
The useStore() composable allows for fetching and storing your Base Store configuration.


Main data object populated by the load() method.


const Stores: ComputedProperty<BaseStore>

References: BaseStore


Indicates whether any of the composable methods is in progress.


const loading: ComputedProperty<boolean>;


Contains errors thrown by any of the composable methods.


const error: ComputedRef<UseStoreError>;

References: UseStoreError


Fetches a Base Store configuration from the API and saves it to the store property. Under the hood, it sends a request to the getBaseStore API endpoint.

Good to know

This method is called by the loadStore plugin on the initial application load.


interface LoadStoreProps extends BaseProps {
  baseStoreUid?: string;

async function load(props?: LoadStoresProps): Promise<void>;

References: LoadStoresProps, BaseProps


In the following example, we are calling the load() method without any params. It will fetch configuration for the Base Store with uid equal to the baseSiteId provided in middleware.config.js.

import { useStore } from '@vsf-enterprise/sapcc';
import { onMounted } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api';

export default {
  setup() {
    const { store, load: loadStore } = useStore();

    onMounted(async () => {
      await loadStore();

    return { store };


In the following example, we are specifying which Base Store we want to fetch the configuration for. We are also specifying a subset of fields we want to receive in response.

import { useStore } from '@vsf-enterprise/sapcc';
import { onMounted } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api';

export default {
  setup() {
    const { store, load: loadStore } = useStore();

    onMounted(async () => {
      await loadStore({ baseStoreUid: 'apparel-uk', fields: 'BASIC' });

    return { store };