Typically, you get access to two Kubernetes Namespaces (two instances) from the Storefront Cloud team. For instance, let's take a look at the deployment of our
There are two namespaces:
- demo-storefrontcloud-io - which is the instance where the prod version of your Vue Storefront app is deployed,
- demo-test-storefrontcloud-io - which is the instance where the test version of your Vue Storefront app is deployed.
Each namespace includes PODs (POD is kind of Kubernetes app container):
│ POD name │ Role │ State │ Start time │
│ elasticsearch-75cf68b6b7-thjsx │ elastic │ Running │ 2018-10-12T11:36:05Z │
│ kibana-69777f68b-dd6s5 │ │ Running │ 2018-10-09T13:24:06Z │
│ nginx-6d68c9557-l67l2 │ nginx │ Running │ 2018-10-09T13:24:02Z │
│ redis-84d7c989c9-5j4tq │ redis │ Running │ 2018-10-09T13:24:06Z │
│ vue-storefront-848799bd5d-zvcd4 │ front │ Running │ 2018-10-12T11:46:09Z │
│ vue-storefront-api-5c5dbc57fd-l9fhr │ api │ Running │ 2018-10-12T14:14:37Z │
Along with the Kubernetes namespaces, the Vue Storefront team provides you with git access via the Storefront Cloud Code Access site. You may find two repositories in there:
- demo-storefrontcloud-io - where the master branch is used to deploy the production frontend and the develop branch is used to deploy the test frontend,
- demo-storefrontcloud-io-api - where the master branch is used to deploy the production API and the develop branch is used to deploy the test API.
The namespaces are bound to the public URL addresses:
- demo-storefrontcloud-io is deployed under
- demo-storefrontcloud-io-api is deployed under