Home > @vsf-enterprise/bigcommerce-theme > UseCategoryInterface > loadCategoryTreeList
# UseCategoryInterface.loadCategoryTreeList() method
Loads the category treee.
loadCategoryTreeList(): Promise<void>;
# Remarks
Fetches category tree list from the API and stores it in categoryTreeStore
# Example
Loading a category tree for current storefront.
import { defineComponent, useAsync } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api';
import { useCategory } from '~/composables';
import { useCategoryTreeStore } from '~/stores';
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const categoryTreeStore = useCategoryTreeStore();
const { loadCategoryTreeList } = useCategory();
useAsync(async () => {
await loadCategoryTreeList();
const navigation = computed(() =>
categoryTreeStore.listOfRootBranches.map((rootLevel) => ({
key: rootLevel.id,
label: rootLevel.name,
slug: rootLevel.url
return { navigation };