Vue Storefront is now Alokai! Learn More



Major Changes

  • 1ea0058: Updated dependency @vue-storefront/middleware to version 4.1.0
    • BREAKING CHANGE: SFCCServiceFactory get method now returns a promise

    Migration guide:
    In extended API methods, every call to context.client.sfcc.get() should be updated to handle the promise response.
    async function example(context) {
      const { config, client } = context;
      const { sfcc, adyen } = client;
    -  const sfccClient = sfcc.get(context);
    +  const sfccClient = await sfcc.get(context);
      // ...


Patch Changes

  • FIXED Sending shopperIP field to Adyen if it's derivable, previously we didn't, we introduced it as it is becoming required by Adyen


Patch Changes

  • db6555c: DEPENDENCIES Raised the versions of the @vsf-enterprise/sfcc-api, @vsf-enterprise/sfcc-sdk and @vsf-enterprise/sfcc-types dependencies


Major Changes

  • 437bbaa: - ADDED New custom onOrderSuccess callback added to the SDK, which is triggered automatically at the end of the /payment /paymentDetails calls.
    • CHANGED The returnUrl configuration option has been changed to baseUrl to reflect updated functionality and can no longer be a function.


Major Changes

  • Stable version of Adyen SFCC integration, based on the SDK pattern.