# Payment Gateway Integration
Vue Storefront is a platform-agnostic app. This means it can be connected to virtually any eCommerce backend. At the same time, most of the existing eCommerce platforms integrate the Payment Gateways (PG) using some kind of frontend hooks:
- Some gateways are integrated by iframe component
- Others are injected by JavaScript snippet etc.
In this situation, it's a rare case when you can modify your payment gateway with PWA—without creating the integration code by yourself.
# Community resources
Our community members created some really cool docs and reference implementation of payment modules You could and probably should base yours on:
- Blog post: How to create VS 1.6 payment module (opens new window)
- Paypal integration: Paypal integration by Develodesign (opens new window)
- Braintree integration: Braintree integration by Daniel Coull (opens new window)
# Frontend integration
First step is to create a Vue Storefront Module to integrate the payment provider in the frontend. Any of the payment handling logic UI is handled solely via the Module. For the most basic version of how a Payment Module is, the "src/modules/payment-cash-on-delivery".
The Payment Module, where applicable, should catch the
vent. If the payment method code is the desired one, then you have the option to dynamically inject any components into the order review section on the checkout—for example, credit card input fields, payment method information, etc.You are required to catch the
event and do any processing required for the payment method before placing the order.You are required to emit the
event with an optional payload to complete the placeorder process.For your payment method to display, add it to the Payment Methods collection in storage
.Unregister any events when they are no longer required.
For clarity in growing extensions, payment extensions should be named clearly
# Cash on delivery example
Here is an example of a "Cash on delivery" payment method main logic. It's placed in the src/modules/payment-cash-on-deliver/hooks/afterRegistration.ts
which is usually a good entry point for registering custom event hooks:
import InfoComponent from '../components/Info.vue'
import config from 'config'
export function afterRegistration({ Vue, config, store, isServer }) {
// Place the order. Payload is empty as we don't have any specific info to add for this payment method '{}'
const placeOrder = function () {
EventBus.$emit('checkout-do-placeOrder', {})
if (!isServer) {
// Update the methods
let paymentMethodConfig = {
'title': 'Cash on delivery',
'code': 'cashondelivery',
'cost': 0,
'cost_incl_tax': 0,
'default': true,
'offline': true
rootStore.dispatch('payment/addMethod', paymentMethodConfig)
// Mount the info component when required.
EventBus.$on('checkout-payment-method-changed', (paymentMethodCode) => {
if (paymentMethodCode === 'cashondelivery') {
// Register the handler for what happens when they click the place order button.
EventBus.$on('checkout-before-placeOrder', placeOrder)
// Dynamically inject a component into the order review section (optional)
const Component = Vue.extend(InfoComponent)
const componentInstance = (new Component())
} else {
// unregister the extensions placeorder handler
EventBus.$off('checkout-before-placeOrder', placeOrder)
# More examples
You can find much more sophisticated solutions for Paypal (opens new window) on our partner - Develodesign github and Braintree (opens new window)
More info:
# Backend Integration
After successfully integrating the payments on the frontend, you're sending the users and transactions to the payment integrator. Then, we need to get back the payment token/identifier and update the order status as soon as the payment integrator will let us know that the transaction finished.
To store the transaction info you'll get from the payment service, you may emit an event:
placeOrderWithPayload (payload) {
this.$bus.$emit('checkout-do-placeOrder', payload)
where the payload equals to JSON object with additional order information. This object will be transferred to the server along with the order object in the order.payment_method_additional
# The order workflow - server side
To get it right, first we must understand how Vue Storefront processes orders. Vue Storefront sends orders to the server asynchronously because of the offline orders support (orders can be sent immediately after they’re placed, minutes after or even hours).
The order is being sent to the vue-storefront-api/api/order/create
endpoint. This API endpoint pushes the order to the queue from where it's being transferred to the eCommerce backend by a cron-run process called order_2_magento2.js
(o2m). You will find the source code of o2m
in the vue-storefront-api/worker
As you can see, we don't have the backend's order number immediately after the order has been placed. To pair the client-side order ID and server-side metadata, order_2_magento.js
process stores special metadata entries in Redis
api.cart.order(null, cartId, {
}, isThisAuthOrder).then(result => {
logger.info(THREAD_ID, result)()
if(job) job.progress(currentStep++, TOTAL_STEPS);
logger.info(THREAD_ID + '[OK] Order placed with ORDER ID', result);()
logger.debug(THREAD_ID + result)()
redisClient.set("order$$id$$" + orderData.order_id, JSON.stringify(
platform_order_id: result,
transmited: true,
transmited_at: new Date(),
platform: 'magento2',
order: orderData
redisClient.set("order$$totals$$" + orderData.order_id, JSON.stringify(result[1]));
if(job) job.progress(currentStep++, TOTAL_STEPS);
return done(null, { magentoOrderId: result, transferedAt: new Date() });
As you can see, you can get the order data using the client-side order ID by accessing the order$$id$${clientsideorderid}
in the local Redis instance.
You can check vue-storefront-api/src/api/sync.js
with the check
export default ({ config, db }) => {
let syncApi = Router();
* GET get stock item
syncApi.get('/order/:order_id', (req, res) => {
const Redis = require('redis');
let redisClient = Redis.createClient(config.redis); // redis client
redisClient.on('error', function(err) {
// workaround for https://github.com/NodeRedis/node_redis/issues/713
redisClient = Redis.createClient(config.redis); // redis client
redisClient.get('order$$id$$' + req.param('order_id'), function(
) {
const orderMetaData = JSON.parse(reply);
if (orderMetaData) {
orderMetaData.order = null; // for security reasons we're just clearing out the real order data as it's set by `order_2_magento2.js`
apiStatus(res, err ? err : orderMetaData, err ? 500 : 200);
return syncApi;
As this method returns the order data by non-secured URL with just the client-side order ID, there is an order
property being removed to return just the platform ID of their order.
# Status change for the order
The example shown above was a prep step for updating the Magento (or other platform) order status based on the response from the payments integrator.
First, you need to add the special endpoint under the public URL that will be getting the notifications / statuses from the payments provider. Here is an example [how to add custom API endpoint to the vue-storefront-api
](Extending vue-storefront-api.md).
To add the API extension to vue-storefront-api
- Create the folder within
. For example 'custom-payment-method` - Then add the
file and put the API methods code inside. We're using Express.js. Here is a boilerplate/example for the extension code:
import { apiStatus } from '../../../lib/util';
import { Router } from 'express';
module.exports = ({ config, db }) => {
let mcApi = Router();
* POST create an user
mcApi.post('/status', (req, res) => {
const notificationData = req.body;
const order_id = ''; // we should extract the client's order id from the notification status
/// ... business logic related to the status verification
// getting the data from Redis - the original order
const Redis = require('redis');
const Magento2Client = require('magento2-rest-client').Magento2Client;
let redisClient = Redis.createClient(config.redis); // redis client
redisClient.on('error', function(err) {
// workaround for https://github.com/NodeRedis/node_redis/issues/713
redisClient = Redis.createClient(config.redis); // redis client
redisClient.get('order$$id$$' + order_id, function(err, reply) {
const orderMetaData = JSON.parse(reply);
if (orderMetaData) {
// now we can use the api client to update the order status in Magento
const client = Magento2Client(config.magento2.api);
client.addMethods('invoice', function(restClient) {
var module = {};
module.create = function() {
return restClient.post('/invoice/create'); // the real Magento2 endpoint should be here - this is just an example
return module;
.then(result => {
apiStatus(res, result, 200); // just dump it to the browser, result = JSON object
.catch(err => {
apiStatus(res, err, 500);
return mcApi;
- Add the extension to
"registeredExtensions": ["custom-payment-method"],
- Restart the
- Your new API method is available on
for example:localhost:8080/api/ext/custom-payment-method/status
In this extension above, you may want to get the order data by the client-side order ID (passed to the payment service and probably returned with the notification). Then you may use the Magento 2 API to update the payment status, likely by executing the invoice