Home > @vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-webservices-sdk
sap-commerce-webservices-sdk package
Class | Description |
AddressApi | AddressApi - object-oriented interface AddressApi {BaseAPI} |
BaseSitesApi | BaseSitesApi - object-oriented interface BaseSitesApi {BaseAPI} |
BaseStoresApi | BaseStoresApi - object-oriented interface BaseStoresApi {BaseAPI} |
CartsApi | CartsApi - object-oriented interface CartsApi {BaseAPI} |
CatalogsApi | CatalogsApi - object-oriented interface CatalogsApi {BaseAPI} |
ComponentApi | ComponentApi - object-oriented interface ComponentApi {BaseAPI} |
ConsentsApi | ConsentsApi - object-oriented interface ConsentsApi {BaseAPI} |
ConsignmentTrackingApi | ConsignmentTrackingApi - object-oriented interface ConsignmentTrackingApi {BaseAPI} |
CountriesApi | CountriesApi - object-oriented interface CountriesApi {BaseAPI} |
CustomerGroupsApi | CustomerGroupsApi - object-oriented interface CustomerGroupsApi {BaseAPI} |
CustomerProximityControllerApi | CustomerProximityControllerApi - object-oriented interface CustomerProximityControllerApi {BaseAPI} |
ExportApi | ExportApi - object-oriented interface ExportApi {BaseAPI} |
ExtendedCartsApi | ExtendedCartsApi - object-oriented interface ExtendedCartsApi {BaseAPI} |
FeedsApi | FeedsApi - object-oriented interface FeedsApi {BaseAPI} |
ForgottenPasswordsApi | ForgottenPasswordsApi - object-oriented interface ForgottenPasswordsApi {BaseAPI} |
MerchantCallbackApi | MerchantCallbackApi - object-oriented interface MerchantCallbackApi {BaseAPI} |
MiscsApi | MiscsApi - object-oriented interface MiscsApi {BaseAPI} |
OrderFormsControllerApi | OrderFormsControllerApi - object-oriented interface OrderFormsControllerApi {BaseAPI} |
OrdersApi | OrdersApi - object-oriented interface OrdersApi {BaseAPI} |
PageApi | PageApi - object-oriented interface PageApi {BaseAPI} |
PaymentDetailsApi | PaymentDetailsApi - object-oriented interface PaymentDetailsApi {BaseAPI} |
PaymentModesApi | PaymentModesApi - object-oriented interface PaymentModesApi {BaseAPI} |
ProductListControllerApi | ProductListControllerApi - object-oriented interface ProductListControllerApi {BaseAPI} |
ProductListForUserControllerApi | ProductListForUserControllerApi - object-oriented interface ProductListForUserControllerApi {BaseAPI} |
ProductsApi | ProductsApi - object-oriented interface ProductsApi {BaseAPI} |
ProductSetControllerApi | ProductSetControllerApi - object-oriented interface ProductSetControllerApi {BaseAPI} |
PromotionsApi | PromotionsApi - object-oriented interface PromotionsApi {BaseAPI} |
QualtricsCdcControllerApi | QualtricsCdcControllerApi - object-oriented interface QualtricsCdcControllerApi {BaseAPI} |
QualtricsConfigurationControllerApi | QualtricsConfigurationControllerApi - object-oriented interface QualtricsConfigurationControllerApi {BaseAPI} |
SaveCartApi | SaveCartApi - object-oriented interface SaveCartApi {BaseAPI} |
ShowcaseUserApi | ShowcaseUserApi - object-oriented interface ShowcaseUserApi {BaseAPI} |
StoresApi | StoresApi - object-oriented interface StoresApi {BaseAPI} |
UserControllerApi | UserControllerApi - object-oriented interface UserControllerApi {BaseAPI} |
UsersApi | UsersApi - object-oriented interface UsersApi {BaseAPI} |
VouchersApi | VouchersApi - object-oriented interface VouchersApi {BaseAPI} |
Enumeration | Description |
ImageImageTypeEnum | {string} |
PricePriceTypeEnum | {string} |
Interface | Description |
Address | Request body fields required and optional to operate on address data. The DTO is in XML or .json format Address |
AddressList | Representation of an Address list AddressList |
AddressValidation | Representation of an Address Validation AddressValidation |
AddToCartEntries | AddToCartEntries |
AddToCartEntry | AddToCartEntry |
BaseOption | Representation of a Base Ooption BaseOption |
BaseSite | Representation of a Base Site BaseSite |
BaseSiteList | Representation of a Base Site List BaseSiteList |
BaseStore | Representation of a Base Store BaseStore |
Breadcrumb | Representation of a Breadcrumb Breadcrumb |
CardType | Representation of a Card Type CardType |
CardTypeList | Representation of a Card Type List CardTypeList |
Carrier | Carrier Carrier |
Cart | Representation of a Cart Cart |
CartList | Representation of a Cart list CartList |
CartModification | Representation of a Cart modification CartModification |
CartModificationList | Representation of a Cart modification list CartModificationList |
Catalog | Representation of an Catalog Catalog |
CatalogList | Representation of a Catalog List CatalogList |
CatalogVersion | Representation of a Catalog Version CatalogVersion |
Category | Representation of a Category Category |
CategoryHierarchy | Representation of a Category Hierarchy CategoryHierarchy |
Classification | Representation of a Classification Classification |
ComponentIDList | ComponentIDList |
ConfigurationInfo | Representation of a Configuration Info ConfigurationInfo |
Consent | Representation of a Consent Consent |
ConsentTemplate | Representation of a Consent Template ConsentTemplate |
ConsentTemplateList | Representation of a Consent Template List ConsentTemplateList |
Consignment | Representation of a Consignment Consignment |
ConsignmentEntry | Representation of a Consignment Entry ConsignmentEntry |
ConsignmentTracking | Consignment tracking data ConsignmentTracking |
ConsignmentTrackingEvent | Consignment tracking event ConsignmentTrackingEvent |
Country | Response body fields which will be returned while fetching the list of countries. The DTO is in XML or .json format Country |
CountryList | List of countries CountryList |
Currency | Representation of a Currency Currency |
CurrencyList | Representation of a Currency List CurrencyList |
CustomerProximityResponse | CustomerProximityResponse |
DeliveryMode | Representation of a Delivery mode DeliveryMode |
DeliveryModeList | Representation of a Delivery mode list DeliveryModeList |
DeliveryOrderEntryGroup | Representation of a Delivery Order Entry Group DeliveryOrderEntryGroup |
DeprecatedPagination | Representation of a search results pagination DeprecatedPagination |
ErrorList | List of errors ErrorList |
Facet | Representation of a Facet Facet |
FacetValue | Representation of a Facet Value FacetValue |
Feature | Representation of a Feature Feature |
FeatureUnit | Representation of a Feature Unit FeatureUnit |
FeatureValue | Representation of a Feature Value FeatureValue |
FutureStock | Representation of a Future Stock FutureStock |
GeoPoint | Representation of a GeoPoint GeoPoint |
IBeacon | IBeacon |
IBeaconList | IBeaconList |
Image_2 | Representation of an Image Image |
Language | Representation of a Language Language |
LanguageList | Lists all available languages (all languages used for a particular store). If the list of languages for a base store is empty, a list of all languages available in the system will be returned LanguageList |
ListAdaptedComponents | ListAdaptedComponents |
Media | Media |
MemberList | Representation of a Member List MemberList |
ModelError | Error message ModelError |
OpeningSchedule | Representation of an Opening schedule OpeningSchedule |
Order | Representation of an Order Order |
OrderEntry | Representation of an Order entry OrderEntry |
OrderEntryList | Representation of an Order entry list consumed OrderEntryList |
OrderForm | OrderForm |
OrderFormEntry | OrderFormEntry |
OrderFormList | OrderFormList |
OrderHistory | Representation of an Order History OrderHistory |
OrderHistoryList | Representation of an Order History List OrderHistoryList |
OrderStatusUpdateElement | Representation of an Order Status Update Element OrderStatusUpdateElement |
OrderStatusUpdateElementList | Representation of an Order Status Update Element List OrderStatusUpdateElementList |
PackagingInfo | PackagingInfo |
Pagination | Pagination info Pagination |
PaymentDetails | Representation of a Payment Details PaymentDetails |
PaymentDetailsList | Representation of a Payment details list PaymentDetailsList |
PaymentMode | Representation of a Payment Mode PaymentMode |
PaymentModeList | Representation of a Payment Mode List PaymentModeList |
PaymentRequest_2 | PaymentRequest |
PickupOrderEntryGroup | Representation of a Pickup Order Entry Group PickupOrderEntryGroup |
PointOfService | Representation of a Point of service PointOfService |
PointOfServiceList | Representation of a Point of Service List PointOfServiceList |
PointOfServiceStock | Representation of a Point Of Service Stock PointOfServiceStock |
Price | Representation of a Price Price |
PriceRange | Representation of a Price Range PriceRange |
Principal | Representation of a Principal webservice DTO used for defining User data types Principal |
PrincipalList | PrincipalList |
Product | Representation of a Product Product |
ProductExpressUpdateElement | Representation of a Product Express Update Element ProductExpressUpdateElement |
ProductExpressUpdateElementList | Representation of a Product Express Update Element List ProductExpressUpdateElementList |
ProductList | ProductList |
ProductListCollection | ProductListCollection |
ProductListEntry | ProductListEntry |
ProductListsBin | ProductListsBin |
ProductReference | Representation of a Product Reference ProductReferenceBaseSiteList |
ProductReferenceList | Representation of a Product Reference List ProductReferenceList |
ProductSearchPage | Representation of a Product Search Page ProductSearchPage |
ProductSet | ProductSet |
ProductSetItem | ProductSetItem |
ProductSetItemReview | ProductSetItemReview |
ProductSetList | ProductSetList |
Promotion | Representation of a Promotion Promotion |
PromotionList | Representation of a Promotion list PromotionList |
PromotionOrderEntryConsumed | Representation of a Promotion order entry consumed PromotionOrderEntryConsumed |
PromotionRestriction | Representation of a Promotion Restriction PromotionRestriction |
PromotionResult | Representation of a Promotion result PromotionResult |
PromotionResultList | Representation of a Promotion result list PromotionResultList |
QualtricsConfiguration | QualtricsConfiguration |
QualtricsGigyaLightRegistration | QualtricsGigyaLightRegistration |
Region | Response body fields which will be returned while fetching the list of country's regions. Region |
RegionList | List of Regions RegionList |
ResetPassword | Representation of a Reset Password ResetPassword |
Review | Representation of a Review Review |
ReviewList | Representation of a Review List ReviewList |
SaveCartResult | Representation of a Save Cart Result SaveCartResult |
SearchQuery | Representation of a Search Query SearchQuery |
SearchState | Representation of a Search State SearchState |
Sort | Sort option Sort |
SpecialOpeningDay | Representation of a special opening day SpecialOpeningDay |
SpellingSuggestion | Representation of a Spell Checker Suggestion SpellingSuggestion |
Stock | Representation of a Stock Stock |
StoreCount | Representation of a Store Count StoreCount |
StoreCountList | Representation of a Store Count List StoreCountList |
StoreFinderSearchPage | Representation of a Store finder search page StoreFinderSearchPage |
StoreFinderStockSearchPage | Representation of a Store Finder Stock Search Page StoreFinderStockSearchPage |
Suggestion | Representation of a Suggestion Suggestion |
SuggestionList | Representation of a Suggestion List SuggestionList |
Time | Representation of a Time Time |
Title | Representation of a Title Title |
TitleList | Representation of a Title List TitleList |
User | Representation of an User User |
UserGroup | Representation of an User Group UserGroup |
UserGroupList | Representation of an User Group List UserGroupList |
UserSignUp | Representation of an UserSignUp. Consists of fields required to register new customer UserSignUp |
VariantCategory | Representation of a Variant Category VariantCategory |
VariantMatrixElement | Representation of a Variant Matrix Element VariantMatrixElement |
VariantOption | Representation of a Variant Option VariantOption |
VariantOptionQualifier | Representation of a Variant Option Qualifier VariantOptionQualifier |
VariantValueCategory | Representation of a Variant Value Category VariantValueCategory |
Voucher | Representation of a Voucher Voucher |
VoucherList | Representation of a Voucher List VoucherList |
WeekdayOpeningDay | Representation of a Weekday Opening Day WeekdayOpeningDay |
Variable | Description |
AddressApiAxiosParamCreator | AddressApi - axios parameter creator |
AddressApiFactory | AddressApi - factory interface |
AddressApiFp | AddressApi - functional programming interface |
BaseSitesApiAxiosParamCreator | BaseSitesApi - axios parameter creator |
BaseSitesApiFactory | BaseSitesApi - factory interface |
BaseSitesApiFp | BaseSitesApi - functional programming interface |
BaseStoresApiAxiosParamCreator | BaseStoresApi - axios parameter creator |
BaseStoresApiFactory | BaseStoresApi - factory interface |
BaseStoresApiFp | BaseStoresApi - functional programming interface |
CartsApiAxiosParamCreator | CartsApi - axios parameter creator |
CartsApiFactory | CartsApi - factory interface |
CartsApiFp | CartsApi - functional programming interface |
CatalogsApiAxiosParamCreator | CatalogsApi - axios parameter creator |
CatalogsApiFactory | CatalogsApi - factory interface |
CatalogsApiFp | CatalogsApi - functional programming interface |
ComponentApiAxiosParamCreator | ComponentApi - axios parameter creator |
ComponentApiFactory | ComponentApi - factory interface |
ComponentApiFp | ComponentApi - functional programming interface |
ConsentsApiAxiosParamCreator | ConsentsApi - axios parameter creator |
ConsentsApiFactory | ConsentsApi - factory interface |
ConsentsApiFp | ConsentsApi - functional programming interface |
ConsignmentTrackingApiAxiosParamCreator | ConsignmentTrackingApi - axios parameter creator |
ConsignmentTrackingApiFactory | ConsignmentTrackingApi - factory interface |
ConsignmentTrackingApiFp | ConsignmentTrackingApi - functional programming interface |
CountriesApiAxiosParamCreator | CountriesApi - axios parameter creator |
CountriesApiFactory | CountriesApi - factory interface |
CountriesApiFp | CountriesApi - functional programming interface |
CustomerGroupsApiAxiosParamCreator | CustomerGroupsApi - axios parameter creator |
CustomerGroupsApiFactory | CustomerGroupsApi - factory interface |
CustomerGroupsApiFp | CustomerGroupsApi - functional programming interface |
CustomerProximityControllerApiAxiosParamCreator | CustomerProximityControllerApi - axios parameter creator |
CustomerProximityControllerApiFactory | CustomerProximityControllerApi - factory interface |
CustomerProximityControllerApiFp | CustomerProximityControllerApi - functional programming interface |
ExportApiAxiosParamCreator | ExportApi - axios parameter creator |
ExportApiFactory | ExportApi - factory interface |
ExportApiFp | ExportApi - functional programming interface |
ExtendedCartsApiAxiosParamCreator | ExtendedCartsApi - axios parameter creator |
ExtendedCartsApiFactory | ExtendedCartsApi - factory interface |
ExtendedCartsApiFp | ExtendedCartsApi - functional programming interface |
FeedsApiAxiosParamCreator | FeedsApi - axios parameter creator |
FeedsApiFactory | FeedsApi - factory interface |
FeedsApiFp | FeedsApi - functional programming interface |
ForgottenPasswordsApiAxiosParamCreator | ForgottenPasswordsApi - axios parameter creator |
ForgottenPasswordsApiFactory | ForgottenPasswordsApi - factory interface |
ForgottenPasswordsApiFp | ForgottenPasswordsApi - functional programming interface |
MerchantCallbackApiAxiosParamCreator | MerchantCallbackApi - axios parameter creator |
MerchantCallbackApiFactory | MerchantCallbackApi - factory interface |
MerchantCallbackApiFp | MerchantCallbackApi - functional programming interface |
MiscsApiAxiosParamCreator | MiscsApi - axios parameter creator |
MiscsApiFactory | MiscsApi - factory interface |
MiscsApiFp | MiscsApi - functional programming interface |
OrderFormsControllerApiAxiosParamCreator | OrderFormsControllerApi - axios parameter creator |
OrderFormsControllerApiFactory | OrderFormsControllerApi - factory interface |
OrderFormsControllerApiFp | OrderFormsControllerApi - functional programming interface |
OrdersApiAxiosParamCreator | OrdersApi - axios parameter creator |
OrdersApiFactory | OrdersApi - factory interface |
OrdersApiFp | OrdersApi - functional programming interface |
PageApiAxiosParamCreator | PageApi - axios parameter creator |
PageApiFactory | PageApi - factory interface |
PageApiFp | PageApi - functional programming interface |
PaymentDetailsApiAxiosParamCreator | PaymentDetailsApi - axios parameter creator |
PaymentDetailsApiFactory | PaymentDetailsApi - factory interface |
PaymentDetailsApiFp | PaymentDetailsApi - functional programming interface |
PaymentModesApiAxiosParamCreator | PaymentModesApi - axios parameter creator |
PaymentModesApiFactory | PaymentModesApi - factory interface |
PaymentModesApiFp | PaymentModesApi - functional programming interface |
ProductListControllerApiAxiosParamCreator | ProductListControllerApi - axios parameter creator |
ProductListControllerApiFactory | ProductListControllerApi - factory interface |
ProductListControllerApiFp | ProductListControllerApi - functional programming interface |
ProductListForUserControllerApiAxiosParamCreator | ProductListForUserControllerApi - axios parameter creator |
ProductListForUserControllerApiFactory | ProductListForUserControllerApi - factory interface |
ProductListForUserControllerApiFp | ProductListForUserControllerApi - functional programming interface |
ProductsApiAxiosParamCreator | ProductsApi - axios parameter creator |
ProductsApiFactory | ProductsApi - factory interface |
ProductsApiFp | ProductsApi - functional programming interface |
ProductSetControllerApiAxiosParamCreator | ProductSetControllerApi - axios parameter creator |
ProductSetControllerApiFactory | ProductSetControllerApi - factory interface |
ProductSetControllerApiFp | ProductSetControllerApi - functional programming interface |
PromotionsApiAxiosParamCreator | PromotionsApi - axios parameter creator |
PromotionsApiFactory | PromotionsApi - factory interface |
PromotionsApiFp | PromotionsApi - functional programming interface |
QualtricsCdcControllerApiAxiosParamCreator | QualtricsCdcControllerApi - axios parameter creator |
QualtricsCdcControllerApiFactory | QualtricsCdcControllerApi - factory interface |
QualtricsCdcControllerApiFp | QualtricsCdcControllerApi - functional programming interface |
QualtricsConfigurationControllerApiAxiosParamCreator | QualtricsConfigurationControllerApi - axios parameter creator |
QualtricsConfigurationControllerApiFactory | QualtricsConfigurationControllerApi - factory interface |
QualtricsConfigurationControllerApiFp | QualtricsConfigurationControllerApi - functional programming interface |
SaveCartApiAxiosParamCreator | SaveCartApi - axios parameter creator |
SaveCartApiFactory | SaveCartApi - factory interface |
SaveCartApiFp | SaveCartApi - functional programming interface |
ShowcaseUserApiAxiosParamCreator | ShowcaseUserApi - axios parameter creator |
ShowcaseUserApiFactory | ShowcaseUserApi - factory interface |
ShowcaseUserApiFp | ShowcaseUserApi - functional programming interface |
StoresApiAxiosParamCreator | StoresApi - axios parameter creator |
StoresApiFactory | StoresApi - factory interface |
StoresApiFp | StoresApi - functional programming interface |
UserControllerApiAxiosParamCreator | UserControllerApi - axios parameter creator |
UserControllerApiFactory | UserControllerApi - factory interface |
UserControllerApiFp | UserControllerApi - functional programming interface |
UsersApiAxiosParamCreator | UsersApi - axios parameter creator |
UsersApiFactory | UsersApi - factory interface |
UsersApiFp | UsersApi - functional programming interface |
VouchersApiAxiosParamCreator | VouchersApi - axios parameter creator |
VouchersApiFactory | VouchersApi - factory interface |
VouchersApiFp | VouchersApi - functional programming interface |