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Alokai Console

It's time to get to know the Alokai Console - the cloud hosting platform that helps e-commerce storefront developers streamline their workflow and maximize their development potential.

With an intuitive, user-friendly interface and powerful administrative tools, Alokai Console makes managing e-commerce storefronts easier than ever before. Start using Alokai Console today and focus on what matters most: creating unique experiences for your customers.

What is Alokai Console?

Alokai Console is how you monitor and manage everything your company has hosted on the Alokai Cloud. It's a world-class, enterprise experience that includes a comprehensive range of services, such as infrastructure monitoring, logs, and alerting.

We provide comprehensive tools and features to help you manage and optimize a beautiful, functional, and secure e-commerce storefront for your business.

Under the hood, Alokai Console will deploy your application to Alokai Cloud. If you would like to learn more about this, check out the Alokai Cloud docs here.

Console features

With Alokai Console, users can take advantage of the latest technology and features, such as:

Next Steps

Thank you for choosing Console – we look forward to helping you succeed and get the most out of your online business!