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Connect Product Details Page

Connecting Product Details Page with SAP Commerce Cloud

In the previous step, we have created a new product details page using Storefront UI. Now, we will connect it with the SAP Commerce Cloud backend to display the product details.

Creating a new Next.js page

First, we need to create a new dynamic page in the app directory. We will use the code of the product to create a dynamic route for the product details page.

Create a new file app/product/[code]/page.tsx and add the following code:

import ProductGallery from "../../../components/ProductGallery";
import ProductDetails from "../../../components/ProductDetails";
import ProductSlider from "../../../components/ProductSlider";

export default function Page() {
  return (
      className="flex flex-col gap-8 md:gap-12 lg:gap-16 max-w-screen-xl m-auto px-4 md:px-8 lg:px-12 xl:px-16 py-8 md:py-12 lg:py-16 xl:py-20"
        className="flex flex-col items-start gap-8 md:flex-row md:gap-4 xl:gap-6"
        <ProductGallery />
        <ProductDetails />
      <ProductSlider />

In the above code, we have created a new dynamic page for the product details. We have used the ProductGallery, ProductDetails, and ProductSlider components to display the product details. We removed the "use client" directive from the top of the file.

Make sure that you added "use client" on top of every Product... component file as follows:

// ProductGallery.tsx
"use client";

// ... rest of the code

Now, our Product Details page is dynamic and ready to display the product details based on the slug of the product.

Fetching Products from SAP Commerce Cloud

We want to simulate a "real world" store, so let's fetch a list of products from the SAP Commerce Cloud backend to display links to products on the homepage.

In the app/page.tsx let's make some changes to fetch the products from the backend. Replace the content of the app/page.tsx with the following code:

import Link from "next/link";
import { getSdk } from "../sdk/sdk.config"

export default async function Page() {
  const sdk = getSdk()

  const { products } = await sdk.sapcc.searchProduct({});

  return (
    <div className="flex flex-col gap-3">
      {products?.map((product) => (
        <Link href={`/product/${product.code}`} key={product.code} className="text-blue-500 underline">
          - {}

In the above code, we have used the getSdk function to create a new instance of the Alokai SDK. We have used the searchProduct method to fetch the list of products from the backend. We have used the Link component from Next.js to create links to the product details page.

Now, when you run the application, you will see a list of products on the homepage. When you click on a product, you will be redirected to the product details page.

Fetching Product Details from SAP Commerce Cloud

Now, we need to fetch the product details from the SAP Commerce Cloud backend to display the product details on the product details page.

In the app/product/[code]/page.tsx file, let's make some changes to fetch the product details from the backend. The final code of the app/product/[code]/page.tsx file should look like this:

import ProductGallery from "../../../components/ProductGallery";
import ProductDetails from "../../../components/ProductDetails";
import ProductSlider from "../../../components/ProductSlider";
import { getSdk } from "../../../sdk/sdk.config";

export default async function Page({ params }: { params: { code: string } }) {
  const sdk = getSdk();

  const product = await sdk.sapcc.getProduct({
    id: params.code,


  return (
      className="flex flex-col gap-8 md:gap-12 lg:gap-16 max-w-screen-xl m-auto px-4 md:px-8 lg:px-12 xl:px-16 py-8 md:py-12 lg:py-16 xl:py-20"
        className="flex flex-col items-start gap-8 md:flex-row md:gap-4 xl:gap-6"
        <ProductGallery />
        <ProductDetails />
      <ProductSlider />

In the above code, we have used the getSdk function to create a new instance of the Alokai SDK. We have used the getProduct method to fetch the product details from the backend. We have used the params object to get the code of the product from the URL. We have used the console.log function to log the product details to the console. Once you visit the product details page, you will see the product details logged to the console as shown below:

Product Details

Now, we have successfully connected the product details page with the SAP Commerce Cloud backend. In the next step, we will display the product details on the product details page.

Displaying Product Details

Storefront UI Blocks are designed to be used with any backend and it does not follow any specific data structure. We need to map the data from the SAP Commerce Cloud backend to the Storefront UI Blocks to display the product details.

Let's start by creating props for the ProductGallery and ProductDetails Blocks for now.

ProductGallery Block

Open the app/components/ProductGallery.tsx file. First, we will create a TypeScript interface for the props of the ProductGallery Block.

In order to simplify the type definition, we will install the @vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-webservices-sdk type definitions package. This package contains all SAP Commerce Cloud native types. Run the following command in the root of your project to install the package:

npm install @vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-webservices-sdk

Now, open the app/components/ProductGallery.tsx file and add the following code:

// ... rest of the code
import { Product } from '@vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-webservices-sdk';

interface ProductGalleryProps {
  images: Product['images'];
// ... rest of the code

In the above code, we have created a TypeScript interface ProductGalleryProps for the props of the ProductGallery Block. We have used the Product type from the @vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-webservices-sdk package to define the type of the images prop.

Now, we will use the ProductGalleryProps interface to define the type of the props of the ProductGallery component. Replace the content of the app/components/ProductGallery.tsx file with the following code:

- export default function GalleryVertical() {
+ export default function GalleryVertical({ images }: ProductGalleryProps) {

We can also remove the images constant and withBase function from the ProductGallery component as we are now passing the images prop from the parent component.

Now, let's pass the images prop to the ProductGallery component in the app/product/[code]/page.tsx file. Replace the content of the app/product/[code]/page.tsx file with the following code:

- <ProductGallery />
+ <ProductGallery images={product.images} />

We also need to make some changes in the ProductGallery Block to conform to the new type definition. Open the app/components/ProductGallery.tsx file, find and replace all instance of:

  • imageThumbSrc with url
  • alt with altText
  • imageSrc with url

And, one more thing, we need to make sure that the ProductGallery component is using Next.js Image component to display the images. Open the app/components/ProductGallery.tsx file and replace the img tag with the Image component as follows:

"use client";
import { useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { useIntersection } from 'react-use';
import {
  type SfScrollableOnDragEndData,
} from '@storefront-ui/react';

import classNames from 'classnames';
import { Product } from '@vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-webservices-sdk';
import Image from 'next/image';

interface ProductGalleryProps {
  images: Product['images'];

export default function GalleryVertical({ images }: ProductGalleryProps) {
  const lastThumbRef = useRef<HTMLButtonElement>(null);
  const thumbsRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
  const firstThumbRef = useRef<HTMLButtonElement>(null);
  const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = useState(0);

  const firstThumbVisible = useIntersection(firstThumbRef, {
    root: thumbsRef.current,
    rootMargin: '0px',
    threshold: 1,

  const lastThumbVisible = useIntersection(lastThumbRef, {
    root: thumbsRef.current,
    rootMargin: '0px',
    threshold: 1,

  const onDragged = (event: SfScrollableOnDragEndData) => {
    if (event.swipeRight && activeIndex > 0) {
      setActiveIndex((currentActiveIndex) => currentActiveIndex - 1);
    } else if (event.swipeLeft && images && activeIndex < images.length - 1) {
      setActiveIndex((currentActiveIndex) => currentActiveIndex + 1);

  return (
    <div className="relative flex w-full max-h-[600px] aspect-[4/3]">
        className="items-center w-full [&::-webkit-scrollbar]:hidden [-ms-overflow-style:none] [scrollbar-width:none]"
        prevDisabled={activeIndex === 0}
        nextDisabled={images && activeIndex === images.length - 1}
            className={classNames('absolute !rounded-full z-10 top-4 rotate-90 bg-white', {
              hidden: firstThumbVisible?.isIntersecting,
            slotPrefix={<SfIconChevronLeft size="sm" />}
            className={classNames('absolute !rounded-full z-10 bottom-4 rotate-90 bg-white', {
              hidden: lastThumbVisible?.isIntersecting,
            slotPrefix={<SfIconChevronRight size="sm" />}
        {images?.map(({ url, altText }, index, thumbsArray) => (
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
            ref={index === thumbsArray.length - 1 ? lastThumbRef : index === 0 ? firstThumbRef : null}
            aria-current={activeIndex === index}
              'md:w-[78px] md:h-auto relative shrink-0 pb-1 mx-4 -mb-2 border-b-4 snap-center cursor-pointer focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-offset transition-colors flex-grow md:flex-grow-0',
                'border-primary-700': activeIndex === index,
                'border-transparent': activeIndex !== index,
            onMouseOver={() => setActiveIndex(index)}
            onFocus={() => setActiveIndex(index)}
            <Image alt={altText!} className="border border-neutral-200" width="78" height="78" src={url!} />
        className="w-full h-full snap-x snap-mandatory [&::-webkit-scrollbar]:hidden [-ms-overflow-style:none] [scrollbar-width:none]"
        wrapperClassName="h-full m-auto"
        drag={{ containerWidth: true }}
        {images?.map(({ url, altText }, index) => (
          <div key={`${altText}-${index}`} className="flex justify-center h-full basis-full shrink-0 grow snap-center">
              aria-hidden={activeIndex !== index}
              className="object-contain w-auto h-full"

Let's save the changes and run the application. Now, when you visit the product details page, you will see the product images an error in the console. This is because SAP Commerce Cloud does not provide the images in the expected format. In order for them to display correctly, we must transform images URL to contain the full path to the image.

Transforming Images URL

SAP Commerce Cloud provides the images URL not including the base URL. We need to transform the images URL to contain the full path to the image. As part of the Install Alokai Middleware guide, we have used environment variables to define the base URL of the SAP Commerce Cloud backend. But these are used in the Middleware and are not available in the Next.js app.

So, in order to use the SAPCC Base URL in the Next.js app, we need to create a new environment variable in the Next.js app. Create a new .env.local file in the root of the Next.js app and add the following code:


In the above code, we have created a new environment variable NEXT_PUBLIC_SAPCC_BASE_URL and set it to the base URL of the SAP Commerce Cloud backend. Now, we can use this environment variable to transform the images URL in the ProductGallery Block.

Open the app/components/ProductGallery.tsx file and add the following code at the top of the file:

const transformImageUrl = (url: string) => {
  return new URL(url, process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SAPCC_BASE_URL).toString();

Next, find and replace all instances of url! with transformImageUrl(url!) in the app/components/ProductGallery.tsx file.

Now, save the changes and run the application. Now, when you visit the product details page, you will see the product images displayed correctly another error in the console!

Don't panic! This is because the Next.js uses Image Optimization to automatically handle the images. We need to add hostname to the next.config.js file to allow the images to be displayed correctly.

Open the next.config.js file and add the following code:

module.exports = {
  transpilePackages: ["@repo/ui"],
  // add the following code
  images: {
    remotePatterns: [
        protocol: 'https',
        // add the hostname of YOUR the SAP Commerce Cloud backend
        hostname: '',
        port: '',

As well, the Next.js Image component requires the width and height props to be defined. We need to add the width and height props to the Image component in the app/components/ProductGallery.tsx file as follows:

  aria-hidden={activeIndex !== index}
  className="object-contain w-auto h-full"
  width="200" height="200"

Now, save the changes and run the application. Now, when you visit the product details page, you will see the product images displayed correctly.

Product Images

This was a big one! SAP Commerce Cloud provides the images URL not including the base URL. We have transformed the images URL to contain the full path to the image using the NEXT_PUBLIC_SAPCC_BASE_URL environment variable. We have also added the hostname to the next.config.js file to allow the images to be displayed correctly.

ProductDetails Block

This will be a quicker step, since we won't need to deal with a lot of images. Let's start by creating a TypeScript interface for the props of the ProductDetails Block.

Open the app/components/ProductDetails.tsx file and add the following code at the top of the file:

import { Product } from '@vsf-enterprise/sap-commerce-webservices-sdk';

interface ProductDetailsProps {
  product: Product;

Now, we will use the ProductDetailsProps interface to define the type of the props of the ProductDetails component. Replace the content of the app/components/ProductDetails.tsx file with the following code:

- export default function ProductDetails() {
+ export default function ProductDetails({ product }: ProductDetailsProps) {

Now, let's pass the product prop to the ProductDetails component in the app/product/[code]/page.tsx file. Replace the content of the app/product/[code]/page.tsx file with the following code:

- <ProductDetails />
+ <ProductDetails product={product} />

We also need to make some changes in the ProductDetails Block to conform to the new type definition. Let's replace all hardcoded values with the values from the product prop. Open the app/components/ProductDetails.tsx file and replace the content of ProductDetails function with the following code:

- const max = 999;
+  const max = product.stock?.stockLevel ?? 1;

-  Mini Foldable Drone with HD Camera FPV Wifi RC Quadcopter
+ {}

-  <strong className="block font-bold typography-headline-3">$2,345.99</strong>
+  <strong className="block font-bold typography-headline-3">{product.price?.currencyIso} {product.price?.value}</strong>

-  123
+  {product.numberOfReviews}

-  123 reviews
+  {product.numberOfReviews} reviews

-  <ul className="mb-4 font-normal typography-text-sm">
-    <li>HD Pictures & Videos and FPV Function</li>
-    <li>Intelligent Voice Control</li>
-    <li>Multiple Fun Flights</li>
-    <li>Easy to Use</li>
-    <li>Foldable Design & Double Flight Time</li>
-  </ul>

+  <p className="mb-4 font-normal typography-text-sm"
+     dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: product.summary ?? '' }} 
+  />

Now, save the changes and run the application. Now, when you visit the product details page, you will see the product details displayed correctly.

Product Details

Congratulations! You have successfully connected the product details page with the SAP Commerce Cloud backend and displayed the product details on the product details page.

I'll leave the ProductSlider Block for you to implement. I would recommend you to start with looking at the product.productReferences property in the product details response. This property contains the list of related products. You can use this property to display the related products in the ProductSlider Block.

You can find the complete implementation in the connecting-pdp branch


In this section, we have created a new product details page using Storefront UI. We have connected it with the SAP Commerce Cloud backend to display the product details. We have fetched the list of products from the backend and displayed links to products on the homepage. We have also fetched the product details from the backend and displayed the product details on the product details page. We have transformed the images URL to contain the full path to the image and displayed the product images on the product details page. We have also displayed the product details on the product details page.

So far we have learned how to get the data, transform it and display it in the Storefront UI Blocks. In the next step, we will learn how to add the product to the cart and display the cart details.

Next: Add product to Cart

Learn how to use Alokai Connect to add product to cart