Home > @vsf-enterprise/commercetools
# commercetools package
Types for composables and getters
# Remarks
The @vue-storefront/commercetools
library includes everything needed to fetch data from the Server Middleware and display them in agnostic and formatted form. This includes composables and getters.
# Enumerations
Enumeration | Description |
FacetFilteringStrategy | Faceting filtering strategies supported by the commercetools |
FacetType | Facet types supported by the commercetools |
SortingDirection | Sorting directions supported by the commercetools |
# Functions
Function | Description |
filterArrayByCriteriaRecord(array, criteria) | |
filterByCriteriaRecord(criteria) | |
filterByCriteriaRecordField(target) | |
generateContext(methods) | |
getCouponsFromCart(cart) | |
getFiltersFromProductsAttributes(products) | |
getStoreCredentials(store) | |
getStoreKey(store) | |
isCallableCriteriaRecordValue(value) | |
mapPaginationParams({ page, perPage }) | |
useBilling() | Composable for managing billing addresses for the current order |
useCart() | Composable for managing user cart, including managing products and discount coupons |
useCategory(id) | Composable for loading categories |
useChannel(id) | Composable for loading available supply channels |
useCurrency() | Managing currency |
useFacet(id) | Composable for complex catalog search with filtering |
useForgotPassword() | Composable for resetting user password |
useGuestEmail() | |
useInventory(id) | Composable for loading product inventory |
useLocale() | Managing locale |
useMakeOrder() | Composable for placing an order |
useProduct(id) | Composable for loading products |
useReview(id) | Composable for loading and adding products reviews |
useShipping() | Composable for managing shipping addresses for the current order |
useShippingProvider() | Composable for managing shipping addresses for the current order |
useStore() | Managing stores |
useUser() | Composable for managing current user |
useUserBilling() | Composable for managing user billing addresses |
useUserOrder() | Composable for loading user order history |
useUserShipping() | Composable for managing user shipping addresses |
useWishlist() | Composable for managing user wishlist |
# Interfaces
Interface | Description |
AgnosticPlace | |
Callable | |
Config | Configuration object for the @vsf-enterprise/commercetools/nuxt module in the nuxt.config.js file |
ConfigCountry | Country configuration object |
ConfigCurrency | Currency configuration object |
ConfigFacet | Filters available to the user |
ConfigFacetingOptions | Search options available to the user, such as pagination, sorting and available filters |
ConfigLocale | Language configuration object |
ConfigSortingOptions | Sorting options available to the user |
CustomErrorResponse | |
ErrorResponse | |
FacetGettersFilters | |
FacetResultsData | |
ForgotPasswordRequestExtend | |
ForgotPasswordResult | |
Localized | |
Predicate | |
ProductGettersFilters | |
ProductsSearchParams | |
ResetPasswordParams | |
SetNewPasswordParams | |
StoreCredentials | |
StoreFilterCriteria | |
StoreGetters | |
StoresData | |
UseCart | |
UseCartErrors | |
UseChannel | |
UseChannelErrors | |
UseInventory | |
UseInventoryErrors | |
UseShipping | |
UseShippingErrors | |
UseStoreFactoryChangeChannelParamArguments |
# Namespaces
Namespace | Description |
wishlistHelpers |
# Variables
Variable | Description |
cartGetters | Getter for the useCart composable |
categoryGetters | Getter for the useCategory composable |
channelGetters | |
createPrice | |
enhanceProduct | |
facetGetters | Getter for the useFacet composable |
forgotPasswordGetters | Getter for the useForgotPassword composable |
formatAttributeList | |
getAttributeValue | |
getIsoFromCode | |
getVariantByAttributes | |
mapChildren | |
orderGetters | Getter for the useUserOrder composable |
priceTransform | |
productGetters | Getter for the useProduct composable |
productPriceTransform | |
reviewGetters | Getter for the useReview composable |
storeGetters | Getter for the useStore composable |
userBillingGetters | Getter for the useUserBilling composable |
userGetters | Getter for the useUser composable |
userShippingGetters | Getter for the useUserShipping composable |
wishlistGetters | Getter for the useWishlist composable |
# Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
EnhanceProduct | |
ErrorHandling | |
FilterCriteriaRecord | |
FilterCriteriaRecordField | |
FilterCriteriaRecordValue | |
OrderSearchParams | |
SearchData | |
ShippingProviderState | |
TransformedPrice | |
UseReviewData | Data returned from the search and addReview methods from useReview composable |
Wishlist |