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CartsApi.replaceCartEntry() method

Updates the quantity of a single cart entry and the details of the store where the cart entry will be picked up. Attributes not provided in request will be defined again (set to null or default) Set quantity and store details of a cart entry.


replaceCartEntry(baseSiteId: string, cartId: string, entryNumber: number, userId: string, entry: OrderEntry, fields?: 'BASIC' | 'DEFAULT' | 'FULL', options?: any): Promise<import("axios").AxiosResponse<CartModification>>;


Parameter Type Description
baseSiteId string Base site identifier
cartId string Cart identifier: cart code for logged in user, cart guid for anonymous user, &#39;current&#39; for the last modified cart
entryNumber number The entry number. Each entry in a cart has an entry number. Cart entries are numbered in ascending order, starting with zero (0).
userId string User identifier or one of the literals : &#39;current&#39; for currently authenticated user, &#39;anonymous&#39; for anonymous user
entry OrderEntry Request body parameter that contains details such as the quantity of product (quantity), and the pickup store name (deliveryPointOfService.name) The DTO is in XML or .json format.
fields 'BASIC' | 'DEFAULT' | 'FULL' Response configuration. This is the list of fields that should be returned in the response body.
options any Override http request option.




{RequiredError} CartsApi