Home > @vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-webservices-sdk > CartsApi > removeCartPromotion
CartsApi.removeCartPromotion() method
Disables the promotion for the order based on the promotionId defined for the cart. Requests pertaining to promotions have been developed for the previous version of promotions and vouchers, and as a result, some of them are currently not compatible with the new promotions engine. Disables the promotion based on the promotionsId of the cart.
removeCartPromotion(baseSiteId: string, cartId: string, promotionId: string, userId: string, options?: any): Promise<import("axios").AxiosResponse<void>>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
baseSiteId | string | Base site identifier |
cartId | string | Cart identifier: cart code for logged in user, cart guid for anonymous user, 'current' for the last modified cart |
promotionId | string | Promotion identifier (code) |
userId | string | User identifier or one of the literals : 'current' for currently authenticated user, 'anonymous' for anonymous user |
options | any | Override http request option. |
{RequiredError} CartsApi