AddLineItemsParameters | Definition of add line items to cart request parameters |
AddLineItemsResponse | Add line item response. |
AddWishlistItemsParams | Necessary parameters to add items to the wishlist. |
AdressIdFormField | Form field containing address id. |
AppliedCoupon | Coupon applied in cart. |
AppliedDiscount | Discount model. |
AuthCustomerParams | Parameters to authenticate customer. |
Authentication | Customer authentication. |
BaseFormField | Base fields for form fields model. |
BaseSiteRoute | Base route properties. |
BigCommerceClients | All available API clients. |
BigcommerceIntegrationContext | Runtime integration context, which includes API client instance, settings, and endpoints that will be passed via middleware server. |
BulkPricingRule | Bulk Pricing rule model. |
Cart | A cart contains a collection of items, prices, discounts, etc... It does not contain customer-related data. |
CartCurrency | Currency of the cart. |
Category | Bigcommerce Category |
CategoryParameters | Necessary parameters to get categories. |
CategoryResponse | Category collection response. |
CategoryTree | Category tree model. |
CategoryTreeItem | Single entry of category tree list. Used in Get category trees response. |
Channel | Details of the channel |
ChannelAssignment | A product assigned to a channel or more |
ChannelConfigMeta | Optional channel configuration object. |
ChannelCurrencies | Details about currency assignments for a specific channel. |
ChannelMetaSection | If set, when the app is loaded within the control panel, the navigation sections will be directly embedded in the control panel navigation. |
Context | Global context of the application which includes runtime integration context. |
CreateAddressParameters | Format of parameters that can be passed to createCustomerAddress endpoint method. |
CreateCartParameters | Parameters of create cart request. |
CreateChannelParams | Necessary parameters to create a channel. |
CreateChannelResponse | Response of create channel endpoint. |
CreateChannelResponseData | Information about created channel. |
CreateCustomerParameters | Parameters to create customer. |
CreateCustomerPayload | Payload to create customer |
CreateCustomerResponse | Create customer response. |
CreateProductReviewProps | Properties to add review. |
CreateSiteParams | Necessary parameters to create channel site. |
CreateSiteResponse | Response of create site endpoint. |
CreateSiteRouteParams | Necessary parameters to create site route. |
CreateSiteRouteResponse | Create site route endpoint response. |
CreateWishlistParams | Necessary props for calling the create wishlist API. |
CreateWishlistProps | Necessary props for creating the wishlist. |
Crumb | |
CustomerFormField | Customer form field. |
CustomerIdFormField | Form field containing customer id. |
CustomerSettingsResponse | Customer settings per channel response Reference: |
CustomFieldsResponse | |
CustomItemExtended | Custom item extended with list price. |
CustomUrl | Custom URL for Category |
DeleteAddressParameters | Necessary parameters to delete a customer addresses. |
DeleteCartParameters | Necessary parameter for delete cart request. |
DigitalCartItem | Digital cart item model. |
Endpoints | Definition of all API-client methods available in context. |
ExtendedCreateProductReviewProps | Properties for creating a product review. Extended with date_reviewed param. |
GetAddressParameters | Format of parameters that can be passed to getCustomerAddress endpoint method. |
GetAddressResponse | Customer address collection response. |
GetAllWishlistQuery | Optional filter parameters to retrieve. |
GetCartParameters | Necesary parameter for get cart request. |
GetCategoryTreeResponse | Category tree collection response. |
GetCategoryTreesResponse | Category tree collection response. |
GetChannelAssignmentResponse | List of products assigned to a channel or more |
GetChannelNotFoundError | A Channel with the provided ID was not found. |
GetChannelParams | Necessary parameters to create a channel. |
GetChannelResponseWithData | Response of get channel endpoint. |
GetCurrenciesResponse | Currency collection response. |
GetCustomersParameters | Parameters to get customer. |
GetCustomersResponse | Customer collection response. |
GetFiltersParameters | Definition of graphql parameters for getting filters same information as the product filters |
GetOrderByCartParameters | Definition of get order by cart request parameters |
GetOrderProductsParameters | Necessary and optional parameters to get order products. |
GetOrdersParameters | Necessary and optional parameters to get orders. |
GetOrdersWithDetailsParameters | Necessary and optional parameters to get orders with details. |
GetProductByIdParameters | Definition of graphql parameters for getting product by id |
GetProductReviewCollectionProps | Necessary properties to get product review collection. |
GetProductReviewCollectionQuery | Optional properties to get product review collection. |
GetProductReviewProps | Necessary properties to get product review information. |
GetProductsByCategoryParameters | Definition of graphql parameters for getting products by category |
GetProductsByIdParameters | Definition of graphql parameters for getting products by id |
GetProductsParameters | Definition of products request parameters. |
GetProductsWithFilterParameters | Definition of graphql parameters for getting products with filters |
GetStoreMetaResponse | Store response. |
GraphQLParameters | GraphQL standard parameters |
GraphQLResponse | GraphQL Response |
Image_2 | Product image model. |
ImpersonateCustomerResponse | Impersonate customer response Reference: |
IncomingHttpHeadersWithChannelId | Incomming HTTP headers extended with x-bigcommerce-channel-id . |
IncommingMessageWithExtendedHeaders | HTTP incomming message with extended headers. |
LineItems | Cart line items. |
LoginCustomerGqlResponse | Response of loging in a customer via GraphQl mutation. |
LoginCustomerResponse | Response of login customer. |
MetaCollection | Data about the response, including pagination and collection totals.Pagination links for the previous and next parts of the whole collection. |
MiddlewareSDKSettingsConfig | SDK Settings provided in the middleware.config.js file. |
MiddlewareSettingsConfig | Settings provided in the middleware.config.js file. |
NodeBigcommerceSDK | The definition of types for BigCommerce SDK. |
Order | Order object returned in responses. |
OrderItem | Order item model. |
Pagination | Pagination model including all necessary information for pagination. |
PaginationLinks | Pagination links for the previous and next parts of the whole collection. |
PhysicalCartItem | Physical cart item model. |
Product | Product model. |
ProductImagesResponse | |
ProductModifier | Product modifier model. |
ProductModifiersResponse | Product modifiers response. |
ProductOption | Definition of product options |
ProductOptionConfig | Product option config. |
ProductOptionsResponse | |
ProductOptionValue | Product Option value. |
ProductResponse | Product response. |
ProductReview | Product review model. |
ProductReviewCollectionResponse | Product Review Collection response. |
ProductReviewResponse | Product Review response. |
ProductsPaginationParameters | Definition of products request pagination related parameters Separated cause of functions only be needing pagination parameters |
ProductsResponse | Product collection response. |
ProductVariant | Product variant model. |
ProductVariantOptionValue | Product variant option value model. |
RedirectUrls | |
RemoveLineItemParameters | Definition of remove line item from cart request parameters. |
RemoveWishlistItemParams | Necessary parameters to remove item from the wishlist. |
ResponseMeta | Meta object base on MetaCollection for getProductById |
SetupEndpoints | |
SiteRoute | Route defined for the site. |
StoreMeta | Store SEO metadata |
UpdateAddressParameters | Necessary parameters to update a customer address. |
UpdateCartParameters | Definition of update cart request parameters. |
UpdateCustomerFormFieldsParameters | Parameters to update customer form fields. |
UpdateCustomerFormFieldsResponse | Response of update customer form fields. |
UpdateCustomerParameters | Parameters to update customer. |
UpdateCustomerPayload | |
UpdateCustomerResponse | Format of parameters that can be passed to updateCustomer endpoint method. |
UpdateLineItemParameters | Necessary parameters to update line item. |
User | Customer information. |
UserAddress | Customer address model. |
ValidateCredentialsResponse | Response of validate credentials. |
Video | Video model. |
Wishlist | Wishlist model. |
WishlistCollectionResponse | Response with collection of wishlists. |
WishlistItem | Wishlist item model. |
WishlistResponse | Response with single wishlist. |