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Address interface

Request body fields required and optional to operate on address data. The DTO is in XML or .json format Address


export interface Address 


Property Type Description
cellphone? string (Optional) Cellphone number
companyName? string (Optional) Company Name
country? Country (Optional)
defaultAddress? boolean (Optional) Boolean flag if address is default
district? string (Optional) District name
email? string (Optional) Email address
firstName string First name of the address person
formattedAddress? string (Optional) Boolean flag if address is formatted
id? string (Optional) Unique id value of the address which is optional while creating new address. While performing other address operations this value is the key
lastName string Last name of the address person
line1 string First line of the address
line2? string (Optional) Second line of the address
phone? string (Optional) Phone number
postalCode string Postal code of the address
region? Region (Optional)
shippingAddress? boolean (Optional) Boolean flag if address is for shipping
title? string (Optional) Title of the address person
titleCode string Code of the title
town string Town, field required
visibleInAddressBook? boolean (Optional) Boolean flag if address is visible in the Address Book