Home > @vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-webservices-sdk

sap-commerce-webservices-sdk package


Class Description
AddressApi AddressApi - object-oriented interface AddressApi {BaseAPI}
BaseSitesApi BaseSitesApi - object-oriented interface BaseSitesApi {BaseAPI}
BaseStoresApi BaseStoresApi - object-oriented interface BaseStoresApi {BaseAPI}
CartsApi CartsApi - object-oriented interface CartsApi {BaseAPI}
CatalogsApi CatalogsApi - object-oriented interface CatalogsApi {BaseAPI}
ComponentApi ComponentApi - object-oriented interface ComponentApi {BaseAPI}
ConsentsApi ConsentsApi - object-oriented interface ConsentsApi {BaseAPI}
ConsignmentTrackingApi ConsignmentTrackingApi - object-oriented interface ConsignmentTrackingApi {BaseAPI}
CountriesApi CountriesApi - object-oriented interface CountriesApi {BaseAPI}
CustomerGroupsApi CustomerGroupsApi - object-oriented interface CustomerGroupsApi {BaseAPI}
CustomerProximityControllerApi CustomerProximityControllerApi - object-oriented interface CustomerProximityControllerApi {BaseAPI}
ExportApi ExportApi - object-oriented interface ExportApi {BaseAPI}
ExtendedCartsApi ExtendedCartsApi - object-oriented interface ExtendedCartsApi {BaseAPI}
FeedsApi FeedsApi - object-oriented interface FeedsApi {BaseAPI}
ForgottenPasswordsApi ForgottenPasswordsApi - object-oriented interface ForgottenPasswordsApi {BaseAPI}
MerchantCallbackApi MerchantCallbackApi - object-oriented interface MerchantCallbackApi {BaseAPI}
MiscsApi MiscsApi - object-oriented interface MiscsApi {BaseAPI}
OrderFormsControllerApi OrderFormsControllerApi - object-oriented interface OrderFormsControllerApi {BaseAPI}
OrdersApi OrdersApi - object-oriented interface OrdersApi {BaseAPI}
PageApi PageApi - object-oriented interface PageApi {BaseAPI}
PaymentDetailsApi PaymentDetailsApi - object-oriented interface PaymentDetailsApi {BaseAPI}
PaymentModesApi PaymentModesApi - object-oriented interface PaymentModesApi {BaseAPI}
ProductListControllerApi ProductListControllerApi - object-oriented interface ProductListControllerApi {BaseAPI}
ProductListForUserControllerApi ProductListForUserControllerApi - object-oriented interface ProductListForUserControllerApi {BaseAPI}
ProductsApi ProductsApi - object-oriented interface ProductsApi {BaseAPI}
ProductSetControllerApi ProductSetControllerApi - object-oriented interface ProductSetControllerApi {BaseAPI}
PromotionsApi PromotionsApi - object-oriented interface PromotionsApi {BaseAPI}
QualtricsCdcControllerApi QualtricsCdcControllerApi - object-oriented interface QualtricsCdcControllerApi {BaseAPI}
QualtricsConfigurationControllerApi QualtricsConfigurationControllerApi - object-oriented interface QualtricsConfigurationControllerApi {BaseAPI}
SaveCartApi SaveCartApi - object-oriented interface SaveCartApi {BaseAPI}
ShowcaseUserApi ShowcaseUserApi - object-oriented interface ShowcaseUserApi {BaseAPI}
StoresApi StoresApi - object-oriented interface StoresApi {BaseAPI}
UserControllerApi UserControllerApi - object-oriented interface UserControllerApi {BaseAPI}
UsersApi UsersApi - object-oriented interface UsersApi {BaseAPI}
VouchersApi VouchersApi - object-oriented interface VouchersApi {BaseAPI}


Enumeration Description
ImageImageTypeEnum {string}
PricePriceTypeEnum {string}


Interface Description
Address Request body fields required and optional to operate on address data. The DTO is in XML or .json format Address
AddressList Representation of an Address list AddressList
AddressValidation Representation of an Address Validation AddressValidation
AddToCartEntries AddToCartEntries
AddToCartEntry AddToCartEntry
BaseOption Representation of a Base Ooption BaseOption
BaseSite Representation of a Base Site BaseSite
BaseSiteList Representation of a Base Site List BaseSiteList
BaseStore Representation of a Base Store BaseStore
Breadcrumb Representation of a Breadcrumb Breadcrumb
CardType Representation of a Card Type CardType
CardTypeList Representation of a Card Type List CardTypeList
Carrier Carrier Carrier
Cart Representation of a Cart Cart
CartList Representation of a Cart list CartList
CartModification Representation of a Cart modification CartModification
CartModificationList Representation of a Cart modification list CartModificationList
Catalog Representation of an Catalog Catalog
CatalogList Representation of a Catalog List CatalogList
CatalogVersion Representation of a Catalog Version CatalogVersion
Category Representation of a Category Category
CategoryHierarchy Representation of a Category Hierarchy CategoryHierarchy
Classification Representation of a Classification Classification
ComponentIDList ComponentIDList
ConfigurationInfo Representation of a Configuration Info ConfigurationInfo
Consent Representation of a Consent Consent
ConsentTemplate Representation of a Consent Template ConsentTemplate
ConsentTemplateList Representation of a Consent Template List ConsentTemplateList
Consignment Representation of a Consignment Consignment
ConsignmentEntry Representation of a Consignment Entry ConsignmentEntry
ConsignmentTracking Consignment tracking data ConsignmentTracking
ConsignmentTrackingEvent Consignment tracking event ConsignmentTrackingEvent
Country Response body fields which will be returned while fetching the list of countries. The DTO is in XML or .json format Country
CountryList List of countries CountryList
Currency Representation of a Currency Currency
CurrencyList Representation of a Currency List CurrencyList
CustomerProximityResponse CustomerProximityResponse
DeliveryMode Representation of a Delivery mode DeliveryMode
DeliveryModeList Representation of a Delivery mode list DeliveryModeList
DeliveryOrderEntryGroup Representation of a Delivery Order Entry Group DeliveryOrderEntryGroup
DeprecatedPagination Representation of a search results pagination DeprecatedPagination
ErrorList List of errors ErrorList
Facet Representation of a Facet Facet
FacetValue Representation of a Facet Value FacetValue
Feature Representation of a Feature Feature
FeatureUnit Representation of a Feature Unit FeatureUnit
FeatureValue Representation of a Feature Value FeatureValue
FutureStock Representation of a Future Stock FutureStock
GeoPoint Representation of a GeoPoint GeoPoint
IBeacon IBeacon
IBeaconList IBeaconList
Image_2 Representation of an Image Image
Language Representation of a Language Language
LanguageList Lists all available languages (all languages used for a particular store). If the list of languages for a base store is empty, a list of all languages available in the system will be returned LanguageList
ListAdaptedComponents ListAdaptedComponents
Media Media
MemberList Representation of a Member List MemberList
ModelError Error message ModelError
OpeningSchedule Representation of an Opening schedule OpeningSchedule
Order Representation of an Order Order
OrderEntry Representation of an Order entry OrderEntry
OrderEntryList Representation of an Order entry list consumed OrderEntryList
OrderForm OrderForm
OrderFormEntry OrderFormEntry
OrderFormList OrderFormList
OrderHistory Representation of an Order History OrderHistory
OrderHistoryList Representation of an Order History List OrderHistoryList
OrderStatusUpdateElement Representation of an Order Status Update Element OrderStatusUpdateElement
OrderStatusUpdateElementList Representation of an Order Status Update Element List OrderStatusUpdateElementList
PackagingInfo PackagingInfo
Pagination Pagination info Pagination
PaymentDetails Representation of a Payment Details PaymentDetails
PaymentDetailsList Representation of a Payment details list PaymentDetailsList
PaymentMode Representation of a Payment Mode PaymentMode
PaymentModeList Representation of a Payment Mode List PaymentModeList
PaymentRequest_2 PaymentRequest
PickupOrderEntryGroup Representation of a Pickup Order Entry Group PickupOrderEntryGroup
PointOfService Representation of a Point of service PointOfService
PointOfServiceList Representation of a Point of Service List PointOfServiceList
PointOfServiceStock Representation of a Point Of Service Stock PointOfServiceStock
Price Representation of a Price Price
PriceRange Representation of a Price Range PriceRange
Principal Representation of a Principal webservice DTO used for defining User data types Principal
PrincipalList PrincipalList
Product Representation of a Product Product
ProductExpressUpdateElement Representation of a Product Express Update Element ProductExpressUpdateElement
ProductExpressUpdateElementList Representation of a Product Express Update Element List ProductExpressUpdateElementList
ProductList ProductList
ProductListCollection ProductListCollection
ProductListEntry ProductListEntry
ProductListsBin ProductListsBin
ProductReference Representation of a Product Reference ProductReferenceBaseSiteList
ProductReferenceList Representation of a Product Reference List ProductReferenceList
ProductSearchPage Representation of a Product Search Page ProductSearchPage
ProductSet ProductSet
ProductSetItem ProductSetItem
ProductSetItemReview ProductSetItemReview
ProductSetList ProductSetList
Promotion Representation of a Promotion Promotion
PromotionList Representation of a Promotion list PromotionList
PromotionOrderEntryConsumed Representation of a Promotion order entry consumed PromotionOrderEntryConsumed
PromotionRestriction Representation of a Promotion Restriction PromotionRestriction
PromotionResult Representation of a Promotion result PromotionResult
PromotionResultList Representation of a Promotion result list PromotionResultList
QualtricsConfiguration QualtricsConfiguration
QualtricsGigyaLightRegistration QualtricsGigyaLightRegistration
Region Response body fields which will be returned while fetching the list of country's regions. Region
RegionList List of Regions RegionList
ResetPassword Representation of a Reset Password ResetPassword
Review Representation of a Review Review
ReviewList Representation of a Review List ReviewList
SaveCartResult Representation of a Save Cart Result SaveCartResult
SearchQuery Representation of a Search Query SearchQuery
SearchState Representation of a Search State SearchState
Sort Sort option Sort
SpecialOpeningDay Representation of a special opening day SpecialOpeningDay
SpellingSuggestion Representation of a Spell Checker Suggestion SpellingSuggestion
Stock Representation of a Stock Stock
StoreCount Representation of a Store Count StoreCount
StoreCountList Representation of a Store Count List StoreCountList
StoreFinderSearchPage Representation of a Store finder search page StoreFinderSearchPage
StoreFinderStockSearchPage Representation of a Store Finder Stock Search Page StoreFinderStockSearchPage
Suggestion Representation of a Suggestion Suggestion
SuggestionList Representation of a Suggestion List SuggestionList
Time Representation of a Time Time
Title Representation of a Title Title
TitleList Representation of a Title List TitleList
User Representation of an User User
UserGroup Representation of an User Group UserGroup
UserGroupList Representation of an User Group List UserGroupList
UserSignUp Representation of an UserSignUp. Consists of fields required to register new customer UserSignUp
VariantCategory Representation of a Variant Category VariantCategory
VariantMatrixElement Representation of a Variant Matrix Element VariantMatrixElement
VariantOption Representation of a Variant Option VariantOption
VariantOptionQualifier Representation of a Variant Option Qualifier VariantOptionQualifier
VariantValueCategory Representation of a Variant Value Category VariantValueCategory
Voucher Representation of a Voucher Voucher
VoucherList Representation of a Voucher List VoucherList
WeekdayOpeningDay Representation of a Weekday Opening Day WeekdayOpeningDay


Variable Description
AddressApiAxiosParamCreator AddressApi - axios parameter creator
AddressApiFactory AddressApi - factory interface
AddressApiFp AddressApi - functional programming interface
BaseSitesApiAxiosParamCreator BaseSitesApi - axios parameter creator
BaseSitesApiFactory BaseSitesApi - factory interface
BaseSitesApiFp BaseSitesApi - functional programming interface
BaseStoresApiAxiosParamCreator BaseStoresApi - axios parameter creator
BaseStoresApiFactory BaseStoresApi - factory interface
BaseStoresApiFp BaseStoresApi - functional programming interface
CartsApiAxiosParamCreator CartsApi - axios parameter creator
CartsApiFactory CartsApi - factory interface
CartsApiFp CartsApi - functional programming interface
CatalogsApiAxiosParamCreator CatalogsApi - axios parameter creator
CatalogsApiFactory CatalogsApi - factory interface
CatalogsApiFp CatalogsApi - functional programming interface
ComponentApiAxiosParamCreator ComponentApi - axios parameter creator
ComponentApiFactory ComponentApi - factory interface
ComponentApiFp ComponentApi - functional programming interface
ConsentsApiAxiosParamCreator ConsentsApi - axios parameter creator
ConsentsApiFactory ConsentsApi - factory interface
ConsentsApiFp ConsentsApi - functional programming interface
ConsignmentTrackingApiAxiosParamCreator ConsignmentTrackingApi - axios parameter creator
ConsignmentTrackingApiFactory ConsignmentTrackingApi - factory interface
ConsignmentTrackingApiFp ConsignmentTrackingApi - functional programming interface
CountriesApiAxiosParamCreator CountriesApi - axios parameter creator
CountriesApiFactory CountriesApi - factory interface
CountriesApiFp CountriesApi - functional programming interface
CustomerGroupsApiAxiosParamCreator CustomerGroupsApi - axios parameter creator
CustomerGroupsApiFactory CustomerGroupsApi - factory interface
CustomerGroupsApiFp CustomerGroupsApi - functional programming interface
CustomerProximityControllerApiAxiosParamCreator CustomerProximityControllerApi - axios parameter creator
CustomerProximityControllerApiFactory CustomerProximityControllerApi - factory interface
CustomerProximityControllerApiFp CustomerProximityControllerApi - functional programming interface
ExportApiAxiosParamCreator ExportApi - axios parameter creator
ExportApiFactory ExportApi - factory interface
ExportApiFp ExportApi - functional programming interface
ExtendedCartsApiAxiosParamCreator ExtendedCartsApi - axios parameter creator
ExtendedCartsApiFactory ExtendedCartsApi - factory interface
ExtendedCartsApiFp ExtendedCartsApi - functional programming interface
FeedsApiAxiosParamCreator FeedsApi - axios parameter creator
FeedsApiFactory FeedsApi - factory interface
FeedsApiFp FeedsApi - functional programming interface
ForgottenPasswordsApiAxiosParamCreator ForgottenPasswordsApi - axios parameter creator
ForgottenPasswordsApiFactory ForgottenPasswordsApi - factory interface
ForgottenPasswordsApiFp ForgottenPasswordsApi - functional programming interface
MerchantCallbackApiAxiosParamCreator MerchantCallbackApi - axios parameter creator
MerchantCallbackApiFactory MerchantCallbackApi - factory interface
MerchantCallbackApiFp MerchantCallbackApi - functional programming interface
MiscsApiAxiosParamCreator MiscsApi - axios parameter creator
MiscsApiFactory MiscsApi - factory interface
MiscsApiFp MiscsApi - functional programming interface
OrderFormsControllerApiAxiosParamCreator OrderFormsControllerApi - axios parameter creator
OrderFormsControllerApiFactory OrderFormsControllerApi - factory interface
OrderFormsControllerApiFp OrderFormsControllerApi - functional programming interface
OrdersApiAxiosParamCreator OrdersApi - axios parameter creator
OrdersApiFactory OrdersApi - factory interface
OrdersApiFp OrdersApi - functional programming interface
PageApiAxiosParamCreator PageApi - axios parameter creator
PageApiFactory PageApi - factory interface
PageApiFp PageApi - functional programming interface
PaymentDetailsApiAxiosParamCreator PaymentDetailsApi - axios parameter creator
PaymentDetailsApiFactory PaymentDetailsApi - factory interface
PaymentDetailsApiFp PaymentDetailsApi - functional programming interface
PaymentModesApiAxiosParamCreator PaymentModesApi - axios parameter creator
PaymentModesApiFactory PaymentModesApi - factory interface
PaymentModesApiFp PaymentModesApi - functional programming interface
ProductListControllerApiAxiosParamCreator ProductListControllerApi - axios parameter creator
ProductListControllerApiFactory ProductListControllerApi - factory interface
ProductListControllerApiFp ProductListControllerApi - functional programming interface
ProductListForUserControllerApiAxiosParamCreator ProductListForUserControllerApi - axios parameter creator
ProductListForUserControllerApiFactory ProductListForUserControllerApi - factory interface
ProductListForUserControllerApiFp ProductListForUserControllerApi - functional programming interface
ProductsApiAxiosParamCreator ProductsApi - axios parameter creator
ProductsApiFactory ProductsApi - factory interface
ProductsApiFp ProductsApi - functional programming interface
ProductSetControllerApiAxiosParamCreator ProductSetControllerApi - axios parameter creator
ProductSetControllerApiFactory ProductSetControllerApi - factory interface
ProductSetControllerApiFp ProductSetControllerApi - functional programming interface
PromotionsApiAxiosParamCreator PromotionsApi - axios parameter creator
PromotionsApiFactory PromotionsApi - factory interface
PromotionsApiFp PromotionsApi - functional programming interface
QualtricsCdcControllerApiAxiosParamCreator QualtricsCdcControllerApi - axios parameter creator
QualtricsCdcControllerApiFactory QualtricsCdcControllerApi - factory interface
QualtricsCdcControllerApiFp QualtricsCdcControllerApi - functional programming interface
QualtricsConfigurationControllerApiAxiosParamCreator QualtricsConfigurationControllerApi - axios parameter creator
QualtricsConfigurationControllerApiFactory QualtricsConfigurationControllerApi - factory interface
QualtricsConfigurationControllerApiFp QualtricsConfigurationControllerApi - functional programming interface
SaveCartApiAxiosParamCreator SaveCartApi - axios parameter creator
SaveCartApiFactory SaveCartApi - factory interface
SaveCartApiFp SaveCartApi - functional programming interface
ShowcaseUserApiAxiosParamCreator ShowcaseUserApi - axios parameter creator
ShowcaseUserApiFactory ShowcaseUserApi - factory interface
ShowcaseUserApiFp ShowcaseUserApi - functional programming interface
StoresApiAxiosParamCreator StoresApi - axios parameter creator
StoresApiFactory StoresApi - factory interface
StoresApiFp StoresApi - functional programming interface
UserControllerApiAxiosParamCreator UserControllerApi - axios parameter creator
UserControllerApiFactory UserControllerApi - factory interface
UserControllerApiFp UserControllerApi - functional programming interface
UsersApiAxiosParamCreator UsersApi - axios parameter creator
UsersApiFactory UsersApi - factory interface
UsersApiFp UsersApi - functional programming interface
VouchersApiAxiosParamCreator VouchersApi - axios parameter creator
VouchersApiFactory VouchersApi - factory interface
VouchersApiFp VouchersApi - functional programming interface