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# Order interface

Order object returned in responses.


export interface Order 

# Properties

Property Type Description
base_handling_cost string The value of the base handling cost. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
base_shipping_cost string The value of the base shipping cost. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
base_wrapping_cost string | number The value of the base wrapping cost. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
billing_address OrderBillingAddress Order billing address.
cart_id string The cart ID from which this order originated, if applicable. Correlates with the Cart API. This is a READ-ONLY field; do not set or modify its value in a POST or PUT request.
channel_id number Shows where the order originated. The channel_id will default to 1.
coupon_discount string A read-only value. Do not pass in a POST or PUT. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
coupons { url: string; resource: string; } Order coupons.
currency_code string The currency code of the display currency used to present prices on the storefront. A read-only value. Do not pass in a POST or PUT.
currency_exchange_rate string The exchange rate between the store's default currency and the display currency. A read-only value. Do not pass in a POST or PUT. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
currency_id number The display currency ID. May be different from transactional currency. A read-only value. Do not pass in a POST or PUT.
custom_status string An alias to status
customer_id number Order customer ID.
customer_locale string The customer's locale
customer_message string Message that the customer entered (number, optional) -o the Order Comments box during checkout.
date_created string The date the order was created, formatted in the RFC-2822 standard. You set this attribute on Order creation (POST) to support the migration of historical orders. If you do not provide a value, then it will default to the current date/time.e.g., Tue, 20 Nov 2012 00:00:00 +0000
date_modified string A read-only value representing the last modification of the order. Do not attempt to modify or set this value in a POST or PUT operation. RFC-2822
date_shipped string A read-only value representing the date of shipment. Do not attempt to modify or set this value in a POST or PUT operation. RFC-2822
default_currency_code string The currency code of the transactional currency the shopper pays in; writeable when multi-currency is enabled.
default_currency_id number The transactional currency ID. A read-only value. Do not pass in a POST or PUT.
discount_amount string Amount of discount for this transaction. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
ebay_order_id string | 0 If the order was placed through eBay, the eBay order number will be included. Otherwise, the value will be 0.
external_id string | null ID of the order in another system. For example, the Amazon Order ID if this is an Amazon order. This field can be updated in a /POST, but using a /PUT to update the order will return a 400 error. The field 'external_id' cannot be written to. Please remove it from your request before trying again. It can not be overwritten once set.
external_merchant_id string | any The merchant ID represents an upstream order from an external system. It is the source of truth for orders. After setting it, you can not write to or update the external_merchant_id. For example, you can update the Facebook by Meta page ID in a /POST request, but a /PUT request to update the order will return a 400 error. Please remove it from your request before trying again.
external_source string | null This value identifies an external system that generated the order and submitted it to BigCommerce via the Orders API. When supplying the value, we recommend combining the type of system and vendor, e.g., ERP (Acumatica) or POS (Square). If you are migrating historical orders processed on another eCommerce platform to BigCommerce, supply the following code as the value: M-MIG. This code will exclude historical orders from the store’s GMV/order count, which factors into pricing. If you do not provide a value, then it will default to null.
geoip_country_iso2 string The country where the customer made the purchase, in ISO2 format, based on the IP.
geoip_country string The full name of the country where the customer made the purchase, based on the IP.
gift_certificate_amount string A read-only value. Do not pass in a POST or PUT. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
handling_cost_ex_tax string The value of the handling cost, excluding tax. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
handling_cost_inc_tax string The value of the handling cost, including tax. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
handling_cost_tax_class_id number A read-only value. Do not attempt to set or modify this value in a POST or PUT operation. (NOTE: Value ignored if automatic tax is enabled on the store.)
handling_cost_tax string A read-only value. Do not attempt to modify or set this value in a POST or PUT operation. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
id number Read-only. The ID of the order.
ip_address_v6 string IPv6 Address of the customer, if known.Note: You can set either ip_address or ip_address_v6. Setting the ip_address_v6 value will reset the ip_address value and vice versa.
ip_address string IPv4 Address of the customer, if known.Note: You can set either ip_address or ip_address_v6. Setting the ip_address value will reset the ip_address_v6 value and vice versa.
is_deleted boolean Indicates whether the order was deleted (archived). Set to to true, to archive an order.
is_email_opt_in boolean Indicates whether the shopper has selected an opt-in check box (on the checkout page) to receive emails. A read-only value. Do not pass in a POST or PUT.
items_shipped number The number of items that have been shipped.
items_total number The total number of items in the order.
order_is_digital boolean Whether this is an order for digital products.
order_source string Orders submitted via the store's website will include a www value. Orders submitted via the API will be set to external. A read-only value. Do not pass in a POST or PUT.
payment_method OrderPaymentMethod The payment method for this order. Can be one of the following: Manual, Credit Card, cash, Test Payment Gateway, etc.
payment_provider_id string | number The external Transaction ID/Payment ID within this order's payment provider (if a payment provider was used).
payment_status OrderPaymentStatus A read-only value. Do not attempt to set or modify this value in a POST or PUT operation.
products { url: string; resource: string; } Order products.
refunded_amount string The amount refunded from this transaction. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
shipping_address_count number The number of shipping addresses associated with this transaction. A read-only value. Do not pass in a POST or PUT.
shipping_addresses { url: string; resource: string; } Order shipping addresses.
shipping_cost_ex_tax string The value of shipping cost, excluding tax. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
shipping_cost_inc_tax string The value of shipping cost, including tax. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
shipping_cost_tax_class_id number Shipping-cost tax class. A read-only value. Do not attempt to modify or set this value in a POST or PUT operation. (NOTE: Value ignored if automatic tax is enabled on the store.)
shipping_cost_tax string A read-only value. Do not attempt to modify or set this value in a POST or PUT operation. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
staff_notes string Any additional notes for staff.
status_id number The status ID of the order.
status string The status will include one of the (string, optiona) - values defined under Order Statuses. This value is read-only. Do not attempt to modify or set this value in a POST or PUT operation.
store_credit_amount string Represents the store credit that the shopper has redeemed on this individual order. This is a read-only value. Do not pass in a POST or PUT. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
store_default_currency_code string The currency code of the store's default currency.
store_default_to_transactional_exchange_rate string The exchange rate between the store's default currency and the transactional currency used in the order.
subtotal_ex_tax string Override value for subtotal excluding tax. If specified, the field subtotal_inc_tax is also required. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
subtotal_inc_tax string Override value for subtotal including tax. If specified, the field subtotal_ex_tax is also required. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
subtotal_tax string A read-only value. Do not attempt to set or modify this value in a POST or PUT operation. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
tax_provider_id OrderTaxProviderId BasicTaxProvider - Tax is set to manual.AvaTaxProvider - This is for when the tax provider has been set to automatic and the order was NOT created by the API. Used for Avalara."" (blank) - When the tax provider is unknown. This includes legacy orders and orders previously created via API. This can be set when creating an order using a POST.
total_ex_tax string Override value for the total, excluding tax. If specified, the field total_inc_tax is also required. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
total_inc_tax string Override value for the total, including tax. If specified, the field total_ex_tax is also required. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
total_tax string Total tax of the order
wrapping_cost_ex_tax string The value of the wrapping cost, excluding tax. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
wrapping_cost_inc_tax string The value of the wrapping cost, including tax. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
wrapping_cost_tax_class_id number A read-only value. Do not attempt to set or modify this value in a POST or PUT operation. (NOTE: Value ignored if automatic tax is enabled on the store.)
wrapping_cost_tax string A read-only value. Do not attempt to modify or set this value in a POST or PUT operation. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)