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# Product interface

Product model.


export interface Product 

# Properties

Property Type Description
availability_description string Availability text displayed on the checkout page, under the product title. Tells the customer how long it will normally take to ship this product, such as: 'Usually ships in 24 hours.'
availability ProductAvailability Availability of the product. (Corresponds to the product's [Purchasability](https://support.bigcommerce.com/s/article/Adding-Products-v3?language=en_US#sections) section in the control panel.) Supported values: * available - the product is available for purchase; * disabled - the product is listed on the storefront, but cannot be purchased; * preorder - the product is listed for pre-orders.
base_variant_id number The unique identifier of the base variant associated with a simple product. This value is null for complex products.
bin_picking_number string The BIN picking number for the product.
brand_id number A product can be added to an existing brand during a product /PUT or /POST.
brand_name? string (Optional) The brand can be created during a product PUT or POST request. If the brand already exists then the product will be added. If not the brand will be created and the product added. If using brand_name it performs a fuzzy match and adds the brand. eg. "Common Good" and "Common good" are the same. Brand name does not return as part of a product response. Only the brand_id.
bulk_pricing_rules? BulkPricingRule[] (Optional) Bulk pricing rules.
calculated_price number The price of the product as seen on the storefront. It will be equal to the sale_price, if set, and the price if there is not a sale_price.
categories number[] An array of IDs for the categories to which this product belongs. When updating a product, if an array of categories is supplied, all product categories will be overwritten. Does not accept more than 1,000 ID values.
condition ProductCondition The product condition. Will be shown on the product page if the is_condition_shown field's value is true. Possible values: * New, * Used, * Refurbished.
cost_price number The cost price of the product. Stored for reference only; it is not used or displayed anywhere on the store.
custom_fields? CustomFields[] (Optional) Product custom fields.
custom_url CustomUrl The custom URL for the product on the storefront.
date_created string The date on which the product was created.
date_modified string The date on which the product was modified.
depth number Depth of the product, which can be used when calculating shipping costs.
description string The product description, which can include HTML formatting.
fixed_cost_shipping_price number A fixed shipping cost for the product. If defined, this value will be used during checkout instead of normal shipping-cost calculation.
gift_wrapping_options_list number[] A list of gift-wrapping option IDs.
gift_wrapping_options_type ProductGiftWrappingOptionType Type of gift-wrapping options. Values: * any - allow any gift-wrapping options in the store; * none - disallow gift-wrapping on the product; * list – provide a list of IDs in the gift_wrapping_options_list field.
gtin string Global Trade Item Number.
height number Height of the product, which can be used when calculating shipping costs.
id number ID of the product. Read Only.
images? Image[] (Optional) Product images.
inventory_level number Current inventory level of the product. Simple inventory tracking must be enabled (See the inventory_tracking field) for this to take any effect.
inventory_tracking InventoryTrackingType The type of inventory tracking for the product. Values are: * none - inventory levels will not be tracked; * product - inventory levels will be tracked using the inventory_level and inventory_warning_level fields; * variant - inventory levels will be tracked based on variants, which maintain their own warning levels and inventory levels.
inventory_warning_level number nventory warning level for the product. When the product's inventory level drops below the warning level, the store owner will be informed. Simple inventory tracking must be enabled (see the inventory_tracking field) for this to take any effect.
is_condition_shown boolean Flag used to determine whether the product condition is shown to the customer on the product page.
is_featured boolean Flag to determine whether the product should be included in the featured products panel when viewing the store.
is_free_shipping boolean Flag used to indicate whether the product has free shipping. If true, the shipping cost for the product will be zero.
is_preorder_only boolean If set to true then on the preorder release date the preorder status will automatically be removed. If set to false, then on the release date the preorder status will not be removed. It will need to be changed manually either in the control panel or using the API. Using the API set availability to available.
is_price_hidden boolean False by default, indicating that this product's price should be shown on the product page. If set to true, the price is hidden. (NOTE: To successfully set is_price_hidden to true, the availability value must be disabled.)
is_visible boolean Flag to determine whether the product should be displayed to customers browsing the store. If true, the product will be displayed. If false, the product will be hidden from view.
layout_file string The layout template file used to render this product category. This field is writable only for stores with a Blueprint theme applied.
map_price number Minimum Advertised Price.
meta_description string Custom meta description for the product page. If not defined, the store's default meta description will be used.
meta_keywords string[] Custom meta keywords for the product page. If not defined, the store's default keywords will be used.
modifiers? ProductModifier[] (Optional) Product modifiers.
mpn string Manufacturer Part Number.
name string The product name.
open_graph_description string Description to use for the product, if not specified then the meta_description will be used instead.
open_graph_title string Title of the product, if not specified the product name will be used instead.
open_graph_type ProductOpenGraphType Type of product, defaults to product.
open_graph_use_image boolean Flag to determine if product image or open graph image is used.
open_graph_use_meta_description boolean Flag to determine if product description or open graph description is used.
open_graph_use_product_name boolean Flag to determine if product name or open graph name is used.
option_set_display string Legacy template setting which controls if the option set shows up to the side of or below the product image and description.
option_set_id number Indicates that the product is in an Option Set (legacy V2 concept).
options? ProductOption[] (Optional) Product options.
order_quantity_maximum number The maximum quantity an order can contain when purchasing the product.
order_quantity_minimum number The minimum quantity an order must contain, to be eligible to purchase this product.
page_title string Custom title for the product page. If not defined, the product name will be used as the meta title.
preorder_message string Custom expected-date message to display on the product page. If undefined, the message defaults to the storewide setting. Can contain the %%DATE%% placeholder, which will be substituted for the release date.
preorder_release_date string Pre-order release date. See the availability field for details on setting a product's availability to accept pre-orders.
price_hidden_label string By default, an empty string. If is_price_hidden is true, the value of price_hidden_label is displayed instead of the price. (NOTE: To successfully set a non-empty string value with is_price_hidden set to true, the availability value must be disabled.)
price number The price of the product. The price should include or exclude tax, based on the store settings.
product_tax_code string Accepts AvaTax System Tax Codes, which identify products and services that fall into special sales-tax categories. By using these codes, merchants who subscribe to BigCommerce's Avalara Premium integration can calculate sales taxes more accurately. Stores without Avalara Premium will ignore the code when calculating sales tax. Do not pass more than one code. The codes are case-sensitive. For details, please see Avalara's documentation.
related_products number[] An array of IDs for the related products.
retail_price number The retail cost of the product. If entered, the retail cost price will be shown on the product page.
reviews_count number The number of times the product has been rated.
reviews_rating_sum number The total rating for the product.
sale_price number If entered, the sale price will be used instead of value in the price field when calculating the product's cost.
search_keywords string A comma-separated list of keywords that can be used to locate the product when searching the store.
sku string User defined product code/stock keeping unit (SKU).
sort_order number Priority to give this product when included in product lists on category pages and in search results. Lower integers will place the product closer to the top of the results.
tax_class_id number The ID of the tax class applied to the product. (NOTE: Value ignored if automatic tax is enabled.)
total_sold number The total quantity of this product sold.
type ProductType The product type. One of: * physical - a physical stock unit, * digital - a digital download.
upc string The product UPC code, which is used in feeds for shopping comparison sites and external channel integrations.
variants? ProductVariant[] (Optional) Product variants.
videos? Video[] (Optional) Product videos.
view_count number The number of times the product has been viewed.
warranty string Warranty information displayed on the product page. Can include HTML formatting.
weight number Weight of the product, which can be used when calculating shipping costs. This is based on the unit set on the store.
width number Width of the product, which can be used when calculating shipping costs.