Home > @vsf-enterprise/commercetools-api
# commercetools-api package
Types and default queries for API endpoints
# Remarks
The @vsf-enterprise/commercetools-api
library contains everything needed to fetch data from the commercetools e-commerce platform. This includes API client configuration, API endpoints or default queries.
# Enumerations
Enumeration | Description |
AttributeType | |
TokenType | Types of access tokens used by the integration |
# Functions
Function | Description |
addBillingAddress(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for adding new billing address for the current user. By default, it uses the addBillingAddressDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
addMultipleToMyShoppingList(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for adding multiple items to the wishlist. By default, it uses the addMultipleToMyShoppingListDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
addReview(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for adding new product reviews. By default, it uses the addReviewDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
addShippingAddress(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for adding new shipping address for the current user. By default, it uses the addShippingAddressDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
addToCart(context, cart, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for adding product to the provided cart. By default, it uses the updateCartDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
addToMyShoppingList(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for adding item to the wishlist. By default, it uses the addToMyShoppingListDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
applyCartCoupon(context, params, discountCode, customQuery) | Endpoint for applying discount code to the provided cart. By default, it uses the updateCartDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
createCart(context, cartDraft, customQuery) | Endpoint for creating a new cart for the current user. By default, it uses the createCartDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
createMyOrderFromCart(context, draft, customQuery) | Endpoint for creating order from cart of the current user. By default, it uses the createMyOrderFromCartDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
createMyShoppingList(context, draft, customQuery) | Endpoint for creating new wishlist. By default, it uses the createMyShoppingListDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
customerChangeMyPassword(context, version, currentPassword, newPassword) | Endpoint for changing password of the currently logged user. By default, it uses the customerChangeMyPasswordDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
customerResetPassword(context, tokenValue, newPassword, customQuery) | Endpoint for resetting password for the user associated with given token. By default, it uses the customerResetPasswordDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
customerSignMeIn(context, draft, customQuery) | Endpoint for logging in a user. By default, it uses the customerSignMeInDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
customerSignMeUp(context, draft, customQuery) | Endpoint for registering a new user. By default, it uses the customerSignMeUpDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
customerSignOut(context) | Endpoint for logging out the current user. It doesn't use any GraphQL query |
customerUpdateMe(context, currentUser, updatedUserData, customQuery) | Endpoint for updating data of the currently logged user. By default, it uses the customerUpdateMeDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
deleteBillingAddress(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for deleting saved billing address of the currently logged user based on provided ID. By default, it uses the deleteBillingAddressDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
deleteCart(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for deleting cart of the currently logged user based on parameters. By default, it uses the deleteCartDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
deleteShippingAddress(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for deleting saved shipping address of the currently logged user based on provided ID. By default, it uses the deleteShippingAddressDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
getCart(context, cartId, customQuery) | |
getCategory(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for loading categories based on filter parameters. By default, it uses the getCategoryDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
getChannel(context, params) | Endpoint for fetching a list of channels. By default, it uses the getChannelDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
getFacetCategories(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for loading categories based on filter parameters. By default, it uses the getFacetCategoriesDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
getFacetProductProjection(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for loading products based on provided filters, as well as sorting and pagination options. By default, it uses the getFacetProductProjectionDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
getInventory(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for checking inventory for given product SKUs. By default, it uses the getInventoryDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
getMe(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for retrieving data about current user. By default, it uses the getMeBasicProfileDefaultQuery GraphQL query when customer parameter is not passed and the getMeFullProfileDefaultQuery GraphQL query when it's passed |
getMyShoppingList(context, customQuery) | Endpoint for retrieving wishlist for a current user. By default, it uses the getMyShoppingListDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
getOrders(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for fetching filtered, sorted, and paginated user orders. By default, it uses the getOrdersDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
getProduct(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for fetching filtered, and paginated products. By default, it uses the getProductDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
getReview(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for fetching paginated reviews for the provided product. By default, it uses the getReviewDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
getShippingMethods(context, cartId, customQuery) | Endpoints for fetching shipping methods available for the given cart. By default, it uses the getShippingMethodsDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
getStores(context, params) | Endpoint for fetching available stores. By default, it uses the getStoresDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
isAnonymousSession(token) | Helper for checking if given token is an anonymous session |
isGuest(context) | Endpoint for checking if user is a guest. It doesn't use any GraphQL query |
isLoggedIn(context) | Endpoint for checking if user is logged in or not. It doesn't use any GraphQL query |
isUserSession(token) | Helper for checking if given token represents an user session |
removeCartCoupon(context, params, discountCode, customQuery) | Endpoint for removing coupon code from cart. By default, it uses the updateCartDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
removeFromCart(context, cart, product, customQuery) | Endpoint for removing product from the cart. By default, it uses the updateCartDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
removeFromMyShoppingList(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for removing products from the wishlist. By default, it uses the addToMyShoppingListDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
setDefaultBillingAddress(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for setting default billing address of the currently logged user based on provided ID. By default, it uses the setDefaultBillingAddressDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
setDefaultShippingAddress(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for setting default shipping address of the currently logged user based on provided ID. By default, it uses the setDefaultShippingAddressDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
updateBillingAddress(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for updating billing address of the current user. By default, it uses the updateBillingAddressDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
updateCart(context, params, customQuery) | Updates user cart using provided actions. By default, it uses the updateCartDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
updateCartQuantity(context, cart, product, customQuery) | Endpoint for updating quantity of given product from the cart. By default, it uses the updateCartDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
updateShippingAddress(context, params, customQuery) | Endpoint for updating shipping address of the current user. By default, it uses the updateShippingAddressDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
updateShippingDetails(context, cart, shippingDetails, customQuery) | Updated shipping address details on the given cart. By default, it uses the updateCartDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
# Interfaces
Interface | Description |
AddBillingAddressParams | Parameters for the addBillingAddress API endpoint |
AddMultipleToMyShoppingListParams | Parameters for the addMultipleToMyShoppingList API endpoint |
AddReviewParams | Parameters for the addMultipleToMyShoppingList API endpoint |
AddShippingAddressParams | Parameters for the addShippingAddress API endpoint |
AddToCartParams | First parameter for the addToCart API endpoint |
AddToCartProductParams | Second parameter for the addToCart API endpoint |
AddToMyShoppingListParams | Parameters for the addToMyShoppingList API endpoint |
ApiConfig | The api property in integration configuration |
ApiMethods | All API endpoints available in the integration out of the box |
ApplyCartCouponParams | Parameters for the applyCartCoupon API endpoint |
Auth | Object with helpers for reading and creating access token cookies and accessing current token provider |
BaseSearch | |
CartData | |
CategoryWhereSearch | |
ChannelsWhereSearch | |
ClientInstance | |
Config | Integration configuration after initialization and merging defaults |
Context | Contains current request and response object, integration configuration and helper methods |
CookiesConfig | Names of the cookies for user currency, country, locale, and store |
CreateCartParams | Parameters for the createCart API endpoint |
CreateMyOrderFromCartParams | Parameters for the createMyOrderFromCart API endpoint |
CreateMyShoppingListParams | Parameters for the createMyShoppingList API endpoint |
CustomerUpdateCurrentUser | First parameter used in the customerUpdateMe API endpoint |
DeleteBillingAddressParams | Parameters for the deleteBillingAddress API endpoint |
DeleteCartParams | Parameters for the deleteCart API endpoint |
DeleteShippingAddressParams | Parameters for the deleteShippingAddress API endpoint |
Filter | |
FilterOption | |
FlowOptions | |
GetChannelParams | Parameters for the getChannel API endpoint |
GetFacetProductProjectionParams | Parameters for the getFacetProductProjection API endpoint |
GetInventoryParams | Parameters for the getInventory API endpoint |
GetMeParams | Parameters for the getMe API endpoint |
GetOrdersParams | Parameters for the getOrders API endpoint |
GetReviewParams | Parameters for the getReview API endpoint |
GetStoresParams | Parameters for the getStores API endpoint |
LineItemIdentifier | |
LocaleItem | |
OrderWhereSearch | |
ProductIdentifier | |
ProductWhereSearch | |
RemoveCartCouponParams | Parameters for the removeCartCoupon API endpoint |
RemoveFromCartParams | First arameter for the removeFromCart API endpoint |
RemoveFromMyShoppingListParams | Parameters for the removeFromMyShoppingList API endpoint |
ServerApiConfiguration | The serverApi property in integration configuration |
SetDefaultBillingAddressParams | Parameters for the setDefaultBillingAddress API endpoint |
SetDefaultShippingAddressParams | Parameters for the setDefaultShippingAddress API endpoint |
SetupConfig | |
ShoppingListData | |
Token | Token returned by commercetools API |
UpdateBillingAddressParams | Parameters for the updateBillingAddress API endpoint |
UpdateCartParams | Parameters for the updateCart API endpoint |
UpdateCartQuantityParams | First parameter for the updateCartQuantity API endpoint |
UpdateCartQuantityProductParams | Second parameter for the updateCartQuantity API endpoint |
UpdatedUserData | Second parameter used in the customerUpdateMe API endpoint |
UpdateShippingAddressParams | Parameters for the updateShippingAddress API endpoint |
UpdateShippingDetailsParams | Parameters for the updateShippingDetails API endpoint |
# Namespaces
Namespace | Description |
cartActions |
# Variables
Variable | Description |
addBillingAddressDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the addBillingAddress API endpoint. It concatenates the CustomerFragment and addBillingAddressMutation |
addBillingAddressMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the addBillingAddress API endpoint |
addMultipleToMyShoppingListDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the addMultipleToMyShoppingList API endpoint |
AddressFragment | Reusable GraphQL fragment |
addReviewDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the addReview API endpoint |
addShippingAddressDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the addShippingAddress API endpoint. It concatenates the CustomerFragment and addShippingAddressMutation |
addShippingAddressMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the addShippingAddress API endpoint |
addToMyShoppingListDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the addToMyShoppingList API endpoint |
CartFragment | Reusable GraphQL fragment. It concatenates AddressFragment, CustomerFragment, LineItemFragment, ShippingMethodFragment and DefaultCartFragment |
ChannelFragment | Reusable GraphQL fragment. It concatenates LocalizedStringFragment, AddressFragment and DefaultChannelFragment |
createCartDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the createCart API endpoint. It concatenates the CartFragment and createCartMutation |
createCartMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the createCart API endpoint |
createMyOrderFromCartDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the createMyOrderFromCart API endpoint. It concatenates the OrderFragment and createMyOrderFromCartMutation |
createMyOrderFromCartMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the createMyOrderFromCart API endpoint |
createMyShoppingListDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the createMyShoppingList API endpoint |
CT_COOKIE_NAME | Name of the cookie storing the access token |
customerChangeMyPasswordDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the customerChangeMyPassword API endpoint. It concatenates the CustomerFragment and customerChangeMyPasswordMutation |
customerChangeMyPasswordMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the customerChangeMyPassword API endpoint |
customerCreatePasswordResetToken | Endpoint for request a token for resetting password for the user with given e-mail address. By default, it uses the customerCreatePasswordResetTokenDefaultQuery GraphQL query |
customerCreatePasswordResetTokenDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the customerCreatePasswordResetToken API endpoint |
CustomerFragment | Reusable GraphQL fragment. It concatenates AddressFragment and DefaultCustomerFragment |
customerResetPasswordDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the customerResetPassword API endpoint. It concatenates the CustomerFragment and customerResetPasswordMutation |
customerResetPasswordMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the customerResetPassword API endpoint |
customerSignMeInDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the customerSignMeIn API endpoint. It concatenates the CustomerFragment, CartFragment and customerSignMeInMutation |
customerSignMeInMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the customerSignMeIn API endpoint |
customerSignMeUpDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the customerSignMeUp API endpoint. It concatenates the CustomerFragment, CartFragment and customerSignMeUpMutation |
customerSignMeUpMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the customerSignMeUp API endpoint |
customerUpdateMeDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the customerUpdateMe API endpoint. It concatenates the CustomerFragment and customerUpdateMeMutation |
customerUpdateMeMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the customerUpdateMe API endpoint |
DefaultCartFragment | Portion of the CartFragment |
DefaultChannelFragment | Portion of the ChannelFragment |
DefaultCustomerFragment | Portion of the CustomerFragment |
DefaultInitiatorFragment | Portion of the InitiatorFragment |
DefaultInventoryEntriesQueryResultFragment | Portion of the InventoryEntriesQueryResultFragment |
DefaultInventoryEntryFragment | Portion of the InventoryEntryFragment |
DefaultLineItemFragment | Portion of the LineItemFragment |
DefaultOrderFragment | Portion of the OrderFragment |
DefaultStoreFragment | Portion of the StoreFragment |
DefaultStoreQueryResultFragment | Portion of the StoreQueryResultFragment |
deleteBillingAddressDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the deleteBillingAddress API endpoint. It concatenates the CustomerFragment and deleteBillingAddressMutation |
deleteBillingAddressMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the deleteBillingAddress API endpoint |
deleteCartDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the deleteCart API endpoint. It concatenates the CartFragment and deleteCartMutation |
deleteCartMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the deleteCart API endpoint |
deleteShippingAddressDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the deleteShippingAddress API endpoint. It concatenates the CustomerFragment and deleteShippingAddressMutation |
deleteShippingAddressMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the deleteShippingAddress API endpoint |
getBasicProfileQuery | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the getMe API endpoint when customer parameter is not passed |
getCartDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the getCart API endpoint. It concatenates the CartFragment and getCartQuery |
getCartQuery | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the getCart API endpoint |
getCategoryDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the getCategory API endpoint |
getChannelDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the getChannel API endpoint |
getFacetCategoriesDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the getFacetCategories API endpoint |
getFacetProductProjectionDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the getFacetProductProjection API endpoint. It concatenates the ChannelFragment and productProjectionsSearchQuery |
getFullProfileQuery | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the getMe API endpoint when customer parameter is passed |
getInventoryDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the getInventory API endpoint |
getMeBasicProfileDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the getMe API endpoint when customer parameter is not passed. It concatenates the CartFragment and getBasicProfileQuery |
getMeFullProfileDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the getMe API endpoint when customer parameter is passed. It concatenates the CartFragment, CustomerFragment and getFullProfileQuery |
getMyOrdersQuery | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the getOrders API endpoint |
getMyShoppingListDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the getMyShoppingList API endpoint |
getOrdersDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the getOrders API endpoint. It concatenates the OrderFragment and getMyOrdersQuery |
getProductDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the getProduct API endpoint. It concatenates the ProductPriceFragment, ChannelFragment and productsQuery |
getReviewDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the getReview API endpoint |
getShippingMethodsDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the getShippingMethods API endpoint. It concatenates the ShippingMethodFragment and shippingMethodsQuery |
getStoresDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the getStores API endpoint. It concatenates the StoreQueryResultFragment and storesQuery |
InitiatorFragment | Reusable GraphQL fragment. It concatenates ReferenceFragment and DefaultInitiatorFragment |
inventoryEntriesQuery | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the getInventory API endpoint |
InventoryEntriesQueryResultFragment | Reusable GraphQL fragment. It concatenates InventoryEntryFragment and DefaultInventoryEntriesQueryResultFragment |
InventoryEntryFragment | Reusable GraphQL fragment. It concatenates InitiatorFragment and DefaultInventoryEntryFragment |
LineItemFragment | Reusable GraphQL fragment. It concatenates ProductPriceFragment and DefaultLineItemFragment |
LocalizedStringFragment | Reusable GraphQL fragment |
OrderFragment | Reusable GraphQL fragment. It concatenates AddressFragment, LineItemFragment and DefaultOrderFragment |
ProductPriceFragment | Reusable GraphQL fragment |
productProjectionsSearchQuery | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the getFacetProductProjection API endpoint |
productsQuery | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the getProduct API endpoint |
ReferenceFragment | Reusable GraphQL fragment |
setDefaultBillingAddressAction | |
setDefaultBillingAddressDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the setDefaultBillingAddress API endpoint. It concatenates the CustomerFragment and setDefaultBillingAddressMutation |
setDefaultBillingAddressMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the setDefaultBillingAddress API endpoint |
setDefaultShippingAddressAction | |
setDefaultShippingAddressDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the setDefaultShippingAddress API endpoint. It concatenates the CustomerFragment and setDefaultShippingAddressMutation |
setDefaultShippingAddressMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the setDefaultShippingAddress API endpoint |
ShippingMethodFragment | Reusable GraphQL fragment |
shippingMethodsQuery | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the getShippingMethods API endpoint |
StoreFragment | Reusable GraphQL fragment. It concatenates LocalizedStringFragment, ChannelFragment, InitiatorFragment and DefaultStoreFragment |
StoreQueryResultFragment | Reusable GraphQL fragment. It concatenates StoreFragment and DefaultStoreQueryResultFragment |
storesQuery | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the getStores API endpoint |
updateBillingAddressDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the updateBillingAddress API endpoint. It concatenates the CustomerFragment and updateBillingAddressMutation |
updateBillingAddressMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the updateBillingAddress API endpoint |
updateCartDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the updateCart API endpoint |
updateCartMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the updateCart API endpoint |
updateShippingAddressDefaultQuery | Default GraphQL query for the updateShippingAddress API endpoint. It concatenates the CustomerFragment and updateShippingAddressMutation |
updateShippingAddressMutation | Portion of the GraphQL query used in the updateShippingAddress API endpoint |
# Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
AddBillingAddressResponse | Data returned from the addBillingAddress API endpoint |
AddMultipleToMyShoppingListResponse | Data returned from the addMultipleToMyShoppingList API endpoint |
AddReviewResponse | Data returned from the addReview API endpoint |
AddShippingAddressResponse | Data returned from the addShippingAddress API endpoint |
AddToCartResponse | Data returned from the addBillingAddress API endpoint |
AddToMyShoppingListResponse | Data returned from the addToMyShoppingList API endpoint |
ApiResponseWrapper | |
ApplyCartCouponResponse | Data returned from the applyCartCoupon API endpoint |
BillingAddress | |
BillingAddressAddParams | API parameters needed for adding new user billing address. |
BillingAddressDeleteParams | |
BillingAddressResponse | |
BillingAddressSetDefaultParams | |
BillingAddressUpdateParams | |
CartDetails | |
CartMutationResponse | |
CartQueryResponse | |
CartResponse | |
ChangeMyPasswordResponse | |
ChannelSearchParams | |
CreateCartResponse | Data returned from the createCart API endpoint |
CreateMyOrderFromCartResponse | Data returned from the createMyOrderFromCart API endpoint |
CreateMyShoppingListResponse | Data returned from the createMyShoppingList API endpoint |
CreatePasswordResetTokenResponse | |
CustomerChangeMyPasswordResponse | Data returned from the customerChangeMyPassword API endpoint |
CustomerCreatePasswordResetTokenResponse | Data returned from the customerCreatePasswordResetToken API endpoint |
CustomerResetPasswordResponse | Data returned from the customerResetPassword API endpoint |
CustomerSignMeInResponse | Data returned from the customerSignMeIn API endpoint |
CustomerSignMeUpResponse | Data returned from the customerSignMeUp API endpoint |
CustomerUpdateMeResponse | Data returned from the customerUpdateMe endpoint |
DeleteBillingAddressResponse | Data returned from the deleteBillingAddress API endpoint |
DeleteCartResponse | Data returned from the deleteCart API endpoint |
DeleteShippingAddressResponse | Data returned from the deleteShippingAddress API endpoint |
GetCartResponse | Data returned from the getCart API endpoint |
GetCategoryResponse | Data returned from the getCategory API endpoint |
GetChannelResponse | Data returned from the getChannel API endpoint |
GetFacetCategoriesResponse | Data returned from the getFacetCategories API endpoint |
GetFacetProductProjectionResponse | Data returned from the getFacetProductProjection API endpoint |
GetInventoryResponse | Data returned from the getInventory API endpoint |
GetMeResponse | Data returned from the getMe API endpoint |
GetMyShoppingListResponse | Data returned from the getMyShoppingList API endpoint |
GetOrdersResponse | Data returned from the getOrders API endpoint |
GetProductResponse | Data returned from the getProduct API endpoint |
GetReviewResponse | Data returned from the getReview API endpoint |
GetShippingMethodsResponse | Data returned from the getShippingMethods API endpoint |
GetStoresResponse | Data returned from the getStores API endpoint |
InventorySearchParams | |
MutationResponse | |
OrderMutationResponse | |
OrderQueryResponse | |
OrderResponse | |
QueryResponse | Helper for mapping commercetools response to Apollo Client query result |
RemoveCartCouponResponse | Data returned from the removeCartCoupon API endpoint |
RemoveFromCartResponse | Data returned from the removeFromCart API endpoint |
RemoveFromMyShoppingListResponse | Data returned from the removeFromMyShoppingList API endpoint |
ResetPasswordResponse | |
ReviewAddParams | |
ReviewResponse | |
ReviewSearchParams | |
SetDefaultBillingAddressResponse | Data returned from the setDefaultBillingAddress API endpoint |
SetDefaultShippingAddressResponse | Data returned from the setDefaultShippingAddress API endpoint |
ShippingAddress | |
ShippingAddressAddParams | |
ShippingAddressDeleteParams | |
ShippingAddressResponse | |
ShippingAddressSetDefaultParams | |
ShippingAddressUpdateParams | |
ShippingMethodsResponse | |
SignInResponse | |
UpdateBillingAddressResponse | Data returned from the updateBillingAddress API endpoint |
UpdateCartQuantityResponse | Data returned from the updateCartQuantity API endpoint |
UpdateCartResponse | Data returned from the updateCart API endpoint |
UpdateShippingAddressResponse | Data returned from the updateShippingAddress API endpoint |
UpdateShippingDetailsResponse | Data returned from the updateShippingDetails API endpoint |
User | |
WishlistResponse |