Product recommendations
We provide a way to display product recommendations based on the user's behavior. This feature is powered by Coveo's AI and machine learning algorithms. It allows you to display personalized recommendations on your storefront. To enable this feature, you need to add standalone recommendedProducts
component somewhere in your application.
This is a two steps process:
- Firstly, you need to add analytics for the Product Details Page. To do that, follow our Analytics guide.
- Secondly, you need to use the
composable to get the recommendations and use therecommendedProducts
component to display them.
Adding recommendedProducts
Let's say that you want to display product recommendations on the Product Details Page which is a very common use case. To do that, you need to add the recommendedProducts
component to the Product Details Page. Here is an example of how you can do that:
// components/RecommendedProducts/RecommendedProducts.tsx
import { usePopularViewedRecommendations } from '@sf-modules/coveo';
export function RecommendedProducts() {
// ...
const { normalizedRecommendations } = usePopularViewedRecommendations({
maxNumberOfRecommendations: 8,
return (
<!-- ... -->
<p data-testid="recommendedProductsHeading" className="my-4 text-lg font-headline-3">
{/* {t('product:recommendedProducts')} */}
Popular viewed
{!!normalizedRecommendations?.length && ( <ProductSlider products={normalizedRecommendations} navigation="floating" /> )} <!-- ... -->