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Change log: @vue-storefront/sdk

Change log: @vue-storefront/sdk


Patch Changes

  • FIXED Headers with same name will now have their values merged using the ";' delimiter, rather than ",". This is seen when middleware and defaultRequestConfig set the same header - e.g. Cookie.

After this change, Cookie: vsf-locale=en + Cookie: custom-cookie=123 will result in Cookie: vsf-locale=en; custom-cookie=123, rather than being wrongly separated by ,.


Patch Changes

  • CHANGED response type of HTTPClient to Promise<any>. Previously it was Promise<true> | SdkHttpError, which was making it impossible the use of an axios with the middlewareModule. Now, it more flexible and can be used with any HTTP client.


Patch Changes

FIXED Content-Length header will no longer be appended to requests if its value is "0" - such situation caused Next.js server to crash


Minor Changes

  • ADDED logger option to the middlewareModule config. This option allows you to turn on/off the logging of the SDK requests and responses or to provide a custom logger function.
import { initSDK, buildModule, middlewareModule } from "@vue-storefront/sdk";
import { Endpoints } from "@vsf-enterprise/sapcc-api";

const sdk = initSDK({
  commerce: buildModule(middlewareModule<Endpoints>, {
    apiUrl: "http://localhost:8181/commerce",
+   logger: true,

Logger can be also turned on by setting the ALOKAI_SDK_DEBUG environment variable to true.


Patch Changes

  • CHANGED handle error for not available middleware


Minor Changes

  • CHANGED cdnCacheBustingId is now optional


Major Changes

  • CHANGED Changed minimum Node version from 16 to 18. The condition that was forcing the Node version to be lower than 19 is also removed.


Major Changes

  • ADDED CDN support for the middlewareModule. Now, the module's configuration includes cdnCacheBustingId property, which allows you to set a unique identifier for the CDN cache busting. The property is obligatory and must be a string.

export const { getSdk } = createSdk(
  ({ buildModule, middlewareModule, middlewareUrl, getRequestHeaders }) => ({
    example: buildModule(middlewareModule<Endpoints>, {
      apiUrl: `${middlewareUrl}/test_integration`,
+      cdnCacheBustingId: process.env.CDN_CACHE_BUSTING_ID,
      defaultRequestConfig: {
        headers: getRequestHeaders(),

Patch Changes

  • FIXED support for GET requests in default HTTP client, which was throwing an error "SDKError: Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body". Now, the client can handle GET requests properly.


Minor Changes

  • ADDED a way to specify the default request configuration for each method.

Example: Set the getProducts method to be a GET request by default and use custom headers.

import { initSDK, buildModule, middlewareModule } from "@vue-storefront/sdk";
import { Endpoints } from "@vsf-enterprise/sapcc-api";

const sdk = initSDK({
  commerce: buildModule(middlewareModule<Endpoints>, {
    apiUrl: "http://localhost:8181/commerce",
    methodsRequestConfig: {
      getProduct: {
        method: "GET",
        headers: {
          "X-Header-Name": "Header-Value",


Patch Changes

  • FIXED type issue with obligatory generic type argument for Extension interface. Now, it can be used without any type arg.
  • FIXED BaseConfig extensibility. Now, it allows to add additional custom properties.


Patch Changes

  • FIXED issue with type inference. Previously, types were not infered properly when there were no extension declared. Now it has been fixed.


Patch Changes

  • FIXED handling void response in middlewareModule. Previously an invalid-json error was thrown, now undefined will be returned.


Patch Changes

  • FIXED error handling for default HTTP client. Default HTTP Client was not throwing an error on each failed request, now it does.


Minor Changes

  • ADDED New SDK module - middlewareModule. It is a recommended way to communicate with the Server Middleware.

Patch Changes

  • CHANGED SDK extension allows now to override module methods in extend property.


Patch Changes

  • CHANGED Updated buildModule function to work well with modules, whether they have optional or mandatory options.
  • Simplified how buildModule is set up,
  • Added a new type, ModuleInitializerWithMandatoryOptions.


Patch Changes

  • FIXED buildModule types in tsconfig strict mode


Patch Changes

  • 44c067dff: FIXED Make the second generic argument in the buildModule function optional. It's not required for the buildModule function to have the second argument. In some cases, when the first generic argument was provided, the second one was required.


Patch Changes

  • 72826cd11: FIXED Resolved an issue where the option parameter type resolution in the buildModule function was not working correctly. The options parameter is now required or optional, depending on the module implementation.


Minor Changes

  • feec8789d: ADDED in this release we allowed extension to use module methods, access module configuration and optional context object. For more information please visit documentation about extending modules.


Patch Changes

  • 62d5457fa: CHANGED
    • Previously, developers trying to create the sdkConfig object received very few suggestions, either while passing the module configuration object, or while working with the extensions. They were also able to create overrides with signatures different from the original methods which we strongly advise against. We adjusted the types to make the process of creating the sdkConfig object easier and more intuitive. We also added more suggestions to the extensions and options objects.


Patch Changes

  • 62d5457fa: CHANGED
    • Previously, developers trying to create the sdkConfig object received very few suggestions, either while passing the module configuration object, or while working with the extensions. They were also able to create overrides with signatures different from the original methods which we strongly advise against. We adjusted the types to make the process of creating the sdkConfig object easier and more intuitive. We also added more suggestions to the extensions and options objects.


Minor Changes

  • ad50ec8c8: Add around interceptors


Patch Changes

  • fix: prevent registering the same event multiple times


Minor Changes

  • Added handling of connectors implemented as proxy objects