Vue Storefront is now Alokai! Learn More



Minor Changes

  • 9f61ba2b: CHANGED Replaced consola with Alokai Logger. To learn more about logger, visit Alokai Logger.


Minor Changes

  • aa9e8a96: ADDED cookieOptions config. This option allows you to customize the cookie options which are set for a given cookie name.
      integrations: {
        magento: {
          location: "@vue-storefront/magento-api/server",
          configuration: {
            // ...
            cookieOptions: {
              "vsf-customer": {
                secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
                sameSite: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'none' : 'strict',


Minor Changes

  • a89d1e10: ** CHANGED ** - increase the HttpAgent socket timeout from 10s to 30s to prevent timeout errors on slow connections.


Major Changes

  • 983eb70e: CHANGE - Update middleware to 5.1.0


Patch Changes

  • 158a648f: Remove unused vulnerable dependency "@nuxtjs/composition-api"


Major Changes

  • 018d73d3: - BREAKING Updated @vue-storefront/middleware version to 4.1.0. Make sure this version is used in your project.
      "dependencies": {
    -   "@vue-storefront/middleware": "3.x.x",
    +   "@vue-storefront/middleware": "4.1.0"

4.0.1 (deprecated)

This package version is deprecated. Please use the next major version.

Patch Changes

  • d65bb6ee: CHANGED Updated @vue-storefront/middleware version to 4.x.x.


Major Changes

  • e4709f9a: Changed minimum Node version from 16 to 18. The condition that was forcing the Node version to be lower than 19 is also removed.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies e4709f9a
    • @vue-storefront/magento-types@2.0.0


Patch Changes

  • 3065ee76: ADDED CategoriesQuery type for categories endpoint.
  • 101d9905: FIXED: Added export of Endpoints type, because it was missing.


Minor Changes

  • 6dc90582: CHANGED Enhanced default GQL productDetailsQuery with new fields: stock_status and only_x_left_in_stock. #1521

Patch Changes

  • 6672edfb: CHANGED Update TSDocs of API methods. Now, they contain examples of usage.


Major Changes

  • 8b8fdff0: - CHANGED Endpoints interface. Previously, each endpoint contained context param, which is internal and shouldn't be exposed in the final interface. Now, Endpoints interface properties don't contain context param. If you need to use context param, you should use ApiMethods type.
    - import { Endpoints } from '@vue-storefront/magento-api';
    + import { ApiMethods } from '@vue-storefront/magento-api';
    • CHANGED Removed ContextualizedEndpoints type. Use Endpoints instead.
    - import { ContextualizedEndpoints } from '@vue-storefront/magento-api';
    + import { Endpoints } from '@vue-storefront/magento-api';
    • REMOVED MagentoApiMethods interface. Use Endpoints instead.
    - import { MagentoApiMethods } from '@vue-storefront/magento-api';
    + import { Endpoints } from '@vue-storefront/magento-api';


Minor Changes

  • 8b2a0c35: ADDED categories endpoint that allows fetching a list of categories that match the specified filter. CHANGED categoryList endpoint is now deprecated in favor of the new categories endpoint.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies 8b2a0c35
    • @vue-storefront/magento-types@1.2.0


Minor Changes

  • 7ce4f9ed: CHANGED Enhanced default GQL queries
    • CategorySearchQuery new fields:
      • url_key - The url key assigned to the category.
      • children - Child categories tree.
        • include_in_menu
        • is_anchor
        • level
        • name
        • position
        • product_count
        • uid
        • url_key
        • url_path
        • url_suffix
    // get category `children` categories
    const category = sdk.commerce.categorySearch();
    const children = category.children;
    • CategoryListQuery new fields:
      • children.url_key - The url key assigned to the category.
    // get `url_key` of category children
    const categoryList = sdk.commerce.categoryList();
    for (let categoryChildren of categoryList.children) {
      const url_key = categoryChildren.url_key;
    // get ConfigurableProduct `variants` products
    const products = sdk.commerce.products();
    for (let product of products) {
      if (product.__typename === "ConfigurableProduct") {
        const variants = products.variants;

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • eda02ee7: CHANGED Update addConfigurableProductsToCart and addBundleProductsToCart methods to align with the rest of the API methods. It is an internal change that does not affect the public API.

Patch Changes

  • 06362368: CHANGED Context from type to interface to allow declaration merging.


Patch Changes

  • adc748ef: * Updated @apollo/client dependency from version ^3.6.9 to version 3.8.7 in the api-client package.
  • adc748ef: * Fixed a bug in the GraphQL mutation in the generateCustomerToken API. Replaced the ${generateCustomerToken} template string with ${generateCustomerTokenGQL.query} in the mutation to address the bug.


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies 045784a6
    • @vue-storefront/magento-types@1.0.2


Patch Changes

  • 78edfd5c: * Fixed a bug in the GraphQL mutation in the generateCustomerToken API. Replaced the ${generateCustomerToken} template string with ${generateCustomerTokenGQL.query} in the mutation to address the bug.


Minor Changes

  • d634cdbe: ## Changes
    This change adds support for custom queries in the route method of both the api-client and sdk modules. The route query has also been extended with a CategoryInterface fragment. These changes improve the flexibility and functionality of the route method, allowing for more customization and control over the data returned.


    • Expanded the route query to include a CategoryInterface fragment.
    • Introduced support for customQueries within the route API method.


    • Now includes support for customQueries in the route SDK method.

Patch Changes

  • 992734bf: ## Changes
    This change adds support for custom queries in the generateCustomerToken method of both the api-client and sdk modules.


    • Introduced support for customQueries within the route API method.


    • Now includes support for customQueries in the route SDK method.


Minor Changes

  • a9ea521f: Added Compatibility: Now supports domain-based store resolving with the Unified MultiStore module.


Minor Changes

  • 07d2087a: Bumped @vue-storefront/middleware version to ^3.5.0 which introduces support for HTTP GET requests.


Patch Changes

  • Turn off query deduplication to prevent any potential session leaks.


Minor Changes

  • Add node 18 support


Patch Changes

  • Fix products and productDetails endpoints to return 200 instead of 500 when no products found