Custom domain and custom TLS/SSL certificate
All instances are publicly available through a subdomain of our main
domain. Your default domain will be created according to the following pattern: <instance-name>.<region>.<provider>
Each instance has a TLS certificate configured out of the box. We use Let's Encrypt which is a free solution that enables to issue certificates that provide a secured connection to your application.
Custom domain
You can add a custom domain according to your needs. We will provide you with all the necessary information to set up the DNS configuration properly. Custom domains can still use Let's Encrypt free certificates.
It is possible to use multi-domain configuration connected with wildcard DNS record.
Example API configuration for custom wildcard domain:
"ingress": {
"custom_domain": {
"domains": [
{"name":"*", "secret_name": "custom-my-wildcard-domain-tls"}
For custom wildcard domain we can't provide Let's Encrypt TLS certificate. In this case, you have to deliver your own TLS certificate.
Using CDN and custom domain you have to set a custom secret otherwise the Let's Encrypt certificate will be replaced by the default certificate for CDN each time when the instance is updated by our API.
Example API configuration for custom domain and CDN:
"ingress": {
"custom_domain": {
"domains": [
{"name":"", "secret_name": "custom-my-first-domain-tls"},
{"name":"", "secret_name": "custom-my-second-domain-tls"}
"gcp_cloud_cdn": {
"enabled": true
For more detail visit API documentation.
In case of any questions contact our support to get more information.
Custom certificate
Of course if you want to have full control over TLS certificate of your instance you can buy and deliver your own certificate.
Contact us - we will arrange a safe method of transporting that TLS certificate to us.