Vue Storefront is now Alokai! Learn More



Major Changes

Update the middleware to 5.1.0


Patch Changes

  • FIXED Handle undefined unified config for CMS-es.


Patch Changes

  • ADDED add and export SfContract interface


Minor Changes

  • ADDED createUnifiedCmsExtension factory which streamlines the process of creating a new unified extension for CMS-es.


Patch Changes

  • CHANGED dependencies now dont specify a strict version of libraries


Major Changes

  • BREAKING Updated peerDependencies:
  • @vue-storefront/middleware version to ^4.0.0.

Make sure this version is used in your project.

  "dependencies": {
-   "@vue-storefront/middleware": "3.x.x",
+   "@vue-storefront/middleware": "4.2.0"


Major Changes

The release of the v1.0.0 of the @vue-storefront/unified-data-model package, doesn't introduce any breaking changes in the Unified Data Layer. The package is now considered stable. We've focused on improving the utilities which allows to simplify the development of the eCommerce integrations.

  • ADDED unifiedExtensionFactory dedicated for the Unified API Extensions packages. Example usage in the @vsf-enterprise/unified-api-<commerce> package
export const createUnifiedExtension = unifiedExtensionFactory<
  typeof apiMethods,
  extendApiMethods: apiMethods,
  • ADDED UnifiedMethods type which contains all the methods from the Unified Methods contract. You can still import a type of the single method.
// all methods in one interface
import { UnifiedMethods } from "@vue-storefront/unified-data-model";
// single method
import { GetCart } from "@vue-storefront/unified-data-model";

Patch Changes

  • ADDED beforeCall hook to Unified Extension, which set the defaultCurrency for vsf-locale, when vsf-locale is empty.


Major Changes

First draft of v1.0.0

  • ADDED unifiedExtensionFactory dedicated for the Unified API Extensions packages. Example usage in the @vsf-enterprise/unified-api-<commerce> package
export const createUnifiedExtension = unifiedExtensionFactory<
  typeof apiMethods,
  extendApiMethods: apiMethods,
  • ADDED UnifiedMethods type which contains all the methods from the Unified Methods contract. You can still import a type of the single method.
// all methods in one interface
import { UnifiedMethods } from "@vue-storefront/unified-data-model";
// single method
import { GetCart } from "@vue-storefront/unified-data-model";

Patch Changes

  • ADDED beforeCall hook to Unified Extension, which set the defaultCurrency for vsf-locale, when vsf-locale is empty.


Patch Changes

  • ADDED beforeCall hook to Unified Extension, which set the defaultCurrency for vsf-locale, when vsf-locale is empty.


Minor Changes

  • ADDED toContextualizedNormalizers function which allows to create a set of normalizers which have access to the context of the current request.


Minor Changes

  • 645259e: Changed billingAddress to optional in SfOrder


Minor Changes

  • 98c8e77: Add a new field parentCategoryId to the SfCategory.


Patch Changes

  • b41484d: Fix types for SetCartAddressArgs


Minor Changes

  • 8260999: - Update SearchProducts method:
    • remove categoryHierarchy, currentCategory & subCategories fields
    • Remove productCount field from SfCategory


Minor Changes

  • a8c62a1: Define a new GetCategory method which allows to get the category and its ancestors by category id.


Minor Changes

  • d3b0594: Introduce the SfSortBy interface that defines possible sorting options in the SearchProduct request. Modify the sortBy options to make it possible to enter the custom options available in API clients.


Minor Changes

  • 95f6af6: Support cartId argument in cart methods.


Patch Changes

  • e13c168: Added quantityLimit to the SfCartLineItem


Minor Changes

  • 3187ae6: Enhance SfFacet data model with type property.


Minor Changes

  • 1df82d2c: Enhanced getCurrencies method to return current currency value


Minor Changes

  • Changed method args declaration from interfaces to types. This increases the DX on the SDK side, because now in the IDE you can see the internals of the type, and not just the name of the type. Read more here.


Minor Changes

  • Added productId to unified line item


Patch Changes

  • Expose SfFacetItem interface from unified-data-model


Patch Changes

  • Implemented PlaceOrder method definition in unified-data-model


Minor Changes

  • Created ChangeCustomerPassword method


Minor Changes

  • Added new entity - SfOrder & SfOrderListItem for representing customer's orders. Also created GetOrders & GetOrderDetails methods for receving those data. Update definition methods for creating API endpoints.

Patch Changes

  • Publish src directory


Minor Changes

  • Introduce the possibility of overwrite the normalizers in unified extension. Also provide functions for creating unified extension & define normalizers in Middleware configuration.


Minor Changes

  • Changed SetShippingAddress to accept a new interface SfCreateAddressBody. Thanks to that we ensure that all required address fields are passed
    • Created definition for Customer methods:
      • CreateCustomerAddress: allows to set a new address for currently logged in customer
      • UpdateCustomerAddress: allows to update an existing address belonging to currently logged in customer
      • GetCustomerAddresses: returns all addresses assigned to currently logged in customer
      • DeleteCustomerAddress: allows to delete an existing address belonging to currently logged in customer


Minor Changes

  • Added a UpdateCustomer method data model and implemented for unified-data-mocks.


Minor Changes

  • Added a SfCustomer model and specification for authenthication methods:
    type RegisterCustomer = (args: RegisterCustomerArgs): Promise<{
      customer: SfCustomer;
    type LoginCustomer = (args: LoginCustomerArgs): Promise<{
      customer: SfCustomer;
    type GetCustomer = () => Promise<Maybe<SfCustomer>>;
    type LogoutCustomer = () => Promise<void>;
  • Split GetProducts method into two methods:
    • GetProducts which allows to get specific products by ids or skus
    • and SearchProducts which allows to search for products by facets, category, and search phrase with an option to paginate and sort results


Minor Changes

  • init package