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PointOfServiceStock interface

Representation of a Point Of Service Stock PointOfServiceStock


export interface PointOfServiceStock 


Property Type Description
address? Address (Optional)
description? string (Optional) Description of the point of service
displayName? string (Optional) Display name of the point of service
distanceKm? number (Optional) Distance to the point of service as number value
features? { [key: string]: string; } (Optional) List of features for a given point of service
formattedDistance? string (Optional) Distance to the point of service as text value
geoPoint? GeoPoint (Optional)
mapIcon? Image (Optional)
name? string (Optional) Name of the point of service
openingHours? OpeningSchedule (Optional)
stockInfo? Stock (Optional)
storeContent? string (Optional) Store content of given point of service
storeImages? Array<Image> (Optional) Collection of images associated with a point of service
url? string (Optional) Url address of the point of service
warehouseCodes? Array<string> (Optional)