Home > @vsf-enterprise/bigcommerce-api > GetProductsParameters
# GetProductsParameters interface
Definition of products request parameters.
export interface GetProductsParameters extends ProductsPaginationParameters
Extends: ProductsPaginationParameters
# Properties
Property | Type | Description |
"categories:in"? | number | (Optional) Filter items by categories. Use for products in multiple categories. For example, categories:in=12. |
"date_last_imported:max"? | string | (Optional) Filter items by date_last_imported. For example, date_last_imported:max=2018-06-15. |
"date_last_imported:min"? | string | (Optional) Filter items by date_last_imported. For example, date_last_imported:min=2020-06-15 . |
"date_modified:max"? | string | (Optional) Filter items by date_modified. For example, date_modified:max=2020-06-15 . |
"date_modified:min"? | string | (Optional) Filter items by date_modified. For example, date_modified:min=2018-06-15 . |
"id:greater"? | number[] | (Optional) Filter items by list of ids greater then passed to filter. |
"id:in"? | number[] | (Optional) Filter items by list of ids. |
"id:less"? | number[] | (Optional) Filter items by list of ids less then passed to filter. |
"id:max"? | number[] | (Optional) Filter items by list of max ids. |
"id:min"? | number[] | (Optional) Filter items by list of min ids. |
"id:not_in"? | number[] | (Optional) Filter items by list of excluded ids. |
"intentory_level:not_in"? | number | (Optional) Filter items by inventory_level. |
"inventory_level:greater"? | number | (Optional) Filter items by inventory_level greater than passed to param. |
"inventory_level:in"? | number | (Optional) Filter items by inventory_level. |
"inventory_level:less"? | number | (Optional) Filter items by inventory_level less than passed to param. |
"inventory_level:max"? | number | (Optional) Filter items by max inventory_level. |
"inventory_level:min"? | number | (Optional) Filter items by min inventory_level. |
"sku:in"? | string[] | (Optional) Filter items by SKU. |
availability? | 'available' | 'disabled' | 'preorder' | (Optional) Filter items by availability. Values are: available, disabled, preorder. |
brand_id? | number | (Optional) Filter items by brand_id. |
categories? | number | (Optional) Filter items by categories. If a product is in more than one category, using this query will not return the product. Instead use categories:in=12. |
condition? | 'new' | 'used' | 'refurbished' | (Optional) Filter items by condition. |
date_last_imported? | string | (Optional) Filter items by date_last_imported. |
date_modified? | string | (Optional) Filter items by date_modified. |
direction? | 'asc' | 'desc' | (Optional) Sort direction. Acceptable values are: asc, desc. |
exclude_fields? | string | (Optional) Fields to exclude, in a comma-separated list. The specified fields will be excluded from a response. The ID cannot be excluded. |
id? | number | (Optional) Filter items by id. |
include_fields? | string | (Optional) Fields to include, in a comma-separated list. The ID and the specified fields will be returned. |
include? | string | (Optional) Sub-resources to include on a product, in a comma-separated list. If options or modifiers is used, results are limited to 10 per page. |
inventory_level? | number | (Optional) Filter items by inventory_level. |
inventory_low? | 0 | 1 | (Optional) Filter items by inventory_low. Values: 1, 0. |
is_featured? | 0 | 1 | (Optional) Filter items by is_featured. 1 for true, 0 for false. |
is_free_shipping? | 0 | 1 | (Optional) Filter items by is_free_shipping. 1 for true, 0 for false. |
is_visible? | boolean | (Optional) Filter items based on whether the product is currently visible on the storefront. |
keyword_context? | 'shopper' | 'merchant' | (Optional) Set context used by the search algorithm to return results targeted towards the specified group. Use merchant to help merchants search their own catalog. Use shopper to return shopper-facing search results. |
keyword? | string | (Optional) Filter items by keywords found in the name, description, or sku fields, or in the brand name. |
name? | string | (Optional) Filter items by name. |
out_of_stock? | 1 | (Optional) Filter items by out_of_stock. To enable the filter, pass out_of_stock=1. |
price? | number | (Optional) Filter items by price. |
sku? | string | (Optional) Filter items by main SKU. To filter by variant SKU, see [Get All Variants](https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/store-management/catalog/variants/getvariants). |
sort? | ProductsSortEnum | (Optional) Field name to sort by. Note: Since id increments when new products are added, you can use that field to sort by product create date. |
status? | number | (Optional) Filter items by status. |
total_sold? | number | (Optional) Filter items by total_sold. |
type? | 'digital' | 'physical' | (Optional) Filter items by type. |
upc? | string | (Optional) Filter items by upc. |
weight? | number | (Optional) Filter items by weight. |