Product normalizers
Product includes two normalizers:
: This function is used to map MagentoProduct
, which includes a full product detailsnormalizeProductCatalogItem
: This function is used to map MagentoProduct
, which includes only basic product details, needed to display a product in a product catalog
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
product | ProductWithTypeName ProductInterface with __typename | Magento Product | |
ctx | NormalizeProductContext | Context needed for the normalizer. sku is added to specify a product variant |
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
product | ProductWithTypeName ProductInterface with __typename | Magento Product |
The SfProduct
model is returned from GetProductDetails
method. The SfProductCatalogItem
model is returned from GetProducts
method. If any of these models don't contain the information you need for your Storefront, you can extend its logic using the defineNormalizers
function. In the following example we extend the normalizeProduct
and normalizeProductCatalogItem
with countryOfManufacture
field which is available on Magento Product.
import { normalizers as normalizersMagento, defineNormalizers } from "@vsf-enterprise/unified-api-magento";
const normalizers = defineNormalizers<typeof normalizersMagento>()({
normalizeProduct: (product, context) => ({
...normalizersMagento.normalizeProduct(product, context),
countryOfManufacture: product.country_of_manufacture,
normalizeProductCatalogItem: (product, context) => ({
...normalizersMagento.normalizeProductCatalogItem(product, context),
countryOfManufacture: product.country_of_manufacture,
The normalizeProduct
and normalizeProductCatalogItem
function consists of several smaller normalizers such as normalizeImage
, normalizeRating
, and more, which you can override as well.
import { ConfigurableVariant } from "@vue-storefront/magento-types";
import sanitizeHtml from "sanitize-html";
import { ProductWithTypeName } from "../__internal__";
import { isConfigurableProduct } from "../__internal__/helpers";
import { defineNormalizer } from "../defineNormalizer";
import { NormalizeProductInput, NormalizerContext } from "../types";
import { normalizeProductInterface } from "./productCatalog";
import { normalizeProductVariant } from "./variant";
export const normalizeProduct = defineNormalizer.normalizeProduct((product, ctx) => {
const currentVariant = getVariant(product, ctx.sku);
const description = product.description?.html ? sanitizeHtml(product.description.html) : null;
const gallery =
.map((img) => ctx.normalizers.normalizeImage(img)) ?? [];
return {
...normalizeProductInterface(product, currentVariant?.product, ctx),
attributes: getAttributes(product, currentVariant, ctx),
variants: getVariants(product, ctx),
function getAttributes(
product: ProductWithTypeName,
currentVariant: { attributes: ConfigurableVariant["attributes"] },
ctx: NormalizerContext,
) {
if (!isConfigurableProduct(product)) {
return [];
const configurableOptions = (product.configurable_options ?? []).filter(Boolean);
const attributes = currentVariant.attributes;
if (!attributes || !configurableOptions?.length) {
return [];
return attributes
.map((attributeOption) =>
ctx.normalizers.normalizeAttribute({ attributeOption, configurableOptions }),
function getVariant(product: ProductWithTypeName, sku?: string) {
if (!isConfigurableProduct(product)) {
return { product, attributes: [] };
const variant = product.variants?.find((variant) => variant?.product?.sku === sku);
if (!variant?.product) {
return { product, attributes: [] };
return { product: variant.product, attributes: variant.attributes?.filter(Boolean) ?? [] };
function getVariants(product: NormalizeProductInput, ctx: NormalizerContext) {
if (isConfigurableProduct(product)) {
const configurable_options = (product.configurable_options ?? []).filter(Boolean);
return (product.variants ?? [])
.map((variant) => normalizeProductVariant(variant, configurable_options, ctx));
return [];