Home > @vsf-enterprise/bigcommerce-api > GetProductByIdParameters

# GetProductByIdParameters interface

Definition of graphql parameters for getting product by id


export interface GetProductByIdParameters extends BaseParameters 

Extends: BaseParameters

# Properties

Property Type Description
currencyCode? CurrencyCode (Optional) Currency Code e.g USD, GBP, EUR
entityId? number (Optional) Product Entity ID e.g (117, 144, 12)
hideOutOfStock? boolean (Optional) Determine if the list should hide out of stock items
includeCustomFields? boolean (Optional) Include custom fields
includeModifiers? boolean (Optional) Include modifiers
includeOptions? boolean (Optional) Include options
modifiersLimit? number (Optional) Limit the number of modifiers returned max 50 only
modifiersPage? number (Optional) Page number of modifiers
optionsLimit? number (Optional) Limit the number of options returned max 50 only
optionsPage? number (Optional) Page number of options
variantsAfter? string (Optional) Cursor-pointer to determine the page the user is in which is before the ID/value
variantsLimit? number (Optional) Limit the number of variants returned