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Change log

Change log


Patch Changes

  • FIXED Fix /readyz returning 503 if readinessProbes not passed in middleware.config.ts

Before this fix, sending a GET request to http://localhost:4000/readyz would return { "status": "error" } and a HTTP 503 status. This happened only when readinessProbes wasn't added to middleware options (the default behavior). From now on, the readinessProbes is not required and can be removed from ./apps/storefront-middleware/src/index.ts.

import { createServer, type CreateServerOptions } from "@vue-storefront/middleware";

async function runApp() {
  const app = await createServer(config, {
    cors: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? undefined : developmentCorsConfig,
-   readinessProbes: [] 


Patch Changes

FIXED type of defaultErrorHandler


Minor Changes

ADDED defaultErrorHandler is now exported from the package. Example usage:

import type { Integration } from "@vue-storefront/middleware";
import type { MiddlewareConfig } from "@vsf-enterprise/sapcc-api";
import { defaultErrorHandler } from "@vue-storefront/middleware";

export const config = {
  integrations: {
    commerce: {
      errorHandler: (error, req, res) => {
        // Perform custom actions before delegating to the default error handler
        defaultErrorHandler(error, req, res);
    } satisfies Integration<MiddlewareConfig>,


Minor Changes

ADDED Support for file uploads Now you can upload files to the server with a multipart/form-data content type. Files are available in the req.files object.

// Example of an endpoint that handles file uploads
export const upload = (context) => {
  // Files are available in the `req.files` object
  const { files } = context.req;

  // Do something with files

  return Promise.resolve({
    status: 200,
    message: "ok",

Please, read the Getting Started guide for more information about file uploads.


Patch Changes


  • added more verbose message with a troubleshooting guide in case that the getLogger method was not able to retrieve the logger instance.

** FIXED **

  • changed level property to verbosity in the LoggerConfig interface.


Minor Changes

  • ADDED The middleware application now offers a robust logger instance accessible across various parts of the system, including extensions, integrations, hooks, and API methods. This provides greater flexibility for logging critical events and errors throughout the application lifecycle. For more information, see the Logger guide.


Patch Changes

  • FIXED a potential XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) vulnerability in the middleware. Now, each parameter is properly sanitized and validated before being used in the middleware.


Major Changes

  • CHANGED BREAKING Changed return type of createServer() from Express to Server (from built-in node:http package). Both of those types' interfaces have the .listen() method with the same shape. In some older templates for starting the middleware (middleware.js in your repo) you come across:
async function runMiddleware(app: Express) {

If you're using that older template, please change the Express type to Server:

+ import { Server } from "node:http"
+ async function runMiddleware(app: Server) {
- async function runMiddleware(app: Express) {
  • ADDED New GET /readyz endpoint for middleware for using with Kubernetes readiness probes. Please see our documentation for more information. For the endpoint to work correctly, it is required to pass readinessProbes configuration (at least an empty array) to createServer() in ./apps/storefront-middleware/src/index.ts:
import { createServer, type CreateServerOptions } from "@vue-storefront/middleware";

async function runApp() {
  const app = await createServer(config, {
    cors: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? undefined : developmentCorsConfig,
+   readinessProbes: [] 


Patch Changes

  • FIX Rollback the changes to the ApiMethodsFactory config generic type. It was causing incompatibility for some older packages.


Minor Changes

  • ADDED Added factory function for the extension API. Previously the extension API was an object with a set of methods. Now it can be created using a factory function the same way as the base API.

Previously only object was allowed:

export const extension: ApiClientExtension = {
  name: "extension",
  extendApiMethods: {
    ...extendedMethods, //methods as an object

Now you can either use an object or a factory function:

export const extension: ApiClientExtension = {
  name: "extension",
  // methods as a factory function with injected config object
  extendApiMethods: ({ config }) => {
    return createMyMethods(config);


Minor Changes

  • ADDED Provided easy access to methods added by middleware extensions via the context.extendedApi property.
const extensionA = {
  name: 'extensionA',
  extendApiMethods: {
    methodA: async () => { ... }

const extensionB = {
  name: 'extensionB',
  extendApiMethods: {
    methodB: async () => { ... }

const extensionC = {
  name: 'extensionC',
  extendApiMethods: {
    methodC: async (context) => {


Minor Changes

// middleware.config.ts
const middlewareExtension = {
  name: "example-extension",
  hooks: () => ({
    beforeCreate: async ({ configuration }) => Promise.resolve(configuration),
    afterCreate: async ({ configuration }) => Promise.resolve(configuration),
    beforeCall: async ({ args }) => Promise.resolve(args),
    afterCall: async ({ response }) => Promise.resolve(response),
// index.server.ts
import { apiClientFactory } from "@vue-storefront/middleware";

const { createApiClient } = apiClientFactory({
  onCreate: async (config) =>
      client: {},
  api: {},

export { createApiClient };


Patch Changes

  • CHANGED Fix typo in default error handler Now the default error message for error responses bearing a 4xx status code will be "Request failed with status code ${status}" instead of "Request faileds ...".


Major Changes

  • CHANGED Changed minimum Node version from 16 to 18. The condition that was forcing the Node version to be lower than 19 is also removed.


Minor Changes

  • ADDED Options as a second parameter of createServer. This allows you to pass additional options to cors, body-parser and cookie-parser express middlewares.
import { createServer } from "@vue-storefront/middleware";
import config from "../middleware.config";

createServer(config, {
  cors: {
    origin: "http://localhost:3000",
    credentials: true,
  bodyParser: {
    limit: "50mb",
  cookieParser: {
    secret: "secret",
  • ADDED http://localhost:4000 to the default cors origin.


Minor Changes

  • 712ba85a6: ADDED Adds WithoutContext type helper.
    type ApiClientMethods = {
      getProduct: (context: any, id: string) => Promise<Product>;
    type Endpoints = WithoutContext<ApiClientMethods>;


Patch Changes

  • c4534b523: CHANGED Returning HTTP Code 408 in case of ECONNABORTED from 3rd party service, and 500 in case of ECONNRESET instead of general fallback to HTTP Code 500, to provide more precise information about the case.


Minor Changes

  • 1e9fe5366: It is now possible to add namespaced extensions to integrations. Namespaced extensions are registered under /{integration-name}/{extension-name} extension of integration's namespace in opposition to non-namespaced extensions which are registered under /{integration-name} integration's namespace. Default value is false. Extensions without a namespace can potentially override existing endpoints, so it's recommended to use namespaced extensions whenever possible.
    Read more about extensions in our docs.


Patch Changes

  • 76e5f92e6: Fix the issue with error handling during the timeouted requests


Minor Changes

  • 496bfb840: Hide error data from the response, now only the message will be exposed to the client.


Patch Changes

  • 6c769c7a8: Fix status code resolving for the apollo client


Patch Changes

  • 3335b9b48: getApiClient helper returns now ApiClient interface
    const sapcc = context.getApiClient<Api, Config, Client>("sapcc");
    // typeof sapcc === ApiClient<Api, Config, Client>


Minor Changes

  • 1caa56efb: Add orchestration possibility by receiving loaded integrations from context
  • 1caa56efb: Extend IntegrationContext type with MiddlewareContext
  • 1caa56efb: Add new interface: ApiClient

Patch Changes

  • 1caa56efb: Remove singleton app from createServer function


Patch Changes

  • f8a7893: Enhanced error handling in getAxiosStatusCode for greater reliability, reducing the risk of unexpected errors and crashes when retrieving status codes from Axios errors.


Minor Changes

  • 50a0cd7: Added HTTP GET method support. Divided dynamic route logic into smaller, unit-tested middlewares.


Minor Changes

  • e2ff011: The extendApp callback which can be registered in extensions is now asynchronous and can be awaited to perform necessary operations while building the app.


Patch Changes

  • 5df8936: Fixed error objects detection


Minor Changes

  • 93e7c7c: Added possibility to pass API methods to createApiClient both as a plain object and a factory.


Patch Changes

  • Removed terser from the build process



  • expose integration methods inside extensions context
  • make integration name available within the extendApp extension method



  • add configurable error handler


Bug Fixes

  • all 4xx error code respond with error not just generic message (#6)


This release decoupled the middleware from the core.


  • stable release.