Home > @vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-webservices-sdk > ExtendedCartsApi > getConsolidatedPickupLocations
ExtendedCartsApi.getConsolidatedPickupLocations() method
Returns a list of stores that have all the pick-up items in stock. Note, if there are no stores that have all the pick up items in stock, or all items are already set to the same pick up location, the response returns an empty list. Get consolidated pickup options.
getConsolidatedPickupLocations(baseSiteId: string, cartId: string, userId: string, fields?: string, options?: any): Promise<import("axios").AxiosResponse<PointOfServiceList>>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
baseSiteId | string | Base site identifier |
cartId | string | Cart identifier: cart code for logged in user, cart guid for anonymous user, 'current' for the last modified cart |
userId | string | User identifier or one of the literals : 'current' for currently authenticated user, 'anonymous' for anonymous user |
fields | string | Response configuration. This is the list of fields that should be returned in the response body. Examples: BASIC, DEFAULT, FULL |
options | any | Override http request option. |
{RequiredError} ExtendedCartsApi