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MiddlewareStoreConfig interface

Single SAP Store configuration.


export interface MiddlewareStoreConfig 


Property Type Description
baseSiteId string First parameter of every request (e.g. electronics). It allows for fetching content for the right Base Site and - in turn - the right Base Store.
baseStoreUid? string (Optional) Unique identifier of the Base Store. Can be skipped if the uid of your Base Store and the uid of your Base Site are the same.
catalogId string Main catalog id (e.g. electronicsProductCatalog).
catalogVersion string Main catalog version (e.g. Online).
defaultCurrency string Isocode of the default currency for the current Base Store (e.g. USD). Will be sent to OCC API if no vsf-currency cookie comes from the frontend (e.g. during the first page load).
defaultLanguage string Isocode of the default language for the current Base Store (e.g. EN). Will be sent to OCC API if no vsf-locale cookie comes from the frontend (e.g. during the first page load).
urlPatterns? string[] (Optional) Array of URL patterns that can be used for domain recognition.