AddCustomerCartAssociationParams | |
AddCustomItemToCartParams | |
AddProductToCartParams | |
AddPromotionToCartParams | |
AddressesEndpoints | Address related API endpoints |
AuthorizePaymentParams | Parameters to authorize a payment. |
Cart | Cart model extends Elastic Path cart. |
CartEndpoints | Cart related API endpoints |
CartItem | Cart item model extends Elastic Path cart item. |
CatalogEndpoints | Catalog related API endpoints |
CheckoutParams | |
CheckoutResponse | |
ConfigurationEndpoints | Currency related API endpoints |
ConnectedProducts | Connected products are recommendations in addition to an item a customer is currently viewing. |
CreateAccountAddressesParams | |
CreateCartParams | |
CreateCustomerAddressesParams | |
CreateEntryRelationshipResponse | Response from creating an entry relationship. This response will contain the data that an entry that was provided in the request is related to. |
CreateTaxItemsParams | |
Customer | |
CustomerEndpoints | Customer related API endpoints |
CustomerSignInParams | |
DeleteAccountAddressesParams | |
DeleteCustomerAddressesParams | |
EditAccountAddressesParams | |
EditCustomerAddressesParams | |
EntryRelationship | Connection between an entry and a resource. |
Facet | Facet model |
FileEndpoints | File related API endpoints |
FlowEndpoints | Flow related API endpoints |
FormattedPrice | Formatted price model |
FormattedTotalPrice | Formatted total price model |
GetCartParams | |
GetCatalogsParams | Parameters to get catalogs data. |
GetCustomerCartsListParams | |
GetCustomerParams | |
GetHierarchiesParams | |
GetHierarchyChildrenParams | |
GetNodeChildrenParams | |
GetNodesParams | Parameters to get nodes from the catalog. |
GetOrdersParams | Parameters to get orders. |
GetProductParams | Parameters to request a product from the published catalog. |
GetProductsByHierarchyParams | |
GetProductsByNodeParams | |
GetProductsParams | Parameters to get products. |
MergeCartsParams | |
MiddlewareSettingsConfig | Settings provided in the middleware.config.js file. |
MultistoreConfig | Settings provided in the multistore.config.js file. |
Order | Order model extends Elastic Path order. TODO: delete overridings after moltin updates type definitions. See task VSEE-221 |
OrderEndpoints | Order and payment related endpoints |
Pagination | Pagination model. |
Product | Product model |
ProductResponse | |
RegisterCustomerParams | Parameters to register a new customer. |
RemoveCartItemsParams | |
ResetPasswordParams | |
ResetPasswordResponse | Response format of password reset endpoint. |
SetNewPasswordParams | |
ShippingMethod | Shipping method model |
StoreConfigCacheStorage | |
TaxItem | |
TierPrice | Price of the product when a certain minimum quantity is purchased. |
UpdateCartItemParams | |
UpdateCustomerParams | Parameters to update an existing customer. |
User | User model extends Elastic Path customer. |