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Adding custom fields

Adding custom fields to the Unified Data Model / Implementing "Available for pickup" feature

It's a common case to enrich the default data models with custom fields.

In this chapter, you will learn:

  • how to add a custom field to the unified product data model in the middleware
  • how to utilize that field in the storefront

By adding a "pickup availability" feature.

Available for pickup

  1. Open apps/storefront-middleware/integrations/sapcc/extensions/unified.ts file and modify the code accordingly:
export const unifiedApiExtension = createUnifiedExtension({
  normalizers: {
    addCustomFields: [
+      {
+        normalizeProduct(context, input) {
+          return {
+            availableForPickup: input.availableForPickup,
+          };
+        },
+      },

Within addCustomFields, we extend the normalizer functions. We take the raw input (coming from eCommerce) and have to return a set of custom fields.

Read more about normalizers and custom fields here:

  1. Now, availableForPickup field should be available in the front end, so let's use it. Replace the hardcoded placeholder in the PurchaseCard component:
-  <Trans ns="product" i18nKey="additionalInfo.pickup">
-    Pickup not available at Super center.&nbsp;
-    <SfLink href="#" variant="secondary">
-      Check availability nearby
-    </SfLink>
-  </Trans>
+  <p>Pickup {product.$custom?.availableForPickup ? '' : 'not'} available</p>

And that's it. You can find a complete project example in this repository: If you want to get access to it, contact our sales team.

Next: Change product slug

Learn how to override normalizers.