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# OrderItem interface

Order item model.


export interface OrderItem 

# Properties

Property Type Description
applied_discounts? Array<OrderProductAppliedDiscounts> (Optional) Array of objects containing discounts applied to the product.
base_cost_price? string (Optional) The product's cost price. This can be set using the Catalog API. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer) Read Only
base_price? string (Optional) The product's base price. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
base_total? string (Optional) Total base price. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
base_wrapping_cost? string | number (Optional) The value of the base wrapping cost. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
bin_picking_number? string (Optional) Bin picking number for the physical product.
cost_price_ex_tax? string (Optional) The products cost price excluding tax. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer) The cost of your products to you; this is never shown to customers, but can be used for accounting purposes. Read Only
cost_price_inc_tax? string (Optional) The product's cost price including tax. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer) The cost of your products to you; this is never shown to customers, but can be used for accounting purposes. Read Only
cost_price_tax? string (Optional) Tax applied to the product’s cost price. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer) The cost of your products to you; this is never shown to customers, but can be used for accounting purposes. Read Only
ebay_item_id? string (Optional) Item ID for this product on eBay.
ebay_transaction_id? string (Optional) Transaction ID for this product on eBay.
event_date? any | null (Optional) Date of the promotional event/scheduled delivery.
event_name? any | null (Optional) Name of promotional event/delivery date.
external_id? any | null (Optional) ID of the order in another system. For example, the Amazon Order ID if this is an Amazon order. This field can be updated in a /POST, but using a /PUT to update the order will return a 400 error. The field 'external_id' cannot be written to. Please remove it from your request before trying again. It can not be overwritten once set.
fixed_shipping_cost? string (Optional) Fixed shipping cost for this product. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
id? number (Optional) Numeric ID of this product within this order.
is_bundled_product? boolean (Optional) Whether this product is bundled with other products.
is_refunded? boolean (Optional) Whether the product has been refunded.
name_customer? string (Optional) The product name that is shown to customer in storefront.
name_merchant? string (Optional) The product name that is shown to merchant in Control Panel.
name? string (Optional) Alias for name_customer - The product name that is shown to customer in storefront.
option_set_id? any | null (Optional) Numeric ID of the option set applied to the product.
order_address_id? number (Optional) Numeric ID of the associated order address.
order_id? number (Optional) Numeric ID of the associated order.
parent_order_product_id? any | null (Optional) ID of a parent product.
price_ex_tax? string (Optional) The product’s price excluding tax. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
price_inc_tax? string (Optional) The product’s price including tax. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
price_tax? string (Optional) Amount of tax applied to a single product.Price tax is calculated as: price_tax = price_inc_tax - price_ex_tax(Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
product_id? number (Optional) Numeric ID of the product.
product_options? Array<OrderProductOptions> (Optional) Array of product options.
quantity_shipped? number (Optional) Quantity of this item shipped.
quantity? number (Optional) Quantity of the product ordered.
refunded_amount? string (Optional) The amount refunded from this transaction. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
return_id? number (Optional) Numeric ID for the refund.
sku? string (Optional) User-defined product code/stock keeping unit (SKU).
total_ex_tax? string (Optional) Total base price excluding tax. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
total_inc_tax? string (Optional) Total base price including tax. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
total_tax? string (Optional) Total tax applied to products. For example, if quantity if 2, base price is 5 and tax rate is 10%. price_tax will be $.50 and total_tax will be $1.00.If there is a manual discount applied total_tax is calcuted as the following: (price_ex_tax - discount)*tax_rate=total_tax. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
type? 'physical' | 'digital' (Optional) Type of product
upc? string (Optional) Universal Product Code. Can be written to for custom products and catalog products.
variant_id? number (Optional) Products variant_id. PUT or POST. This field is not available for custom products.
weight? any | null (Optional) Weight of the product. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
wrapping_cost_ex_tax? string (Optional) The value of the wrapping cost, excluding tax. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
wrapping_cost_inc_tax? string (Optional) The value of the wrapping cost, including tax. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
wrapping_cost_tax? string (Optional) Tax applied to gift-wrapping option. (Float, Float-As-String, Integer)
wrapping_message? string (Optional) Message to accompany gift-wrapping option.
wrapping_name? string (Optional) Name of gift-wrapping option