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Change Log

Change Log


Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-webservices-sdk@6.0.0-rc.0
    • @vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-assisted-service-module-webservices-sdk@3.0.0-rc.0


Patch Changes

Update axios to ^0.28.0 to mitigate security vulnerability CVE-2023-45857


Major Changes

  • CHANGED Changed minimum Node version from 16 to 18. The condition that was forcing the Node version to be lower than 19 is also removed.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-assisted-service-module-webservices-sdk@2.0.0
    • @vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-webservices-sdk@5.0.0


Minor Changes

  • ADDED new interface: ProductsByIdsProps

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies:
    • @vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-webservices-sdk@4.1.0


Minor Changes

  • b137daac: - ADDED Adds new interface GetPaymentTypesProps,
    • CHANGED Extends GetActiveCostCentersProps with userId.


Minor Changes

  • 1203f53d: Add Assisted Service Module's "autoComplete" method from Customer Controller
  • f4e2787f: Add Assisted Service Module's "searchCustomer360" method from ASM Customer 360 Controller
  • 4e5bead6: Add Assisted Service Module's "getPageableCustomers" method from Customer Controller
  • 904c3dd4: Add Assisted Service Module's "bindCart" method from Customer Controller
  • bdb12bec: Add Assisted Service Module's "createCustomer" method from Customer Controller
  • 27246799: Add Assisted Service Module's "getCustomerListDetails" method from Customer Controller
  • ef72c3be: Add Assisted Service Module's "getPointOfServices" method from Agent Controller


Minor Changes

  • 16ba7f0f: ### Features
    • B2B Order Approvals
      • Add support for doMakeOrderApprovalDecision endpoint.
  • c357ff5f: ### Features
    • Add support for order cancellation.
  • 70efa8b5: ### Features
    • B2B Cost Center
      • Add support for getActiveCostCenters functionality.
  • 89d81496: ### Features
    • B2B Cost Center
      • Add support for getBudgetsForCostCenter functionality.
  • f7499224: ### Features
    • B2B Carts
      • Added support for replaceOrgCartPaymentType.
  • 6fce91b5: ### Features
    • B2B Cost Center
      • Add support for getCostCenter functionality.
  • 86fb4da1: ### Features
    • B2B Categories
      • Add support for getProductsByCategory.
  • a36342c1: ### Features
    • B2B Carts
      • Added support for getCurrentOrgCart.
  • a60df41e: ### Features
    • B2B Carts
      • Added support for replaceOrgCartEntries.
  • 75b34438: ### Features
    • B2B Carts
      • Added support for replaceOrgCartDeliveryAddress.
  • 8377b9ba: ### Features
    • B2B Cost Center
      • Add support for getCostCenter functionality.
  • dd958cdc: ### Features
    • B2B Carts
      • Added support for replaceOrgCartCostCenter.
  • 6a5b0735: ### Features
    • B2B Carts
      • Added support for doAddOrgCartEntries.
  • c498025c: ### Features
    • Add support for B2B User create action
  • 2e81f083: ### Features
    • B2B Order Approvals
      • Add support for getOrderApproval endpoint.
  • 3116f725: ### Features
    • B2B Order Approvals
      • Add support for getOrderApprovals endpoint.


Major Changes

  • 8858fa66: Adjust packages to SAP Comerce Cloud v2211.13, as defined by CX template

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies 8858fa66
    • @vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-webservices-sdk@4.0.0


Minor Changes

  • d59b2fe1: Added types for the updateUserLogin API method.


Minor Changes

  • d59b2fe1: Added types for the updateUserLogin API method.

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.