemsOutput | |
SetStagedOrderItemShippingAddressCustomField | |
SetStagedOrderItemShippingAddressCustomFieldOutput | |
SetStagedOrderItemShippingAddressCustomType | |
SetStagedOrderItemShippingAddressCustomTypeOutput | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemCustomField | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemCustomFieldOutput | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemCustomType | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemCustomTypeOutput | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemDistributionChannel | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemDistributionChannelOutput | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemPrice | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemPriceOutput | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemShippingDetails | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemShippingDetailsOutput | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemTaxAmount | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemTaxAmountOutput | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemTaxRate | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemTaxRateOutput | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemTotalPrice | |
SetStagedOrderLineItemTotalPriceOutput | |
SetStagedOrderLocale | |
SetStagedOrderLocaleOutput | |
SetStagedOrderOrderNumber | |
SetStagedOrderOrderNumberOutput | |
SetStagedOrderOrderTotalTax | |
SetStagedOrderOrderTotalTaxOutput | |
SetStagedOrderParcelCustomField | |
SetStagedOrderParcelCustomFieldOutput | |
SetStagedOrderParcelCustomType | |
SetStagedOrderParcelCustomTypeOutput | |
SetStagedOrderParcelItems | |
SetStagedOrderParcelItemsOutput | |
SetStagedOrderParcelMeasurements | |
SetStagedOrderParcelMeasurementsOutput | |
SetStagedOrderParcelTrackingData | |
SetStagedOrderParcelTrackingDataOutput | |
SetStagedOrderReturnInfo | |
SetStagedOrderReturnInfoOutput | |
SetStagedOrderReturnItemCustomField | |
SetStagedOrderReturnItemCustomFieldOutput | |
SetStagedOrderReturnItemCustomType | |
SetStagedOrderReturnItemCustomTypeOutput | |
SetStagedOrderReturnPaymentState | |
SetStagedOrderReturnPaymentStateOutput | |
SetStagedOrderReturnShipmentState | |
SetStagedOrderReturnShipmentStateOutput | |
SetStagedOrderShippingAddress | |
SetStagedOrderShippingAddressAndCustomShippingMethod | |
SetStagedOrderShippingAddressAndCustomShippingMethodOutput | |
SetStagedOrderShippingAddressAndShippingMethod | |
SetStagedOrderShippingAddressAndShippingMethodOutput | |
SetStagedOrderShippingAddressCustomField | |
SetStagedOrderShippingAddressCustomFieldOutput | |
SetStagedOrderShippingAddressCustomType | |
SetStagedOrderShippingAddressCustomTypeOutput | |
SetStagedOrderShippingAddressOutput | |
SetStagedOrderShippingMethod | |
SetStagedOrderShippingMethodOutput | |
SetStagedOrderShippingMethodTaxAmount | |
SetStagedOrderShippingMethodTaxAmountOutput | |
SetStagedOrderShippingMethodTaxRate | |
SetStagedOrderShippingMethodTaxRateOutput | |
SetStagedOrderShippingRateInput | |
SetStagedOrderShippingRateInputOutput | |
SetStagedOrderStore | |
SetStagedOrderStoreOutput | |
SetStateDescription | |
SetStateName | |
SetStateRoles | |
SetStateTransitions | |
SetStoreCustomField | |
SetStoreCustomType | |
SetStoreDistributionChannels | |
SetStoreLanguages | |
SetStoreName | |
SetStoreProductSelections | |
SetStoreSupplyChannels | |
SetSubscriptionChanges | |
SetSubscriptionKey | |
SetSubscriptionMessages | |
SetTaxCategoryKey | |
SetType | |
SetTypeDescription | |
SetZoneDescription | |
SetZoneKey | |
ShippingInfo | |
ShippingMethod | |
ShippingMethodDraft | |
ShippingMethodLimitsProjection | |
ShippingMethodLimitWithCurrent | |
ShippingMethodLocalizedDescriptionArgs | |
ShippingMethodLocalizedNameArgs | |
ShippingMethodQueryResult | |
ShippingMethodsByCartInterface | A field to retrieve available shipping methods for a cart. |
ShippingMethodsByCartInterfaceShippingMethodsByCartArgs | A field to retrieve available shipping methods for a cart. |
ShippingMethodUpdateAction | |
ShippingRate | Shipping Rate |
ShippingRateCartClassificationPriceTier | |
ShippingRateCartScorePriceTier | |
ShippingRateCartValuePriceTier | |
ShippingRateDraft | |
ShippingRateInput | |
ShippingRateInputDraft | |
ShippingRateInputDraftOutput | |
ShippingRateInputLocalizedEnumValue | |
ShippingRateInputLocalizedEnumValueLabelArgs | |
ShippingRateInputType | |
ShippingRateInputTypeInput | |
ShippingRatePriceTier | |
ShippingRatePriceTierCartClassificationDraft | |
ShippingRatePriceTierCartScoreDraft | |
ShippingRatePriceTierCartValueDraft | |
ShippingRatePriceTierDraft | |
ShippingTarget | |
ShippingTargetDraft | |
ShippingTargetDraftType | |
ShippingTargetInput | |
ShoppingList | |
ShoppingListDescriptionArgs | |
ShoppingListDraft | |
ShoppingListLimitsProjection | |
ShoppingListLimitWithCurrent | |
ShoppingListLineItem | |
ShoppingListLineItemDraft | |
ShoppingListLineItemNameArgs | |
ShoppingListLineItemProductSlugArgs | |
ShoppingListNameArgs | |
ShoppingListQueryInterface | Fields to access shopping lists. Includes direct access to a single list and searching for shopping lists. |
ShoppingListQueryInterfaceShoppingListArgs | Fields to access shopping lists. Includes direct access to a single list and searching for shopping lists. |
ShoppingListQueryInterfaceShoppingListsArgs | Fields to access shopping lists. Includes direct access to a single list and searching for shopping lists. |
ShoppingListQueryResult | |
ShoppingListsConfiguration | |
ShoppingListsConfigurationInput | |
ShoppingListSlugArgs | |
ShoppingListUpdateAction | |
SimpleAttributeTypeDraft | |
SimpleFieldTypeDraft | |
SnsDestination | |
SnsDestinationInput | |
SqsDestination | |
SqsDestinationInput | |
StagedOrderUpdateAction | |
StagedOrderUpdateActionOutput | |
State | [State](https://docs.commercetools.com/api/projects/states) |
StateDescriptionArgs | [State](https://docs.commercetools.com/api/projects/states) |
StateDraft | |
StateNameArgs | [State](https://docs.commercetools.com/api/projects/states) |
StateQueryResult | |
StateUpdateAction | |
Store | Stores allow defining different contexts for a project. |
StoreCreated | |
StoreCreatedNameArgs | |
StoreDeleted | |
StoreLimitsProjection | |
StoreLimitWithCurrent | |
StoreNameArgs | Stores allow defining different contexts for a project. |
StoreProductSelectionsChanged | BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#beta-features |
StoreQueryResult | |
StoreUpdateAction | |
StringAttribute | |
StringField | |
StringType | |
SubRate | |
SubRateDraft | |
SubscriptionDraft | |
SubscriptionFormatInput | |
SubscriptionUpdateAction | |
Suggestion | |
SuggestResult | |
SuggestResultEntry | |
SuggestTokenizer | |
SuggestTokenizerProductSearch | |
SyncInfo | Stores information about order synchronization activities (like export or import). |
TargetReferenceInput | |
TaxCategory | Tax Categories define how products are to be taxed in different countries. |
TaxCategoryAddTaxRate | |
TaxCategoryChangeName | |
TaxCategoryDraft | |
TaxCategoryLimitsProjection | |
TaxCategoryLimitWithCurrent | |
TaxCategoryQueryResult | |
TaxCategoryRemoveTaxRate | |
TaxCategoryReplaceTaxRate | |
TaxCategorySetDescription | |
TaxCategoryUpdateAction | |
TaxedItemPrice | |
TaxedPrice | |
TaxPortion | Represents the portions that sum up to the totalGross field of a TaxedPrice. The portions are calculated from the TaxRates. If a tax rate has SubRates, they are used and can be identified by name. Tax portions from line items that have the same rate and name will be accumulated to the same tax portion. |
TaxPortionDraft | |
TaxRate | |
TaxRateDraft | |
TermCount | |
TermsFacetInput | |
TermsFacetResult | |
TextAttributeDefinitionType | |
TextLineItem | |
TextLineItemDescriptionArgs | |
TextLineItemDraft | |
TextLineItemNameArgs | |
TimeAttribute | |
TimeAttributeDefinitionType | |
TimeField | |
TimeType | |
TrackingData | |
TrackingDataDraftType | |
Transaction | |
TransactionDraft | |
TransitionOrderCustomLineItemState | |
TransitionOrderLineItemState | |
TransitionOrderState | |
TransitionPaymentState | |
TransitionProductState | |
TransitionReviewState | |
TransitionStagedOrderCustomLineItemState | |
TransitionStagedOrderCustomLineItemStateOutput | |
TransitionStagedOrderLineItemState | |
TransitionStagedOrderLineItemStateOutput | |
TransitionStagedOrderState | |
TransitionStagedOrderStateOutput | |
TreeFacetInput | |
TreeFilterInput | |
Trigger | |
TriggerInput | |
TypeDefinition | Types define the structure of custom fields which can be attached to different entities throughout the platform. |
TypeDefinitionDescriptionArgs | Types define the structure of custom fields which can be attached to different entities throughout the platform. |
TypeDefinitionDraft | |
TypeDefinitionFieldDefinitionsArgs | Types define the structure of custom fields which can be attached to different entities throughout the platform. |
TypeDefinitionNameArgs | Types define the structure of custom fields which can be attached to different entities throughout the platform. |
TypeDefinitionQueryResult | |
TypeUpdateAction | |
UnpublishProduct | |
UpdateCartItemShippingAddress | |
UpdateOrderItemShippingAddress | |
UpdateOrderSyncInfo | |
UpdateStagedOrderItemShippingAddress | |
UpdateStagedOrderItemShippingAddressOutput | |
UpdateStagedOrderSyncInfo | |
UpdateStagedOrderSyncInfoOutput | |
UserProvidedIdentifiers | |
UserProvidedIdentifiersSlugArgs | |
ValueCountFacetInput | |
ValueFacetInput | |
ValueFacetResult | |
ValueFilterInput | |
Versioned | Versioned object have an ID and version and modification. Every update of this object changes it's version. |
WhitespaceSuggestTokenizer | |
WhitespaceSuggestTokenizerInput | |
WhitespaceSuggestTokenizerProductSearch | |
Zone | Zones allow defining ShippingRates for specific Locations. |
ZoneLimitsProjection | |
ZoneLimitWithCurrent | |
ZoneLocation | |
ZoneQueryResult | |
ZoneRate | |
ZoneRateDraft | |
ZoneUpdateAction | |