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# productProjectionsSearchQuery variable

Portion of the GraphQL query used in the getFacetProductProjection API endpoint


productProjectionsSearchQuery = "\n  fragment DefaultProductPriceSearch on ProductPriceSearch {\n    discounted {\n      value {\n        type\n        currencyCode\n        centAmount\n        fractionDigits\n      }\n      discount {\n        validFrom\n        validUntil\n        isActive\n        name(acceptLanguage: $acceptLanguage)\n      }\n    }\n    value {\n      type\n      currencyCode\n      centAmount\n      fractionDigits\n    }\n  }\n  fragment ImagesProductSearch on ProductSearchVariant {\n    images {\n      url\n      label\n    }\n  }\n  fragment PriceProductSearch on ProductSearchVariant {\n    price(currency: $currency, country: $country, channelId: $channelId) {\n      ...DefaultProductPriceSearch\n    }\n  }\n  fragment AttributesProductSearch on ProductSearchVariant {\n    attributesRaw {\n      name\n      value\n    }\n  }\n  fragment AvailabilityProductSearch on ProductSearchVariant {\n    availability {\n      noChannel {\n        isOnStock\n        restockableInDays\n        availableQuantity\n      }\n      channels(\n        includeChannelIds: $includeChannelIds \n        excludeChannelIds: $excludeChannelIds \n        limit: $channelLimit\n        offset: $channelOffset\n      ) {\n        limit\n        offset\n        total\n        results {\n          channelRef {\n            id\n          }\n          availability {\n            isOnStock\n            restockableInDays\n            availableQuantity\n          }\n          channel {\n            ...ChannelFragment\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n  fragment DefaultVariantProductSearch on ProductSearchVariant {\n    id\n    sku\n    ...ImagesProductSearch\n    ...PriceProductSearch\n    ...AttributesProductSearch\n    ...AvailabilityProductSearch\n  }\n  query productProjectionsSearch(\n    $sorts: [String!],\n    $limit: Int,\n    $offset: Int,\n    $locale: Locale!,\n    $acceptLanguage: [Locale!],\n    $text: String,\n    $facets: [SearchFacetInput!],\n    $filters: [SearchFilterInput!],\n    $queryFilters: [SearchFilterInput!],\n    $facetFilters: [SearchFilterInput!],\n    $currency: Currency!,\n    $country: Country,\n    $channelId: String,\n    $includeChannelIds: [String!],\n    $excludeChannelIds:[String!],\n    $channelLimit: Int,\n    $channelOffset: Int\n  ) {\n    productProjectionSearch(\n      sorts: $sorts,\n      limit: $limit,\n      offset: $offset,\n      locale: $locale,\n      text: $text,\n      facets: $facets\n      filters: $filters,\n      queryFilters: $queryFilters,\n      facetFilters: $facetFilters\n    ) {\n      count\n      total\n      offset\n      results {\n        id\n        slug(acceptLanguage: $acceptLanguage)\n        name(acceptLanguage: $acceptLanguage)\n        masterVariant {\n          ...DefaultVariantProductSearch\n        }\n        variants {\n          ...DefaultVariantProductSearch\n        }\n        reviewRatingStatistics {\n          averageRating,\n          ratingsDistribution,\n          count\n        }\n      }\n      facets {\n        facet,\n        value {\n          ... on TermsFacetResult {\n            terms {\n              term\n              count\n              productCount\n            }\n          }\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n"