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# bigcommerce-api package

api-client for Vue Storefront 2 integration with BigCommerce.

# Remarks

The @vsf-enterprise/bigcommerce-api library includes everything needed to fetch data from the Bigcommerce platform. It includes API client configuration, API endpoints and types.

# Enumerations

Enumeration Description
CartIncludeEnum Possible values of include parameter for cart endpoints.
ChannelStatus The status of the channel; channel type, platform, and status must be a valid combination. terminated is not valid for PUT or POST requests. deleted is not valid for POST requests.
ChannelType The type of channel; channel platform and type must be a valid combination.
CustomersIncludeEnum Possible values of include parameter for customer endpoints.
DateLimitMode Possible values of date limit modes.
FileTypesMode Possible values of file type modes.
InventoryTrackingType Possible values of product invetory types.
NumberLimitMode Possible values of number limit modes.
OrderPaymentMethod Possible values of order payment methods.
OrderPaymentStatus Possible values of order payment statuses.
OrderTaxProviderId Possible values of order tax provider ids.
ProductAvailability Possible values of product availability.
ProductCondition Possible values of Product Conditions
ProductGiftWrappingOptionType Possible values of product gift wrapping option types.
ProductListShippingCalc Possible values of product list shipping calcs.
ProductModifierType Possible values of product modifier types.
ProductOpenGraphType Possible values of product open graph types.
ProductOptionType Possible values of product option type.
ProductsSortEnum Possible values of sort parameter for product endpoints.
ProductType Possbile values of product types.
ReviewStatus Possible values of review statuses.
SiteRouteAllowedTypes Resources being routed to; [supported types](https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/YXBpOjIzMTM4MTE-sites#route-types).
SupportedFileType Possible values of supported file types.
VideoType Possible values of video types.

# Functions

Function Description

# Interfaces

Interface Description
AddLineItemsParameters Definition of add line items to cart request parameters
AddLineItemsResponse Add line item response.
AddWishlistItemsParams Necessary parameters to add items to the wishlist.
AdressIdFormField Form field containing address id.
AppliedCoupon Coupon applied in cart.
AppliedDiscount Discount model.
AuthCustomerParams Parameters to authenticate customer.
Authentication Customer authentication.
BaseFormField Base fields for form fields model.
BaseSiteRoute Base route properties.
BigCommerceClients All available API clients.
BigcommerceIntegrationContext Runtime integration context, which includes API client instance, settings, and endpoints that will be passed via middleware server.
BulkPricingRule Bulk Pricing rule model.
Cart A cart contains a collection of items, prices, discounts, etc... It does not contain customer-related data.
CartCurrency Currency of the cart.
Category Bigcommerce Category
CategoryParameters Necessary parameters to get categories.
CategoryResponse Category collection response.
CategoryTree Category tree model.
CategoryTreeItem Single entry of category tree list. Used in Get category trees response.
Channel Details of the channel
ChannelAssignment A product assigned to a channel or more
ChannelConfigMeta Optional channel configuration object.
ChannelCurrencies Details about currency assignments for a specific channel.
ChannelMetaSection If set, when the app is loaded within the control panel, the navigation sections will be directly embedded in the control panel navigation.
Context Global context of the application which includes runtime integration context.
CreateAddressParameters Format of parameters that can be passed to createCustomerAddress endpoint method.
CreateCartParameters Parameters of create cart request.
CreateChannelParams Necessary parameters to create a channel.
CreateChannelResponse Response of create channel endpoint.
CreateChannelResponseData Information about created channel.
CreateCustomerParameters Parameters to create customer.
CreateCustomerPayload Payload to create customer
CreateCustomerResponse Create customer response.
CreateProductReviewProps Properties to add review.
CreateSiteParams Necessary parameters to create channel site.
CreateSiteResponse Response of create site endpoint.
CreateSiteRouteParams Necessary parameters to create site route.
CreateSiteRouteResponse Create site route endpoint response.
CreateWishlistParams Necessary props for calling the create wishlist API.
CreateWishlistProps Necessary props for creating the wishlist.
CustomerFormField Customer form field.
CustomerIdFormField Form field containing customer id.
CustomerSettingsResponse Customer settings per channel response Reference: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/d5e66c45b0415-get-customer-settings-per-channel
CustomItemExtended Custom item extended with list price.
CustomUrl Custom URL for Category
DeleteAddressParameters Necessary parameters to delete a customer addresses.
DeleteCartParameters Necessary parameter for delete cart request.
DigitalCartItem Digital cart item model.
Endpoints Definition of all API-client methods available in context.
ExtendedCreateProductReviewProps Properties for creating a product review. Extended with date_reviewed param.
GetAddressParameters Format of parameters that can be passed to getCustomerAddress endpoint method.
GetAddressResponse Customer address collection response.
GetAllWishlistQuery Optional filter parameters to retrieve.
GetCartParameters Necesary parameter for get cart request.
GetCategoryTreeResponse Category tree collection response.
GetCategoryTreesResponse Category tree collection response.
GetChannelAssignmentResponse List of products assigned to a channel or more
GetChannelNotFoundError A Channel with the provided ID was not found.
GetChannelParams Necessary parameters to create a channel.
GetChannelResponseWithData Response of get channel endpoint.
GetCurrenciesResponse Currency collection response.
GetCustomersParameters Parameters to get customer.
GetCustomersResponse Customer collection response.
GetFiltersParameters Definition of graphql parameters for getting filters same information as the product filters
GetOrderByCartParameters Definition of get order by cart request parameters
GetOrderProductsParameters Necessary and optional parameters to get order products.
GetOrdersParameters Necessary and optional parameters to get orders.
GetOrdersWithDetailsParameters Necessary and optional parameters to get orders with details.
GetProductByIdParameters Definition of graphql parameters for getting product by id
GetProductReviewCollectionProps Necessary properties to get product review collection.
GetProductReviewCollectionQuery Optional properties to get product review collection.
GetProductReviewProps Necessary properties to get product review information.
GetProductsByCategoryParameters Definition of graphql parameters for getting products by category
GetProductsByIdParameters Definition of graphql parameters for getting products by id
GetProductsParameters Definition of products request parameters.
GetProductsWithFilterParameters Definition of graphql parameters for getting products with filters
GetStoreMetaResponse Store response.
GraphQLParameters GraphQL standard parameters
GraphQLResponse GraphQL Response
Image_2 Product image model.
ImpersonateCustomerResponse Impersonate customer response Reference: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/5cd1d19897e92-create-a-token
IncomingHttpHeadersWithChannelId Incomming HTTP headers extended with x-bigcommerce-channel-id.
IncommingMessageWithExtendedHeaders HTTP incomming message with extended headers.
LineItems Cart line items.
LoginCustomerGqlResponse Response of loging in a customer via GraphQl mutation.
LoginCustomerResponse Response of login customer.
MetaCollection Data about the response, including pagination and collection totals.Pagination links for the previous and next parts of the whole collection.
MiddlewareSDKSettingsConfig SDK Settings provided in the middleware.config.js file.
MiddlewareSettingsConfig Settings provided in the middleware.config.js file.
NodeBigcommerceSDK The definition of types for BigCommerce SDK.
Order Order object returned in responses.
OrderItem Order item model.
Pagination Pagination model including all necessary information for pagination.
PaginationLinks Pagination links for the previous and next parts of the whole collection.
PhysicalCartItem Physical cart item model.
Product Product model.
ProductModifier Product modifier model.
ProductModifiersResponse Product modifiers response.
ProductOption Definition of product options
ProductOptionConfig Product option config.
ProductOptionValue Product Option value.
ProductResponse Product response.
ProductReview Product review model.
ProductReviewCollectionResponse Product Review Collection response.
ProductReviewResponse Product Review response.
ProductsPaginationParameters Definition of products request pagination related parameters Separated cause of functions only be needing pagination parameters
ProductsResponse Product collection response.
ProductVariant Product variant model.
ProductVariantOptionValue Product variant option value model.
RemoveLineItemParameters Definition of remove line item from cart request parameters.
RemoveWishlistItemParams Necessary parameters to remove item from the wishlist.
ResponseMeta Meta object base on MetaCollection for getProductById
SiteRoute Route defined for the site.
StoreMeta Store SEO metadata
UpdateAddressParameters Necessary parameters to update a customer address.
UpdateCartParameters Definition of update cart request parameters.
UpdateCustomerFormFieldsParameters Parameters to update customer form fields.
UpdateCustomerFormFieldsResponse Response of update customer form fields.
UpdateCustomerParameters Parameters to update customer.
UpdateCustomerResponse Format of parameters that can be passed to updateCustomer endpoint method.
UpdateLineItemParameters Necessary parameters to update line item.
User Customer information.
UserAddress Customer address model.
ValidateCredentialsResponse Response of validate credentials.
Video Video model.
Wishlist Wishlist model.
WishlistCollectionResponse Response with collection of wishlists.
WishlistItem Wishlist item model.
WishlistResponse Response with single wishlist.

# Namespaces

Namespace Description

# Variables

Variable Description
MESSAGE_LOGIN_ERROR Reusable messages

# Type Aliases

Type Alias Description
CartItem Type alias for physical and digital cart item.
CartResponse Type alias for generic response of multiple cart related requests.
ContextualizedEndpoints All available API Endpoints without first argument - context, because this prop is set automatically.
CreateAddressResponse Response of create customer address request.
CreateCartResponse Response of create cart request.
DeleteAddressResponse Response of delete customer address requests.
EmptyMeta Empty meta object.
GetCartResponse Response of get cart request.
GetChannelResponseData Information about channel.
GetOrderShippingAddressesParameters Definition of get order shipping addresses request parameters
LoginCustomerGqlParameters Parameters to login customer via a GraphQl mutation.
LoginCustomerParameters Parameters to login customer. Type alias for AuthCustomerParams.
OrderByCartResponse Definition of the response to the order request.
OrderProductResponse Response of the order products request.
OrderShippingAddressesResponse Definition of the response to the order shipping addresses request.
OrdersResponse Response of the order requests.
OrdersWithDetailsResponse Definition of the response to the orders request.
RemoveLineItemResponse Response of remove an item from the cart request.
ReviewRating The rating of the product review. Must be one of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
UpdateAddressResponse Response of update customer address request.
UpdateCartResponse Response of update cart request.
UpdateLineItemResponse Response of update a cart item request.
UserShippingAddress Type alias for an array of customer addresses.
UserShippingAddressItem Type alias a customer addresses.
UserShippingAddressSearchCriteria User address search criteria.
ValidateCredentialsParameter Parameters to validate credentials. Type alias for AuthCustomerParams.