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Integrating cache driver

Want to build an integration?

If you want to integrate with Vue Storefront, don't hesitate to get in touch with the core team on our Discord (opens new window) server. We are eager to help you to ensure its high quality and maybe even officially recommend it 😉


Before you get started

This page assumes you are familiar with caching in Vue Storefront. Please see this page for more information.

Cache driver is not a standalone plugin but an extension depending on @vue-storefront/cache module that does the heavy lifting.

It's a function that returns an object containing the following properties.

function CacheDriver (options) {
  const client = new Driver(options);

  return {
    async invoke({ route, context, render, getTags }) {},

    async invalidate({ request, response, tags }) {}

Invoking driver

invoke method is called every time a route is rendered on the server. It's called with following parameters:

  • route (object) - contains information about the current route;
  • context (object) - contains information about the current context;
  • render (function) - function to render the page, returns a Promise with HTML;
  • getTags (function) - function to get all tags generated during render. Must be called after render;

Because calling render() is computationally expensive, it's the step we want to avoid. For this reason, invoke should work like this:

  async invoke({ route, render, getTags }) {
    const key = `page:${ route }`;
    const cachedResponse = await client.get(key);

    if (cachedResponse) {
      return cachedResponse;

    const content = await render();
    const tags = getTags();

    if (!tags.length) {
      return content;

    await client.set(

    return content;

Invalidating cache

invalidate method is called when the cache invalidation page is visited. It is called with following parameters:

  • request (object) - Node.js HTTP request object;
  • response (object) - Node.js HTTP response object;
  • tags (array) - Array containing tags to invalidate;

By default, @vue-storefront/cache calls it and returns an empty response with 200 OK or in case of error 500 Internal Server Error HTTP code.

response object passed to it can optionally be modified to add body (like JSON or a text) and custom HTTP headers.

This method should be able to delete all tags when * is one of the keys passed to the tags array.

  async invalidate({ request, response, tags }) {
    if (tags.includes('*')) {
      // invalidate all tags
      await client.invalidateAll();
    } else {
      // invalidate provided tags
      await client.invalidate(tags);